8th October , Monday

31 1 0

Dorms , 15.23...
Hani : Unnie , we're home~
Solji : Uh
Hyerin sighs : So tired...
LE : ... ? *pulls Hani*
Hani : What ? Oh , hello~ *smiles*
Jinho : Hello *bows*
EXID bows : Hello
Jimin : ... ?
Jungkook : Hello
Suga : Noona , your boyfriend ?
Solji tries to hit Suga : ...
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Hani : Everyone , this is Jinho
JHope : Ah... from Pentagon ?
Jinho : Hello *smiles*
LE : Great to meet you... hey , I'll wash up first
Hani : Ah , yes
Hyerin : We have a guest~
Jin exits room : Oh ! Hello , our members
JHope : You should have stayed for lunch
Jimin : Right
Jin : We were tired... Oh , who's this ?
Suga : Noona's boyfriend
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Solji : 야 , Min Yoongi , What about LE ?
Suga purse lips : ...
BTS laughs : Haha
Jungkook : Where's RM Hyung ?
Jin : Room , I think Taehyung is in your room
JHope : Alright
Jinho : It's a pleasure meeting you
Solji : Seokjin , are you busy ?
Jin : No , why ?
Solji : Can you gather the rapline up ?
Jin : Alright... Hey , Noona !
Solji : Not like that !
Jinho laughs : Haha
Solji : I'm getting mad
Jin runs off : Kim Namjoon , Solji Noona is looking for you
RM : Me ?
Jin : Uh
Solji shakes head : Sigh...
Hyerin walks down stairs : Du...
Jin : Faster !
Hyerin : Oppa !
Jin : What's up ? *pats Hyerin's head*
Hyerin : Let's go do something *pokes cheek*
Jin : What ?
Jinho : Oh , Hyelin has dimples
Hyerin smiles : ...
Jin : Did you get it because you like to poke your cheeks ?
Hyerin hits Jin : ...
RM : Noona , you wanted to see me ?
Solji : Yes , let's wait for Hoseok , Yoongi and LE first
RM : Yes
Solji : Hyelin , don't be shy
Hyerin : Yes ? *chuckles nervously*
Jin : Ah... Hyerin pokes her cheeks when she's shy ? Thank you , Noona
Hyerin : Unnie~
Jinho chuckles : I forgot that you two were dating...
RM : Jo Jinho , right ?
Jin : You were home the whole time and didn't knew ?
Solji : 야 , you too !
Jin : Oh , right , me too !
Hyerin laughs : Haha
Jinho chuckles : Yes , it's Jo Jinho
RM : Kim Namjoon *gives hand*
Jinho shakes RM's hand : I know , you're well-known
RM : Ah , Thank you
Jin carries Hyerin on back : Yeah , let's go !
Hyerin : Whoohoo !
LE frowns : Keep it down... *leans against wall*
Solji : Hyojin-ah , Come here
LE : Huh ?
Solji : I need your help
Suga : Isn't it Noona's time to rest ?
LE : It'll be for awhile , be quiet
RM : Hyung got rejected
Suga makes face : ...
JHope : Noona needs help ?
Solji : Yeah
RM : But... didn't you guys just returned ?
Solji : It'll be fast , stop procrastinating !
LE covers mouth : ...
JHope : She's laughing
Solji : It's not funny !
RM : What do you need ?
Solji : Well... have you heard of the 'Friendship Project' ?
RM : Oh ! The one back in the day ?
JHope : With SHINee , SNSD... Big Bang and 2NE1 ?
Solji : Yes
LE : What's up ?
Jinho : We were asked to prepare the same thing...
RM : Noona needs a new song ?
Solji : No , we're using the same song
LE : Unnie *holds laugh* Unnie... you were gone for months to decide on using the same lyrics ?
Solji glances at LE : ...
JHope laughs : Haha
Solji : You and Yoongi need to get out of here
Suga : I didn't say anything...
Jinho : He's sitting far away from you
Suga laughs : Haha
Jinho : Anyways...
RM : Hey , the fridge is innocent !
JHope : Are you going to pay for a new fridge ?
