3rd November , Saturday

19 0 0

KBS building , studio 5 , 10.23...
Jungkook yawns : ...
Hyerin : I have a bad feeling about this
Jimin : We have PE today , to be wearing sports wear
RM : Of course
Jin : The rain is getting worse...
Solji : Oh !
RM gets up : Good morning
B.E : Good morning
Heechul : Yes , please sit
V : Suga Hyung isn't here
Heechul : Okay , today we were suppose to do some task
JHope : What task ?
Heechul : It's random , it's set by the Principal
Solji : Oh...
Heechul : But since it's raining , we have postpone it to Friday
RM : I thought we have something on Friday
Heechul : It'll be postpone to Sunday
Hani : I thought it was suppose to be 5 days this week
Heechul : Don't ask me !
B.E laughs : Haha
Heechul : So one absent ?
Junghwa : Yeah
Hyerin : Where is he ?
Heechul : Today , we're having sports class... we'll have possible activities like basketball
BTS : Ohh
Heechul : Maybe archery
Jin : Our team sportsman is absent
BTS laughs : Haha
Heechul : And if possible , we have recess
B.E : Ohh
LE : Are you buying ?
Heechul : No
LE : Then there's no point
B.E laughs : Haha
Heechul : But first things first , we're going to split classes
Junghwa : Hold on , why ?
Heechul : Just For today and tomorrow , to make recess look less messy
RM : Just for 2 days ?
Solji : Alright
Heechul : Jungkook , Hyerin , Junghwa , Taehyung , Solji and Yoongi
Solji : What ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Ah , I'm with these rascals ?
Hyerin : Unnie , what 'rascals' ?
Hani : So the madnae line are here ?
Jin : Poor Noona and Suga
Jungkook laughs : Haha
RM : Oh , Jimin is with us
Heechul : Right now , let's move to the basketball court
B.E gets up : ...
Jimin : Let's go
JHope : We need Suga Hyung here
V : Right
Solji : Wait , is it 5 versus 6 ?

After awhile...
B.E : Ohh
Hani : I didn't know KBS had a basketball court
Heechul : Now you know
LE : Teacher , is it a 5 versus 6 ?
Heechul : There's a spare player for your team
Solji : For real ?
Junghwa : Who ?
Hyerin : Where are they ?
Heechul : There She is
B.E laughs : Haha
JHope : Hyung
LE : 야 !
Junghwa : What is this ?
Heechul : Please introduce yourself
Suga : Yes , Hello , I'm Min Yoonji
Solji : 야 , What is this cross dressing ?
LE : You don't look so good as a guy , neither as a girl
BTS : Ohh !
Suga : You haven't seen me yet
Hani : Pardon ?
Suga acts cute : ...
BTS laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Oppa , please stop
Suga : 'Oppa' ?
Junghwa : Ah , Unnie ? *laughs*
Jungkook : Noona is dead
V : Noona , are you okay ?
Junghwa shakes head : What is this ?
Heechul : I will give you time for warm-ups
RM : Yoonji should be here
Jin : Right
Suga : The members should be balanced out , I'm a girl
Hani : How are we going to focus on this ?
Solji : 야 , have you reconsider on doing surgery on yourself ?
Suga : No , I prefer myself like this
Hyerin claps : ...
LE : Hyerin is going crazy
Jungkook : We're going to lose
Jimin : No , we have archery
V : Oh , right !
JHope shoots ball : ...
Jin : Oh ! No...
BTS chases after Jin : ...
Jin laughs : Haha
Suga : Please Tell me EXID know how to play
EXID : ...
Suga : Oh no... teacher , I want to resign
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : We can shoot , we can't dribble
Hyerin : We're better in soccer
Solji : How Good Are you ? *pass ball*
Suga : No , Noona can go first
Hyerin shoots ball : ...
Jin laughs : What was that ?
Hyerin : Be quiet , you aren't even practicing
JHope laughs : Haha
RM shoots ball : ...
