The ugly girl, turn beautiful

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Chapter 2

So here we are at StarFire high, you know I don’t know why the school is named that. So enter in the horror of all horror, or to me any way. As I was heading to my first class which I hate and that is math, you know many people think because I wear glasses that means I am smart. I am not dumb mind you I get ok grades on some subjects and better at others. You know now that I think math is not my worst but it would be under my top 3 but my worst which I can’t call it a subject is gym, I am horrible at sports on like my brother. Oh no it is the worst of worst classmate the one who started name calling me, Zoey Stone. Please don’t see me, please don’t see me, please don’t…….

“Hey clause you know last Christmas I didn’t get what I want can you tell your dad or grandpa whoever is Santa clause that they better get it for me this year,” she said as her friends were laughing at me.

‘See me’, oh too late. You know if my brother was here would have stopped her before she said one word but me being can’t. oh how I wish I was more like my brother but no I had to be someone who keeps quiet and ignore and walks away like what I am doing know. Which I hate because no matter how far I go away from them I could still hear them laughing as I walk to class and other students who had joined them. One good thing about my first class is that Zoey isn’t in it. So here I am in math class and there is Mr. Swaski and he is weird, I shouldn’t be talking I am just as weird well that is what other say. I walked in class and took my seat which is at the back of the class beside a window and of course no one sat beside me which I am happy (our tables are two seated desk.

“Good morning everyone,” Mr. Swaski said to everyone exited.

“Good morning Mr. Swaski,” everyone in class said back but me.

“So I have a big surprise for all of you. So you might have heard or not have heard that we might be getting a new student. Well you heard right because he is coming a little because of some problem,” he told us.

“He? So it is a guy, oh I bet he is good looking,” said one of the student in my class.

“So everyone I am going to go and talk to the principle about the new student and wait for him so you guys start pages 10-30. Ok?,” he told everyone.

“Ok,” everyone said together not so happy about the work they had to do.

“Good, then get started,” he told everyone as he left. Everyone waited for a few minutes before they started talking to each other about the new student instead of doing their work. Well not everyone I was doing what he told everyone to do. I was having some problem on it but at least I am doing it.  Oh Mr.Swaski is back, where is the new student.

“Ok everyone it looks like he might not be coming into this class today because there is a problem going on at the moment but he might be coming later on today. So some of you might have him in your other classes,” he said to everyone. No one was happy with that but there wasn’t anything they could do.

“Ok everyone I am going to come to each of you do see how far you have gone on the work I assigned you all,” he said to everyone. They were all scared because they didn’t do any of the work, well I did. He was not happy as he was going around the class until he came to my desk which I was half done, I don’t know if I got all of it right.

“Good job Amanda,” Mr. Swaski said to me.

“You mean good job Clause,” said one student in my class making others laugh. Mr. Swaski looked at them and frowned and that made them stop laughing and then he looked at me.

Amanda since you’re the only one who did most of the work then you don’t have to finish the rest and the ones you did you are getting 100 percent on it and you can leave class 1 hour early today. All I did was shake my okay and smiled.

Hour before class ends

“Okay Amanda you can leave right now,” Mr. Swaski told me. I got up and grabbed my backpack and as I was leaving the class everyone was glaring at me. When I got out of class I heard Mr. Swaski tell everyone to get back to work and they start complaining. As I was in the hall and start walking to my favourite spot I notice how quiet and how peaceful it was without student all over the place. So I got to my favourite spot in the whole which is the roof which you can get there by taking stairs. I laid down on the floor and closed my eyes and started resting until I started to hear some noise.

Thanks for waiting I am going to upload 1 chapter every Thursday or earlier depending on how much time I had but the latest I am going is Thursday.

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