Jimin : Sorry
Jinho : Anyways , we have arranged most of the idols who will be singing but... we need your help to produce the song
JHope : Ah...
Solji : And pick two representatives
Suga : That's easy
RM : Right , Hyung and Kookie
LE : What about Jimin ?
Jimin : Huh ?
Jinho : You can have the whole group too
Suga : Oh , really ?
Solji : Yeah
RM : We'll send the vocal line
LE : Unnie , What about us ?
Solji : I don't know
LE : What ?
Hani : Unnie~
LE : Uh ? Hold on !
RM : Just producers
Solji : And... you're close to most idols right ?
Suga : Some ?
Solji : Can you ask them to join ?
Jinho : I can get Hyojong to ask Hyuna Noona
LE : Hyuna ?
Jinho : Yeah
JHope : What's going on now ?
LE : Unnie , you must get her in there
Solji : I will if you do your part
LE : ...
JHope : That's not fair
Suga : Right
Solji : You don't run your mouth
JHope laughs : Haha
Jinho : LE Noona is close to Hyuna Noona , Right ?
LE : Yeah
Hani : Unnie~
Suga : Noona , your boyfriend is calling
LE : Alright , Alright *gets up*
Jinho : Thank you for having me today *smiles* I'll leave now
RM : Join us for dinner
Jinho : Pardon ?
JHope : We can get to know each other
RM : It would make the project less awkward
Jinho : ...
Solji : It's up to you
Jinho : Let me make a call to my manager first
RM : Go ahead
Jinho gets up : Excuse me
Solji gets up : You guys are so mean
BTS : Why ?
JHope : I'll be down for dinner
Suga : What is he going to do while waiting ?
RM : I haven't thought of it
JHope : Ask the maknae line to play with him
Jimin : Pardon ?
Suga : Jimin... don't really like him
RM : Why ?
Jimin : Hyung , Don't say anything !
JHope : Ah , I remember !
RM : Be nice
Jimin : I'll try...
Suga gets up : ...
RM : Where are you going ?
Suga : Sleep
Jimin : He just walked into Noona's room *laughs*
RM : That Hyung...
Jinho : My manager said it was okay
RM : That's great
Jimin : Hey , Do you play games ?
Jinho : With my members , yeah
Jimin : Want to play with us ?
Jinho : Um... okay
Hani : Oh ! Yoongi-ssi
LE : Did something happened ?
Suga : I think he's staying for dinner
Hani : For real ?
LE : You sound more excited than Solji Unnie
Hani : He's cute , no ?
LE : He's okay... ?
Hani : What ? Don't lie
Suga smiles : Noona , be honest
LE : He looks like a kid
Hani laughs : Haha
Suga thinking : Gosh , this Noona *chuckles*
Hani : Anyways , What is he going to do until dinner time ?
Suga : Play with the maknaes ?
Hani : Pardon ?
Suga : Why ?
Hani : He's not as young as they are
LE : How old is he ?
Hani : He's the same age as me and Seokjin
LE laughs : Haha
Suga : Oh , really ?
Hani : In fact , he's older than both of us
Suga : Oh no... Hyung ! Jin Hyung !
Hyerin pats Jin : Oppa is calling
Jin looks back : Me ?
Hyerin : Go See What he wants , I'll be in the room
Jin : Yes
Hyerin enters room : Junghwa-ya , Junghwa...
Junghwa : Yes ?
Hyerin : Why Can't I be like you... ?
Junghwa : Like ?
Hyerin : You're studying now...
Junghwa chuckles : Did something Happened ?
Hyerin : No , no *chuckles*
Junghwa : You're really weird
Jin : For real ? Oh shit...
LE : 야 !
Hani laughs : Haha
Suga : Go be a saviour
Jin : Our Kookie !
Solji : What ? Did something happened ?
RM : Are you guys going to hide in the room ?
Suga : I'm invading Noona's room
LE : Get out !
Hani : We don't need you here !
LE : It's stuffy enough !
Suga : Then Hani Noona can go play , I'll stay with LE
Hani laughs : Haha
LE : No way !
Hani : We'll Be out in awhile
LE : Just Wait outside
Suga : Alright
Solji : Did you get rejected again , huh ?
