The Hidden Vow Part 2

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Rin Tohsaka, my former Master and winner of the 5th Holy Grail War, recognized me with a shocked expression. It is as if she almost didn't believe that I was here in front of her.

"Well, look who's here. It's been two years, hasn't it?", I said casually with a slight smile.

I got to admit, I am relieved that Rin is doing well. But strange enough, there's someone missing...

"But how are you here? There's only one way to get you summoned...", she holds her chin in thought.

"Let's just say that someone borrowed a previous item for my summoning.", I point out with a brief look to my Master.

At that moment, Rin figured it out by the second. With just seeing her angered face I could tell, things were about to get rather violent.

" You stole my pendant?! How could you?! ", she exclaimed while clinching her fists in controlled anger.

Luvia just smirks and rest her hands on her hips, amused by Rin's honest reaction.

"Sorry Tohsaka but from the reports on the 5th Holy Grail War I could tell that this Archer is indeed one of the best in his class, despite not knowing his identity. So, I decided that I will be his Master since I'm a better magus than you."

Well, I could disagree there but I'm in no position to intervene yet, not while Rin is about to verbally obliterate Luvia. That evil smile that she's showing is one I will never forget since I met her.

" It's that so? Last time I checked, I was the winner of the 5th Holy Grail War, which means I'm a superior magus by a long stretch. Even Lord El-Melloi 2 would agree on that fact.", Rin explains naturally with a devilish smile.

Luvia growled out of anger on that statement. That one surely hit a nerve there.

I better intervene before things go out of hand and starts a fight here. I stepped in between both rivals to stop them.

" Alright you two, settle down. The point of this alliance is cooperation and I need you two to stop this inmature debate. Look, Rin..."

As I approached Rin, someone stepped forward in front of her and blocked my path. This magical energy indicates that he is a Servant.

"Why are you interfering? This doesn't concern you."

The Servant summons what it seems like a red spear covered in some cloth, making it hard to trace it and analize with my Tracing magic.

"I apologize, Archer. But this does concern me because Lady Tohsaka is my Master and I don't see you as trustworthy. Step back or face the consequences.", he says while getting in a battle-ready position.

I see, so he's the Lancer-class Servant. Quite different from the previous Lancer except the dark teal outfit that slightly resembles him. He has black, quirky hair styled back in a rough fashion, with a loose strand hanging in his face. He is a man that can win a woman's heart at first glance.

"You dare to challenge me, Lancer? I don't know which Heroic Spirit you are, but you got some guts if you think you can defeat me.", I said devoid of emotion as I project Kanshou on my right hand.

Kanshou is one of the twin blades that I mostly use. I will be prepared to face him if he intends to use force.

Just when I felt like we were about to clash, Rin steps in at the nick of time.

"Lancer, withdraw your weapon right now! You too, Archer! We have to cooperate to win this war!", she softly yells determined.

I looked at her, exasperated since SHE was the first one to show hostility, despite her good reasons.

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