Bonding In A Frenzy

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Within my dreams, I see an image of a person in the middle of a bare wasteland, on his knees, with wounds all over his body. I noticed that within his arms, there's another person that he's holding that it seems lifeless. All I could hear is the strong wind of the wasteland and the painful sobs of that man, suffering to the loss of someone dear to him. Just before I begin to unravel the scenery, I wake up suddenly.

The sunlight that escapes through the gaps of the one-piece curtain that covers the window brighten the room and stings my eyes briefly. As I get adjusted to the brightness within the room, I look at Luvia.

She is still sleeping, facing the opposite way to the covered window. I stand up, went to the window and slide the curtain to expose the whole room to the morning sunlight.

Luvia groans at the exposure of the sun right to her face and covers herself with the blanket. I let out a sigh and start shaking her softly.

"Wake up, Master. It's morning already, we have work to do.", I said quietly.

I only hear her groaning, still defying to wake up. I lift the blanket to uncover her from her little haven of sleepiness.

"If you don't wake up, I will throw you a glass of cold water and you're not going to like it.", I said with intimidation.

As if alarmed by my warning, she slowly sits up and rubs her eyes to eliminate any residue of sleep in her mind. She then looks at me with eyes widen and face all red as if hot steam was dispensed to her face directly.

" A-Archer, w-why you are without a shirt?!", she exclaimed, stuttering.

I look at myself and understood why she was reacting that way. She have never seen a man showing so much bare skin before. Perfect opportunity to make things entertaining.

"Oh I see. You never seen such a good-looking man before, did you?", I stated with a wicked smirk.

I sit on the bed, dangerously close to her. I leaned toward her and gaze on her dark, brown eyes. She blushes darkly, speechless and without any motion.

"What's the matter? No need to be frightened, my lady."

I went closer to her, face to face, barely feeling the shaky breathing of Luvia. Just when I was barely centimeters to kiss her, I let out a slight chuckle, stood up from the bed and went walking to get my clothes.

"Sorry Master, but have to leave. We have a long day ahead of us, so get ready.", I explained casually with a blank expression.

As if my words snapped her out of a trance, Luvia stands up and throws a pillow at me, enraged at my careless teasing from a few seconds ago.

"How you dare make fun of me as if I'm a doll! I won't tolerate such disrespectful behavior.", she snapped as she picks up her pillow.

I step aside to evade easily the pillow that she picked up and sat down on my bed to put on the black shoes while I let out an amused smile to her reaction.

"I apologize Master, but I wanted some payback from yesterday."

"It doesn't give you the right to do that to your Master!", she yelled furiously.

I stood up and put my shirt on, just about go while Luvia was still having a fuss about my stunt.

"Whatever you say, Master. I will wait for you outside, get yourself ready quickly."

Before Luvia could say another word or throw a pillow, I opened the door and went outside while closing the door behind me. Maybe I went too far on teasing, but she asked for it anyways.

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