BTS : Oh !
JHope : That Almost Went In
Jimin : What if Hyung breaks something halfway ?
BTS laughs : Haha
V : You guys are tall , you can slam dunk
Jin : How ?
V : I don't know
Jimin : 야
Junghwa : Goodness , What are we going to do ?
EXID : Ohh
Hani claps : Magic hands !
LE : 야 , you know how to play , don't act like you don't
Hani : I really don't know
Hyerin : It's not the first time you shoot a basket in
JHope : We're dead *laughs*
Jin : Someone transfer Yoonji here
V : Please transfer his gender first
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Ah , too hard...
Suga : Aim at the box
Junghwa shoots ball : ...
Suga : In
Junghwa : Yay~ whoo Hoo !
EXID laughs : Haha
Jungkook : This is unfair !
JHope : Let's keep practicing
Hyerin : Unnie , hwaiting
LE shoots ball : ...
Suga : 야 , Do you two know how to play ?
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji : LE has the wrist
Hani : Me too ?
Junghwa : Right , you do
V checks wrist : Do I ?
Jimin : Don't know
Jungkook : Jin Hyung !
Jin : In , right ? That's right , I'm Kim Seokjin
BTS laughs : Haha
Solji : 야 , Yoongi , What can you do ?
Suga dribbles ball : ...
RM : Woah , woah
Suga shoots ball : ...
Junghwa : What ?!
Hyerin : That's a 3-pointer
Heechul : What was that ?
Jin : Suga took up basketball in high school
Jimin : Not to mention , he has been practicing
Solji : 야 , stay Yoonji
B.E laughs : Haha
Heechul : Shall we start ?
LE : Yes
JHope : Let's go !
Heechul : Since it's a friendly match , we won't be playing long
Hani : Alright
RM : Game plan first
Heechul : Please go ahead
Suga whisper : What's the plan ?
Solji whisper : 야 , you're the expert
LE whisper : First... Junghwa , can you take Centre ?
Junghwa : Ah yeah , sure !
Hyerin laughs : Haha
Hani whisper : Then we take offence
LE : Can we do it ?
Jin whisper : I have no idea
Jimin whisper : Hyung is a shooting guard , Jin Hyung and RM Hyung can block him
JHope whisper : Because they're tall
Jungkook whisper : Us ?
V whisper : Just do what we can
Jimin laughs : Haha
Suga : Hwaiting
Solji : Hwaiting , hwaiting
Hani : He's happy he gets to play basketball with us
Solji : He must really like it
RM : Good luck !
Junghwa : Hwaiting
Jimin : Whoo
Heechul : Ready... *throws ball*
Junghwa hits ball : Nie !
Hani : Got it !
LE : Soul , soul
Hani pass ball : ...
Jimin steals ball : Thank you~
Jin : Here , here
Jimin pass ball : Hyung !
Suga steals ball : ...
Hyerin : Ah , Oppa has it
Suga pass ball : ...
Hyerin : Go In ! *shoots ball*
Jin : No way !
JHope : Noona , when ?
Hyerin : Magic !
Heechul : Girl's team , 1 point !
Hani high fives with Hyerin : ...
V : We can do this
JHope : I'm passing *pass ball*
Suga : Let them take it
EXID : ... ?
Jungkook pass ball : Hyung
RM : Shoot ?
Jin : Shoot !
RM shoots ball : ...
Hani : Don't , Don't
Junghwa : Yes !
Suga : Noona *pass ball*
Solji : What do I do ? *shoots ball*
V : Bye~
Heechul : Right now is a match of missing and missing
Jungkook shoots ball : ...
BTS : Jeongguk ! *hugs Jungkook*
Solji claps : He's the golden maknae , he picks up fast
LE whisper : Jungkook has speed
Hani : Huh ?
LE whisper : Jungkook is athletic at running
Hani : Got it
Suga glances at LE : ... ?
Hyerin : I'm here , here !