Jinho laughs : They were the maknae lines ?
RM : Yeah
Jinho : I thought they were my age , they look so mature
Suga : I thought you were their age *holds laugh*
RM : Hyung !
Solji : He looks pretty young , right ?
Suga : I think I have heard a lot people saying he's cute
Solji : Did she mentioned it ?
Suga : She avoided it
RM : You got to stop teasing Noona , it's obvious to the public
Suga : ...
Solji : You can't stop this stubborn little boy , huh ?
Jinho : Is it... you like someone ?
RM : Uh...
Suga nods : Right
Solji : Ooh , you open up so easily
Jinho : I was curious , sorry
Hani yawns : We haven't had much rest
LE : At least you don't have to worry about insomnia
RM : Noona has insomnia ?
Hani : Time to time
Solji : Everyone wish they can sleep like Yoongi
Suga : It's talent
LE : Talent for sleeping is no talent at all
Jinho laughs : Haha
Suga : He's scared of you , you sound mean
LE : So What ?
RM : Don't mind them , it's their daily routine
Jinho : It's okay , they're being playful
Hani push LE : Don't !
LE whisper : What would Taehyungie say ?
Hani whisper : He doesn't like me...
Solji : 야 , don't be so distant , sit with us at the couch
LE : Yeah , in awhile
Suga : Noona , I'm falling asleep...
Jinho : Head to sleep , it's okay , it's your dorm
Suga smiles : No... we have guests
RM : Right
Jinho smiles : ...
Solji thinking : Ah , cute
LE sits down : What are we doing ?
Hani : What ?
LE : We move from our room to the small table to here
Suga : Are you going to move out too ?
RM : Hyung !
LE : Ah , why deal with people like him ? It's more fun with people like Hyerin and Junghwa
Suga : Because you bully them
Jinho : He is so straightforward with his answer
Solji : He notices
Suga : It's values
Hani : Honestly , I don't see any good values in that
RM laughs : Haha
LE : At this point of time , he wants to hit Namjoon But Solji Unnie is here
Hani laughs : Unnie , I like it
Jinho : You guys like to hit each other
Hani : Ah , Right... He's too gentle and pure , even his members are similar
Jinho nods : ...
RM : At least we know they're a clean group
Solji nods : Right
Suga gets up : Ah...
RM : Does your back hurts ?
Suga : Yes
Solji : Gosh , try not to get injured
Suga : Yes *pours water*
Hani : Mm , is Hyerin's throat better ?
Solji : It's getting better
Suga drinks water : ...
Jinho : So... What do you guys normally do ?
Hani : Eat and sleep
RM : We practice our dances here sometimes
Solji : We have a piano upstairs
Jinho : I saw
Solji : Feel free to use it
Jinho : I will
Suga hands glass : Here , don't fall sick
LE : Yes , thank you *drinks water*
Jinho : Oh , Thank you
LE : Here
Hani drinks water : Refreshing~
LE : Hey , Unnie
Solji : Won't you get mad ?
LE glares at Solji : I don't like him !
Solji drinks water : ...
RM : What about me ?
Suga : You're healthy enough
RM : Bias
Hani pats Suga's head : ...
LE : You should do it like the maknaes *massages Suga's arm*
Suga : You're bad at it
Jinho laughs : You guys really seem like good enemies
RM : It's weird , right ?
Jinho : One second they're exchanging 'thank you' and then suddenly they're arguing
Hani laughs : Even other idols notices !
Solji : Hey , you and LE are the same together
RM : It's like a love triangle
LE : I Don't even like Yoongi...
Hani : Me ?
LE : I can make an exception *glances at Suga* Him ?
Suga : Noona , I'm a fan...
LE : Alright
Solji : So Lucky
Jinho : I'm a fan of your work
Solji : Oh , really ?
Jinho : I'm not a huge fan... but I've heard your work before
Solji : Ooh , Thank you
Hani pouts : ...
RM : Noona , now you know how I feel
LE : No , you have Jeonghwa
Hani : Oh , right , Thank you for reminding
RM shakes head : Oh god...
Suga laughs : Haha

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