The ugly girl, turn beautiful

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Chapter 4

Damien POV.

I opened my eyes and the place didn’t look familiar until I remembered that we have moved from Hawaii to Canada, wow look at that I moved from somewhere hot to somewhere cold. I didn’t like the move that we did and it is not because Canada is a cold place in winter it is because I am leaving all my friends. You know I am not Hawaiian at all actually I was born in America and moved around a lot until we went to Hawaii when I was 7. So the reason I was late to school wasn’t because family problems it’s because I woke up late and took my time getting ready and eating breakfast. After some time my mom got so annoyed and tired of me she literally dragged me out of the house by my ear.

So when we got to the school I saw some guy waiting in front of the school gate. As we got closer I saw him wearing a badge that had the wrote principle on it so I bet that is the principle. So we followed him until we got close to the school doors when his cell-phone started to ring. When he answered you can tell it was not something good and by the looks of it whatever a student or students did they better watch out. It was a little boring so I don’t know why but I looked up and I saw someone on the roof of the school I don’t think she noticed. She was not that bad looking I would call her cute, she wearing this weird glasses and I bet that she could find better glasses to wear than that pair. When I looked back at the principle he was finished and apologizing to my parents and started to look around and he looked up and so did I and I noticed that she was turning around to walk away.

“Amanda can you please get down here,” he yelled and this made my parents look up. She looked as if she didn’t want to come down but she did anyway. When she came through the door I noticed that she had her head down and was rubbing her hands together on front of herself and I could tell she was a shy person.

“Yes,” she whispered but it was still loud enough for the principle to hear her and everyone else to, just barely.

“Why aren’t you in class?,” he asked her confused.

“Mr. Swaski said that I could leave early because I finished all my work when he went to see you,” she said. I noticed her look up and see the principle smiled at her and then he turned around and started to talk to my parents. So I know more about her such she might be a good student and did what she is told to do. I also noticed that she wasn’t listening to what the principle asked her.

“Why don’t you show them around Amanda?” he asked her but she didn’t look up until he said her name. I looked at my parents and I could tell they were amused and that they liked her.

 “What did you say principle Malone,” she asked him and that is when I found out that the principle name was Malone.

“I said wouldn’t it be great If you Can show them around while I go solve the problem that is happening up in my office,” he told her again.

“I…I,” she said as if she didn’t want to. Pretty much the phrase “cat got your tongue” can be used here.

“That’s great thank you Amanda,” he said then left without her saying yes. I noticed she started to look at all of us and when she looked at my bodyguard she looked a bit scared and so I looked at him and noticed that he had his work face up which makes him look as if he was about to kill someone at any second. My dad was the first person to introduce himself.

“Hey nice to meet you I am George,” he said and held out his hand for a shake and  she shaked it and when she did my dad’s bodyguard beside him looked like he was going to step forward and break her hand, Which is all for looks to look tough.

“Hey my name is Lily and this my son Damien,” my mom said bubbly which my mom never does and then pointing at me ‘her son’ then did something I wasn’t expecting her to do because she is not a ‘stranger hugger’ and she hugged her and I noticed she was starting to look stiff until finally my dad told my mom to let her go. She looked at me and said “Hey” and all I did was nod back.

She told us to follow her, well more like she whispered it. So we followed her to an office which I noticed wasn’t the principle and got my time sheet which is which class I am taking and at what time.

“Hey do any of these class are the same class as yours,” my mom asked her. So I noticed she looked at it and she seemed surprised.

“Yes all,” I heard her tell my mom back.

“Oh that is awesome isn’t it,” she asked me and all I did was shrug my shoulder. I don’t care because I noticed she won’t be someone who is going to jump on me so I would probably sit beside her.

So after she showed us around a bit more I noticed that it was almost time for my second period class  so my mom asked her to take me to my class and maybe to my other classes and of course my bodyguard couldn’t come. So when we entered everyone’s eyes were on us and I noticed that they were glaring at her and cursing at her and not cursing out loud but to each other and I am thinking ‘why’. I also forgot to tell one of my favourite spot she showed was when she showed the gym which I almost smiled and she noticed and so I glared at her.

Hey I am sorry I haven’t written a chapter in some time. The reason why is because I have been really busy. So as always comment and vote and maybe follow if you are not already. If you follow me I would follow you.

Thank you

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