Junghwa : Unnie *pass ball*
Hani : Ah yeah , Junghwa ! *shoots ball*
Suga : Don't do a 2 point if you can't
B.E : Oh !
Solji : 야...
Hani : Unnie , I did it !
Heechul : I didn't know EXID could play
JHope passes ball : ...
Heechul : Girl's team , 3 points !
Junghwa : How many points do we need ?
Heechul : 5
V : Jin Hyung !
RM : Do it
Jin shoots ball : ...
BTS : Jin Hyung !
Heechul : Boy's team , 2 point
LE : Time
Heechul : Yes
Jimin rubs Jungkook's head : I knew you and Hyung had it
Jin : I was lucky
JHope laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Ah , so tired...
Solji hands bottle : Take some water
LE whisper : Jeongguk can run , so he's fast
Hani : Right
JHope : How does Hyung keep it up ?
RM : So tired...
LE whisper : Jimin and Taehyung has great teamwork , so they can pass consistently
Hyerin whisper : Then Junghwa can go against Jungkook and you two go against them
Solji : That's great
LE whisper : Seokjin and Namjoon are taller than you , they can block you
Suga : I don't have to worry about them
Solji push Suga's head : Don't be full of yourself
Suga laughs : Haha
Hyerin whisper : What about Hobi ?
LE whisper : Unsure
Hani : Unnie has eyes
JHope : Are they planning ?
V : We're done
Solji whisper : An eye for an eye
Junghwa whisper : Don't stay quiet , you're a pro
Suga whisper : I'll say we'll give them a chance
Hyerin : Huh ?
Suga whisper : They're losing
Hani whisper : You can't be soft now
Heechul : EXID
Solji : Coming
Hyerin pats Junghwa's back : Okay ?
Junghwa : Uh
Heechul : Ready ?
Jin : Jeonghwa looks tired
Junghwa : No
Heechul throws ball : Play ball
Jungkook hits ball : Let's go !
Junghwa : Unnie !
Jin : Don't let them steal the ball !
LE : Jjong-ah
Junghwa steals ball : ... *pass ball*
Hyerin : That's it
JHope : Jimin , block them
Hani pass ball : ...
LE : Soul , Don't *pass ball*
Heechul : Am I really seeing this ?
Suga : Oh
LE pass ball : ...
Hani : 야 , take it *pass ball*
Suga shoots ball : ...
Hani claps : Nice !
Heechul : EXID , 4 points
Jungkook : I saw that
RM : You two have to try that
Jimin & V : Us ?
JHope : Yeah
Jin pass ball : ...
Jungkook : Hyung
Jimin pass ball : I got it !
Hyerin : L , 2-3 !
Junghwa gives thumbs up : ...
Solji steals ball : Passing through
Jimin : What ?
RM : Jungkook , JHope
Heechul : EXID has one more point to go , Yoonji is just standing by the side
Solji pass ball : ...
Hyerin : Ah yeah *pass ball*
Junghwa : ... * pass ball*
JHope : What's this ?
Hani pass ball : ...
LE shoots ball : ...
Heechul : EXID !
BTS claps : ...
Heechul : The winning of basketball goes to EXID !
Hani & Junghwa hugs LE : Unnie !
Jimin : What was that ?
Suga : Formation
Solji rush into EXID : Yeah
Hyerin hugs EXID : ...
Hani falls : Ah
BTS : ... !
Solji : Gosh
Junghwa : Are you okay ?
Hani : Too rough
Hyerin helps Hani up : Oppa , Come here
Suga smiles : Great Job
Solji : You did good
Junghwa : You guys too ! *does heart*
Jimin does Heart with finger : ...
Jin claps : Congrats
Solji : You need a hug
Suga : I'm sweaty
Solji pats Suga's back : Then like this
Hani bows : Good game
JHope : You guys have to explain it
Hani : First , for the 4th point... it's a common technique , where we pass it here and there
V : Uh
Junghwa hugs Hani : ...
