The ugly girl, turn beautiful

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Chapter 1

First day of school

Hey let me introduce myself my name is Amanda clause, yes I said clause and no I am not related to Santa clause and I am 16 years old. My name is what I get bullied at school for, that and I also get bullied because of how I look. Let me tell you how I look, well I have freckles, I wear glasses big ones (like the one the reporter girl Carly from YU-GI-OH5DS wears), I don't have acne problem which I really am happy about, and I also have horrible hair why you ask because no matter what I do with it (which is not a lot) it always look like I have bed head. You know what is funny that is that I am the only ugly looking one in my family and no I am not adopted because my mom made a video and yes I said a video on the day I was born.

Last year I had my brother to protect me from all the bullying that has been happening to me because everyone is scared of (well he is the captain in the martial arts we have in our school) him but every girl is in love with him. Well this is a new year which my brother isn't going to be there because he is going to be in college. So I am going to fend off the bullies on my own and it is that is not going to be fun.

My day starts like any other I wake up then I take a shower and get ready for school and wishing I don't have to go to school. When I got ready then I headed to downstairs for breakfast then head to school. Which I hope that there was a snow storm in September one and when I got downstairs my brother and my dad was on table eating and my mom was in the kitchen cooking her and my food.

"Good morning," I said to everyone and going to my mom and kiss her on the cheek and then went to kiss my dad on the cheek and then I went to hug my brother.

"Good morning hunny," my mom said to me.

"Good morning" my dad and brother said at the same time. Sometimes my mom and I always joke saying that they are twins because they look alike. My brother looks just like my dad they both brown hair, same face structure. The only thing my brother has the same thing as my mom is her eyes which are green.

"Hurry up and eat Amanda and your brother would give you a ride to school," my mom told me handing my food and then sitting down beside my dad to eat.

After everyone was done my dad went to work my mom is going to walk to my grandmother's house which is just two blocks from where we lived. Then 5 minutes later my brother and I left for school and him to university and we had a good conversation in the car and before I knew it we in front of my school.

"Amanda if anything happens you know you can just call me ok," my brother told me.

"Ok thanks Michael. Bye," I told my brother.

I got out of the car and my brother drove off and I stared at the school, "Here goes," I whispered to myself and I started to walk to the front door of the school.

It is not a big chapter but I am just finding out what you think and then my next chapter is going be bigger. So please tell me what you think.

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