2nd January , Tuesday

451 10 0

BANANA CULTURE Building , Dance Studio , 10.00...
Solji : What ?!
LE : Pardon ?
Hyerin : Why ?!
Manager : Because , it will raise both your population and you could make new friends
LE : I refuse !
Solji : But-... Hyojin-ah , it could be for the best
Manager : I'm sorry to say this , but they're on their way
Junghwa : Huh ?!
Hyerin : We're screwed...
Hani : But wouldn't it be great for you , Hyerin ? You get to see your best friend
Hyerin : Oh , that's right
*EXID laughs*

Meanwhile , outside the building...
V : We're here
Suga : Must we do this ?
RM : Just for the sakes of our company
Jungkook : What do we call them ?
Jin : They will introduce themselves , let's go in first
Solji : Hyerin , can you bring some chairs here ?
Hani : Wouldn't it be better if we use the 'Hot Pink' bench ? The five of us can squeeze together
Junghwa : How many members are there ?
Hani : 7
Junghwa gasps : Seriously ?!
Hani : Yes
LE : Well hurry up and arrange the chairs
Hyerin : Our choreographer is laughing at us *pouts and laugh*
Solji : There , it's done
Hyerin lift phone : Unnie , do a celebratory dance
Hani dances : Like this ?
LE follows Hani : ... *laughs*
Solji : Cute
Choreographer switch on stereo : We'll use that for your comeback *laughs*
Hani dances : Are you recording ?
Hyerin holds laugh : No...
RM opens door : Hello
Hani : Ah ! *hides behind Hyerin*
*EXID laughs*
Junghwa : Unnie !
Hani : Hyerin-ah , delete that
Hyerin : Yes , yes *laughs*
LE : 야
Solji : Oh ! Sorry *gets up* Hello
EXID : Hello *bows*
BTS bows : Hello
Manager : Please take a seat
RM : Oh , yes
Solji : Hyerin-ah , off the stereo
Hyerin : Yes~ *switch off stereo*
LE : Heeyeon-ah , sit down
Hani : Hold on , Unnie *puts hand up*
Junghwa laughs : Puhaha
LE frowns : 야 ! Faster come and sit !
Hani : Okay , Unnie~ *sits down*
Jin thinking : They have a very... tough personality
Manager : Girls , this is BTS , I'm sure you know them . Guys , this is EXID... for now , let's introduce ourselves before we get to some lecturing
LE : Lecturing ? Ah , geez
Hani laughs : Haha
Manager : We'll start with Solji
LE : Full name ?
Manager : Pardon ?
Junghwa : Do we introduce our full name ?
Manager : You don't have to if you don't want to
Solji : Hello , I'm Solji , I'm the uh...
Hyerin holds laugh : ...
Solji : Leader of EXID
EXID claps : ...
LE : Whoo , whoo
BTS claps confusingly : ...
Hyerin : Hello , I'm Hyelin
Solji nods : That's right
Junghwa : Yes... Hello , I'm EXID's Park Jeonghwa
LE pats Hani's shoulder : ...
Hani : Hello , I'm Ahn Heeyeon , you can call me Hani *smiles*
Hyerin laughs : Hehe
Hani : What ?!
Hyerin : Nothing
Solji : You're cute
Hani covers face : Unnie~
Suga thinking : 야 , quit fooling around...
Junghwa : LE Unnie
LE : Hello , I'm...
Hani looks at LE : Ahn Hyojin
LE : 야 ! *hits Hani lightly and laughs* Yes , Ahn Hyojin... you can call me LE *smiles and nods* Yes
Hyerin : Ahn Sisters
LE : 야
Hyerin purse lips : Sorry
Solji wraps arms around Hyerin : ...
Jimin : Uh... Hyung-ah
RM : Yes , hello , I'm Kim Namjoon , my stage name is RM
JHope : I'm Jung Hoseok , nice to meet you
V : Stage name ?
JHope : Oh , JHope
LE : Pardon ? JHope ?
JHope : Yes
RM : It has a meaning
Solji : Oh , really ?
JHope : Yes , because I want to be the fans' light and hope
LE looks at Hyerin : ... *laughs*
Hyerin : Sorry , I'm confused
JHope : It's okay
RM : Next ?
Jin : Yes , I'm Kim Seokjin , you can call me Jin
EXID nods : ...
Jungkook : Hello , I'm Jeongguk
Hani : Are you okay ? Why are you all red ?
RM : He gets shy around girls
Solji : Ah...
Hyerin looks at Junghwa : ...
Junghwa : What ?
Hyerin : Double Jung
Junghwa : Ah , geez...
LE : 2H is enough trouble
Hani : What did we do , Unnie ?
Manager : Sorry if they're too noisy , it's how they normally are