Hani : For the last point , when Hyerin said '2-3' is a formation we normally use in our dancing
Junghwa : Right
Hani : We spread out , 2 in the front ; 3 in the back
JHope : Ah...
Hani : When you guys tried the passing technique , Solji Unnie cuts through and steals the ball
RM : Right
Jin : I thought she was a jet
BTS laughs : Haha
Hani : So we passed from the back to the front
Jimin : Solji Noona to Hyerin Noona
Hani : Hyerin to Junghwa in the back again and then to me , side-to-side passing
Jin : Then to LE Noona , in the front
Junghwa : Yes !
BTS claps : Ah...
V : Smart
RM : They used their dancing technique here
Jimin : We still have archery !
Jungkook : We'll beat you
Hani : Gladly *laughs*
LE pats Suga's head : ...
Suga : That was smart
Hyerin : It's teamwork
Suga : What happened during the group hug ?
LE : Hani and Junghwa were already hugging me
Hyerin : When me and Unnie rushed in , we were spinning in circles and Hani Unnie fell
Suga : Too rough
Heechul : Please head back to class
Junghwa : Unnie , we can play basketball now
Solji : Yeah , Agree
Hani : But we revealed our formation just now
LE : It's okay , we're not competing
EXID laughs : Haha
Suga : But I heard EXID doesn't have teamwork
BTS laughs : Haha
RM : Hyung , their teamwork comes and go weirdly
JHope : Right
Jin : I didn't know they can play
Jimin : Even without Yoonji , they did well
V : Why didn't you help with the last point ?
Suga : I wanted to give it to you guys
Jungkook : Hyung , you should have helped them
Suga : They won either ways *smiles*
Heechul : I'm so lost
Hani laughs : Unexpected , Right ?
Heechul : I knew you could do archery , I didn't know you could play basketball
RM : Our teacher needs a hospital
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Stay hydrated~
B.E : Yes
RM : We can't be sick this month
Solji : Namjoon's Right
Hani hands bottle : ...
Hyerin : Thanks *drinks water*
Junghwa : Why are you drinking it like a baby ?
Hyerin smiles : ...
Suga : Baby Hyelin
JHope : Kid Hyelin
Jimin : Ohh
Jin : Come on *bends down*
Hyerin : Don't want to
Jin carries Hyerin on back : Let's go !
Solji : Oh~ you're spoiling Seo Hyelin !
Hani : My bottle !
Junghwa laughs : The baby stole your bottle and rode off Oppa's back
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Hani : I can't understand the maknae line's humour
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : Right
Heechul : Alright , the school has set up the archery board
B.E : Ohh
Heechul : The girl's team will be there , and the boys will be here
Solji : Do we have a practice run ?
V : Hyung , if you fail...
Suga : I'm great at archery too
Jimin : Hyung , you didn't hit the board the other time
LE : 야 , focus on yourself
Hani : Don't worry , you guys don't know us well
JHope : What a painful diss
RM : This could cause a huge conflict between the group
Solji : Kids , don't be rude
Junghwa : Yes !
Heechul : Are you going to practice ? I know they won't need it
Jimin : We can start too
JHope : No , wait
Jin : Let's get it
RM : We'll go first
Heechul : Okay
Suga : Goodness...
Hyerin : Didn't you say you were good ?
Suga : By a bit
Hyerin : You can do it
Jin smiles : ...
RM : Hey , you did well
Heechul : Should we start ?
Junghwa : Unnie , you should tie your hair up
Hani : Right
Solji : Okay
Heechul : Should we start ?
V : One go per person ?
Heechul : Yes , we have recess to go for
Hani : I'm curious about Seokjin
Jin release arrow : ...
JHope : Ah... *claps* it's okay
Jin laughs : I'm not good at sports
Hani : You did good
Heechul : Girls ?
Solji : I'll go first
Junghwa : Don't Let it hit you
Suga : Pardon ?
