The ugly girl, turn beautiful

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Chapter 6

Damien POV.

I don’t know why but the girl that showed me around looked as if her life is going to get worse today. What was here name again oh that’s right I heard the principle call her Amanda. Then I looked where Amanda was looking and I saw this girl wearing too much makeup came up to us with some other girls walking behind her.

“Hey Amanda why don’t you introduce us to this hotty” I heard her ask Amanda and I and I fet like throwing up I mean she is standing there chewing her gum with her mouth open and twirling her hair  while, what is wrong with her. When I looked at Amanda I noticed that she looked like she was going to throw up anytime or already throwing up in her mouth.

“Ummmm, this is the new kid Damien” I heard Amanda tell the girl with too much make up on. I looked at her thinking why was she answering her question she didn’t have to.

Well this weird girl looked very interested because she came to close to me she was getting in my personal space and I mean close as almost touching skin to skin and you can tell that I was getting very uncomfortable because I was backing up. Well I got lucky because here comes the teacher.

“Ok everyone sit down, class is going to start very soon” Mrs. Satchel told everyone. After the teacher said that everyone went to sit and then Amanda pointed and whispered to me where to stand until the teacher introduced me and then she went to her seat.

“Okay everyone there is a new student. Can you please come up here and introduce yourself.” She asked me, so I went beside her.

“Hi my name is Damien. Also don’t come in my personal space” that is all I said and you can’t blame me I mean what just happen to me a few seconds ago I looked at the weird girl and boy she looked very embarrassed. 

“Okay everyone I want you treat him good. If you have any question Damien you can ask anybody. So chose a seat you want to sit in” she told him. There are only two empty seats in the class one beside Amanda and the other seat is beside the weird girl. So I started walking and noticed that Amanda looked at me then back to her textbook. When I got near her I heard gasps coming from everybody and that is when she looked up and boy did she look surprised that I was standing beside her, so I just sat down beside her. I then looked at her and did a small smile and then I shrugged my shoulder and then faced the front of the class

The rest of the day went quickly and in every class I chose to sit beside her. There is gym class at the last period but today the gym teacher wife just had a baby so he can’t come in today but there is gym class tomorrow. I couldn’t believe that gym class was cancelled that was the only thing I was looking forward to.

So I went outside and I sat and saw Amanda sitting on a bench beside the front door and I sat beside her. It seemed that she was waiting for someone and that moment I saw my limo come up and so I got up.

“Bye” I told her and then went to the limo which was held open and just at that moment a car came up behind the limo so I stared at the car well convertible. The owner of the convertible had the top open so he stood up.

“Amanda come on mom said that she is ordering pizza today.” I heard him call to Amanda while waving at to her. So I looked back and stared at her surprised. I saw her stand up and I was surprised because she was smiling which I didn’t see her smile a lot during school. So I saw her get up and ran to him and open the door and got in and put her seat belt on. After that I got in went in my limo and drove off and then she went after. What I noticed as I was being driven home was that she was going the same way.

When we got to my house or mansion whatever you want to call it I was surprised who my neighbour was.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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