The Hidden Vow Part 1

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Here I am, sitting on top of the hill covered with swords, just waiting for the right moment to do my duty as a Counter Guardian. With no goal to strive through, my only concern is to keep humanity from self-destruction. Strange enough, I haven't been summoned yet to prevent any disaster.

Even so, I don't mind at all this time of peace and tranquility. Gives me enough time to analize and rethink a few changes of events. One such change occurred within my personality, all thanks to that boy. But one thing that bothers me is the sensation that I've been feeling recently, one that I can't describe yet...

While I contemplated on that, I felt like I was teleporting from my landscape to some undisclosed place. This feeling it's all too familiar, I'm being summoned again.

"Took long enough, I suppose", I mutter to myself.

I stand up and close my eyes to embrace the summoning and empty my mind from any thought. Before I know it, I arrived at my mysterious destination.

I open my eyes and observe my surroundings. I see that I'm located in front of a huge, European-style mansion, probably constructed during the 20th century.

In front of me stands a blonde girl with long hair, style in large coils with ribbons, wearing a long, blue dress with sleeves. She looks like she's from a royal bloodline since her first impression and composure is graceful. Somehow, she strikes me as someone familiar from before.

"Looks like I got him after all. Identify yourself, Servant."

Quite hasty for a start there, but I will oblige to see how this unfolds. And Servant? That's strange...

"I am the Archer-class Servant. Who are you?", I questioned.

"I am your Master. I made the ritual so you can heed my call. I need to make sure that you will remain loyal as for our contract. Can you prove it to me?", demanded the lady.

Huh, the girl is quite tense, straightforward and dominant. Something tells me this is not going to end well. But it strikes me odd that I am summoned as a Servant.

"Loyalty it's not determined by contracts but by actions, lady. Now where's the proof that you are really my Master?", I cross my arms in a cocky way.

I'm going to test her out the same way as before in the 5th Holy Grail War just to assess her reactions and level of tolerance. This might get interesting.

She takes her left-hand glove and shows me her Command Seals. Her expression tells me that she's convinced that it will suffice as evidence.

"I'm sorry, lady, but that's not what I'm looking for. What I meant was if you are worthy of my loyalty. Those Command Seals means nothing except being an advantage on the battlefield.", I said this while smirking, putting an act of confidence.

Her face changes from neutral to offended, here we go...

"So, I have to prove to MY Servant that I'm worth enough to be trusted? I will let you know that I'm a first-rate mage from the Mages Association. I am Luviagelita Edelfelt and you WILL obey my command!", she exclaimed dominantly.

She's not backing down. At this rate, she may even use a Command Seal. I have no choice but to submit for now.

"I see. I will oblige in accordance to our contract. I apologize for my behavior, Master.", I said while bowing in respect.

I don't like the idea of being summoned by another bossy lady but I will have to follow her lead for now. Wait... Now that I think about it, I somewhat remember that name...

"That's more like it. I will acknowledge you as my Servant and overlook that rebellious act, Archer. Now, follow me to discuss our plans.", she said, turning around and walking to the entrance of the mansion.

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