RM : Ohh , they have stance
Solji release arrow : ...
BTS : ... !
Jungkook : How much is that ?
Heechul : 7
Solji : It's tight
Junghwa : Oh , really ?
Suga : Can I go next ?
Solji : Of course
RM : I'll go
Jungkook : Yeah , Hyung
Jimin : Hwaiting
V : Let's go
RM : This hurts *release arrow*
Heechul : Girls 7 , boys 4
B.E claps : ...
Junghwa : 4 points is average
Hani : Yoongi , let's go !
BTS laughs : Haha
Jin imitates Hani : Let's go
JHope : Oh , that's like it *laughs*
Suga : Here I go... *release arrow*
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : It's okay , it's okay
Jin : We're the same
Suga : I can do it... *scratch head*
Junghwa : Our members looks cool when they do archery
Suga : Oh really ?
Hyerin nods: Yes
LE laughs : Haha
JHope : I don't know how to do Archery... *release arrow*
BTS : 1 point !
Heechul : Boys , 5 points
Hani : I'll give it a go
Heechul : It's dangerous to let LE , Hyelin and Jeonghwa to go last
EXID laughs : Haha
Heechul : It's even dangerous to let Hani first
Jimin : Their stance are very good
Hani pulls bow : ...
LE : 야 , it's going to break
EXID holds laugh : ...
Hani release arrow : ...
Heechul : Girls , 15
Hani : Was That an 8 ?
Heechul : It was
Jungkook : Hyung , hwaiting
Jimin : Ah , I feel like I can't make it
Solji : Ohh , Jimin looks professional
Jimin : Oh , really ?
Jin push Jimin's head : Focus !
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Come on ! *release arrow*
B.E claps : ...
Heechul : Boys , 12 points
Hyerin : They have 3 more points
Heechul : Oh , LE is interesting
RM : Why ?
LE : The members don't know
Heechul : EXID are good in archery during ISAC , LE whom haven't competed before , is said to be good
Jungkook : Ohh
Suga whisper : Is Noona Good ?
Hani whisper : That depends
Solji : Can you see ?
LE : No *laughs & tucks hair*
Jimin : Looks like fighting spirit
BTS laughs : Haha
Junghwa : It looks good
LE release arrow : ...
Heechul : Girls , 23
Jin claps : Great
Suga : I'm out of here
B.E laughs : Haha
Jin : Yoonji , let's go together
Suga : We'll go on an ice cream date
B.E laughs : Haha
V : I'll beat you
Solji : Oh~
Hyerin : Do well
Suga whisper : Are you tired ?
LE : Pardon ?
Suga hands bottle : ...
LE : Thank you
V release arrow : Oh !
JHope : That was great
Jungkook : 9 point , 9 point !
Heechul : Boys , 21 point
Hyerin : Jeonghwa , I'll head first
Junghwa : Alright , Unnie
LE : Heeyeon-ah *hands bottle*
Hani : Thank you *drinks water*
Hyerin : It's really tight *chuckles nervously*
Junghwa : Your arms , Unnie
Jungkook laughs : She almost hit Solji Noona
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Hyerin release arrow : ...
BTS : ... !
Heechul : 10 ! Girls , 33
Jin : For real... Hyelin-ah
JHope : Noona , did you go to a music academy or an archery academy ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin nods : Yoohoo~
Jimin : We're too far behind
Jungkook : I can get a 10
RM : Right , Right
V : Jungkook , hwaiting
Heechul : Jeongguk is aiming for the yellow
Suga : What will it be ?
Jungkook pulls bow : ... *release arrow*
Heechul : 10 ! BTS has 31 points !
JHope : But they already won
RM : Let's see how Junghwa does
Solji : Our champion
Jungkook : Right , Noona looks like a professional compared to the others
V : Oh...
Junghwa release arrow : ...
Heechul : X10 !
Jin : X10 ?
Suga : Isn't That the camera ?
