Battle in the Einzbern Forest: Part 3

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(3rd Person View)

Archer looked at the Green Archer, confusion clearly seen in his eyes, "But why would you help the enemy?", questioned to him.

The man in green stared at Archer for a few seconds, until he chuckles amused, "Don't get me wrong, in any other circumstance I would had let you die but I need you for something"

Archer stared at his eyes, uncertain of what his enemy's intention are. Why would he keep him alive?

"What is it that you want?", Archer asked suspiciously, his eyes narrowed in search for any indication that he may be lying.

"Tell me this first, Red Archer. Do you believe in justice? Do you believe in putting others over yourself, no matter what? Do you have any sort of pride in you?", the Green Man asked dreadfully, hoping to get the right answers.

Archer's eyes widen in surprise but soon let out a slight growl of annoyance. He knows the answers to those questions, but at the same time he despises them. He threw away those ideals and values to become something else, to become someone else. And yet, he is slowly getting them back, all because of that certain battle with himself, a reminder that he may have needed.

"I... I once believed in them. I believed in justice and putting others over myself at all times. Seeing others happy was all that mattered to me. But now, I'm not sure anymore.", EMIYA responded hesitantly as he looked at the night sky, his steel eyes highlighted thanks to the moonlight.

The orange-haired Archer frowned at such response but he looked down , he understands the struggle perfectly, "Looks like we're in the same boat. I was the unknown hero of a village, but in reality they never saw me as a hero. Just a man in green protecting them from any harm just because I felt obliged to protect them, since my father was born in that village. However, as soon as the nobles sent soldiers to see if the villagers were affiliated with me, they denied any involvement whatsoever.", explained with a slight smile, but it was not one of joy, it was one of sorrow as he stared at the ground.

"Since the villagers named me a madman for protecting me and were never thankful for what I did in the first place, they turned against me. But I still fought and protected them, until the end. I never wanted their gratitude, I just wanted to save them from the tyrannical rule from the feudal lord of the region and after the passing of my father, it felt like it was my responsibility. But even that I couldn't accomplished. I fought alone and died alone, not known by anybody. What can I say? I was fond of the place.", he finished as he closed his eyes, thinking of his past.

He shifted his body to EMIYA, "Looking at you, your eyes are one of whom have been through something similar. I have a feeling we're more alike than we want to admit, as much as I dislike it. That's why I'm going to ask of you this, save my Master from this war and from the organization. I went along with their plans since we Servants don't have much of a choice."

"What happened to your Master?", EMIYA asked briefly to get more information, his curiosity sparked.

"She's in this war forced against her will. Her family is being kept hostage and made her a Master since they were lacking one Master to have 7 to total their numbers. She's not a first-rate mage but she was able to summon me using a catalyst. She's not directly participating in the war, she's only providing mana and Command Seals for me so I can do their bidding. After seeing what they're capable of, I have no love for them at all. They're dangeorus and they will do anything to win this war, at any cost.", he stated, his words filled with distaste.

The Red Archer analyzes his words and his situation. He's not lying about his past nor about his Master. He knows who he is, the infamous Robin Hood, or at least one of it's incarnations. He knows about his legend but hearing it from himself, it reminded him too much of when he was alive. Two unknown so-called heroes that gave everything for others, only to be betrayed and killed with no fame nor gratitude. It makes him angry, thinking of how stupid he was for protecting the villagers, even after been betrayed and named a criminal. But he doesn't judge him, because he probably would had done the same in his position.

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