The ugly girl, turn beautiful

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Chapter 5

Hi I am really sorry it has been some time since I wrote a chapter, something came up that took my time so I have two chapters up for you chapters 5,6. So thank you for being patient.

Amanda pov

Oh no my day is going to be worse why didn’t I say no, WHY DIDN’T I SAY NO. Oh great here comes Zoey and her squad of puppets. I call them her puppets because they do everything that she tells them to do and I mean everything I bet that if she tells them to jump off a bridge they will.

“Hey Amanda why don’t you introduce us to this hotty” she said while I was throwing up in my mouth, what is wrong with her. I mean she is standing there chewing her gum with her mouth open and twirling her hair. When I looked at Damien the new kid looked like he was going to throw up anytime.

“ummmm, this is the new kid Damien” I told her. I know why did I answer well didn’t you notice I do what people tell me to do which I hate I wish I wasn’t like this.

Well Zoey looked very interested because she went even closer to him and I mean close as almost touching skin to skin and you can tell that Damien was getting very uncomfortable because he was backing up. Well his lucky because here comes Mrs. Satchel and I know what you’re thinking hey I thought the same thing satchel as in the bag satchel.

“Ok everyone sit down class is going to start very soon” Mrs. Satchel told everyone. After the teacher said that everyone went to sit and then I pointed and whispered to Damien where to stand until the teacher introduced him and then I went to my seat.

“Okay everyone there is a new student. Can you please come up here and introduce yourself.” She asked him and so he went beside her.

“Hi my name is Damien. Also don’t come in my personal space” and that is all he said and I get why he said that because what happened with Zoey. I looked at Zoey and boy was I happy because she looked very embarrassed.  

“Okay everyone I want you treat him good. If you have any question Damien you can ask anybody. So chose a seat you want to sit in” she told him. There are only two empty seats in my class one beside me and the other seat is beside Zoey. So he started walking and I already knew he was going to sit beside Zoey so I looked down at my book and started to read my book. When I was reading I heard a gasps I looked up and boy was I surprised he was standing by my next and then he sat down beside me. He then he looked at me and did a small smile and then shrugged his shoulder and then faced the front of the desk.

The rest of the day went quickly and in every class he chose to sit beside me. There is gym class at the last period but today the gym teacher wife just had a baby so he can’t come in today but there is gym class tomorrow.

So I went outside and I sat on a bench beside the front door and Damien sat beside me. My brother wasn’t here yet and then I saw a limo come up and Damien got up.

“Bye” Damien told me and then went to the limo which was held open for him and just at that moment a car came up behind their car and he froze and looked at the car and that person was my brother. My brother owned a convertible so he had the top open so he stood up.

“Amanda come on mom said that she is ordering pizza today.” He told me while waving at me. After my brother said that to me Damien looked back and stared at me. I stood up and I was smiling which Damien was surprised because I don’t smile a lot during school. So I got up and ran to my brother car and open the door and got in and put my seat belt. After that Damien went in his limo and drove off and then my brother went. What I noticed as we were driving was that Damien was going the same way.

I didn’t tell where we live and one yes I am rich but no one in school knows. I live in one of the best area in my city and the most expensive. My family is nothing like any other rich family for one we don’t got any one working in our family so I don’t have any cooks or drivers or cleaners and etc., our family does that on our own. So when we got to our drive and I couldn’t believe where he lives, oh I don’t want anyone from school to know that I am rich.

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