Hani laughs : Haha
Hyerin : You have a thing for cameras , don't you ?
Junghwa : No , no
RM : This isn't her first camera ?
Hani : No , she broke one previously in ISAC
JHope : 야...
Jimin : Today's winner...
Suga : Our members are great at sports
Hani : They're Great at dancing
EXID : Right
Heechul : Should we have lunch ?
B.E : Yes !

Few minutes later...
Jin : There's none left ?
Hani laughs : Haha
Solji : Who's our teacher in this class ?
Heechul : He is absent but he will be here tomorrow
Jimin : The other class finished off Jin Hyung's snacks
JHope : He is sad
Jin : 야 , you guys are mean !
Solji : What ?
Suga : Oppa , What do you mean ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Jungkook : Hyung , For real
Suga : I'm a girl
Jungkook : Noona , you're awesome
Suga : Of course
Hyerin : Take off that wig already
Suga takes wig off : ...
V laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Ah , Pain
Hyerin : ... ?
RM : Our class is pretty quiet
Jimin : You guys are too awkward
Hani : No , we got separated from the noisy ones
JHope : Right , Right
Jin : We would take Yoonji here please , Jimin sucks !
LE : 야 , watch what you say !
RM : Right , Hyung
Solji : Hyerin , let's go
Junghwa clenches stomach : It hurts
Hyerin : Are you okay ?
Junghwa : Does anyone have medicated oil ?
Jungkook : Medicated oil ?
V : Seokjin Hyu-...
Jungkook : Seokjin Hyung has one
Junghwa : Unnie , help me get it on the way !
Solji : Yes !
V : Don't freak out
Hyerin : Do you have medicated oil ?~
B.E : ... ?
Jin gets up : Why ? Are you okay ?
Solji : Our Jeonghwa has a stomachache
LE & Hani : Pardon ?
Jin : Was it because of the snacks just now ?
Jungkook runs to Jin : Do you have medicated oil ? Do you have medicated oil ?
Jin hands oil : ...
Hyerin : Give it Here~
Jungkook snatch oil : ... *runs into room*
Solji : What ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa gets up : Geez...
Jungkook : Here , here *hands oil*
Junghwa : Oh , Thank you
Jungkook : Just use it
Junghwa bows slightly : Thank you... is this Oppa's one ?
Jungkook : Oh , yes
V : Noona is staring at you *laughs*
Suga : Zoom the cameras in please
Jungkook laughs : Haha
JHope : That was surprising
RM : Right
Jin : He just grab it out of nowhere
Hani : He really can run
LE yawns : ...
Jin : This Noona really can lie down anywhere she wants
RM : I think all of the members does that
Hani : It's tiring...
JHope : Right
LE frowns : Next door is noisy

Dorms , 19.23
Suga laughs : Haha
LE : I really thought you wouldn't show up to the shoot
Suga : Heechul Hyung asked me to dressed up
LE chuckles : Geez...
Suga : Tell me , Do I look better as a girl or a guy ?
LE : Mm... Yoonji is cute , but if there's Yoonji , then... who I'm talking to wouldn't be here
Suga : Ah... have you been taking Jimin lessons ?
LE laughs : Maybe ?
Suga : Such a tease
LE : So that's where you went huh ? Every Saturday , for basketball ?
Suga : Right , it's been awhile since I practiced and I have to get away from the dorm once in awhile
LE : I didn't know you played basketball
Suga smiles : Now you know *yawns* I liked the formation
LE : Really ? But it was Hyelin who triggered it
Suga nods : Mm
LE : I want to know... Jungkookie... what's up with him ?
Suga : Even I don't know , he's been sad recently
LE : Unnie wants to know , he has been using fever as an excuse
Suga : I'll talk to him
LE : Mm *kiss Suga on cheek* Good night *gets up*
Suga : It's poison kiss , I'll be put to sleep
LE chuckles : Whatever
Suga lies down : Sigh... Jungkookie , don't be sad

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