EXID : What ?
Hani : Oppa , we're having fun
LE : We're not noisy , we're playful
Hyerin : I thought you were going to say 'sexy'
Junghwa : No , that's Hani Unnie , not LE Unnie
Solji : Kids , keep it down
LE : Sorry
Hyerin : Sorry , please continue
Suga : I'm Min Yoongi a.k.a Suga
V : Hello , I'm Kim Taehyung , also known as V
Hani : Are you a rapper ?
V : No , Yoongi Hyung is
LE : 야
Hani : I can't tell the difference , and V sounds like it's similar to your stage name
LE : Heeyeon-ah...
Hani holds laugh : ...
Jimin : Yes , I'm Park Jimin , nice to meet you
Hyerin : That's easy to remember... Oppa , please continue
Manager : I'm sure both groups have been informed of this meeting
Everyone : Yes
Manager : Like said , it's to raise your populatio-...
LE : Oppa , we don't need population... *frowns*
Manager : What do you mean ?
LE : We didn't became an idol to be famous , we became an idol because it was our dream
Hani & Junghwa nods : ...
LE : Our name says it all , why do we have to do this ? We're disbanding soon...
Suga thinking : What ?!
Solji : Hyojin-ah , let's do as told , this could be a new start
Hyerin : Yes... it's the first week of a new year
LE nods : Yes...
Hani wraps arm around LE : Oppa , please continue
Manager : So... you guys will debut as a new group soon , and we want you all to vote on a leader and choose a new group name
RM : Is that all ?
Manager : You guys will be moving in to a new dorm just for a certain time to get along
Jungkook : Move...?
Manager : We'll leave you guys alone for now to bond
Jin : When are we moving ?
Manager : We're not sure , but you'll be informed . Take this few days to get along before we start to prepare for your debut *bows* Thank you
Solji : Thank you !
RM : Thank you !
Solji : LE...
LE : Sorry for my behaviour *gets up*
Hyerin stretch arms : Ah...
Junghwa : Move ? Again ?
Jimin : What do we do now ?
RM : Let's get to know them first , they won't bite , they're just playful
Hyerin : Hobi , it's great to see you again !
BTS : ...
JHope : Hello , Hyerin Noona
Jin : What is this ?
Solji : Oh , Hyerin and Hoseok used to be in the same academy
V : For real ?
Jungkook : Wow
LE smiles : ...
Choreographer : You're cute when you smile
LE : No...
Choreographer : This is all going on to the web page
LE : No !
Junghwa jumps on LE : Unnie !
LE : Ah , you're heavy !
Choreographer : Junghwa , What do you think of LE ?
Junghwa : LE Unnie... is scary , I'm scared of you
LE : You're scared ? That's how it should be
Solji : Kids , let's gather !
EXID : Yes
LE : Ah , get off !
Hyerin laughs : Poor Junghwa
Jungkook whisper : I'm scared of her...
Jimin laughs : Haha
Solji : What shall we do for the day ?
LE : Sleep
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji : 야...
Hani : We can go to a cafē
Junghwa : Ooh~
Hyerin : The cafē ?
LE : Okay
Solji : Call ?
Hani raise hand : Call !
Solji : Who will ask ?
LE : Unnie , you're the leader
Hani : That's right , you have to take responsibility
Solji walks to RM : Sorry for bothering , Uh... shall we head to a cafē ?
V : Cafē ?
Jin : Really ?
RM : Okay , we'll grab our bags and go together
Jimin : Do we wait at the parking lot ?
Solji : No... we're walking there
Suga : What ?
Solji : It's nearby
Junghwa : Teacher , please lock up
Choreographer : The cafē's not open
LE : Huh ?
Choreographer : It's not open
Solji : Then...
RM : Do you have a canteen ?
Solji : It's a small space but we can go there
RM : Then we'll go together
Solji : Alright
Hyerin : Unnie , your keys
Hani : Oh , thank you... no , don't throw !
Hyerin : Uh-oh... sorry ! I'm so sorry ! I didn't mean it !
Suga : This-...
RM : Let's go get some ice
Suga : Geez...
LE pats Hyerin's back : Let's go
Hyerin : Yes...

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