17th October , Wednesday

19 2 0

Dorms , 14.12...
Jin : Like this , we have to move at the same time
Hyerin : Oh...
Junghwa walks into room : Here , our Unnies *laughs* what ?
V : Blank Hani +1 point
LE : Are you live ? Ah , I died... *leans back*
Junghwa : Right now , our Unnies have the same expression
Hani sits up : Hello , I'm EXID's Hani
Junghwa : But... this live is for our BTS members
LE : Then Get out
Junghwa laughs : They have to explain 'List'
LE : 야 , Min Yoongi !
V : He's getting up
Junghwa : There's a comment saying about Oppa and Unnie , Yes... they're on the couch
Suga : What ?
Junghwa : You have to explain 'List'
Suga : Were you live with her ?
V : Yeah , dance tutorial
Hani : Ooh , we missed it...
Suga : Let's go call Namjoon
Junghwa : Yeah
LE : Hey , What are you two up to ?
Hyerin : Twiddling fingers
LE chuckles : Hehe *shakes head*
RM : Now ?
V : Yes
RM : Okay
Hyerin : Are you using the couch ?
Suga : Yeah , But just sit there
Junghwa whisper : We're live
Hyerin : Oh , really ? *chuckles nervously*
Comments : [Why does Hyerin look scared ?]
[What were they doing ?]
Hyerin : Hello , Everyone~
LE smiles : ...
RM sits down : Hoseok Hyung isn't home right now
V : So is Hyung and Jungkook
Jin : Everyone is home Except them !
V : 3 J's
Junghwa : My job is done here *stretches arm* Ah... What a tiring day
Hyerin : Is Unnie coming Here ?
LE : No , I'm here for the apple juice
Hyerin laughs : Haha
RM : 'List' !
Suga yawns : ...
RM : It was written based on a sniper
Hyerin : 2 snipers
V : Oh ?
RM : They have different techniques of sniping , so the song was about the both of them competing
Suga : Yes , I'm team Namjoon
V : And Noona and JHope Hyung are on the same team
Comment : [We can tell]
Jin : Why did you rushed it into 'Resurrect' ?
Suga : I asked to
Hyerin : Ah , to balance out the songs ?
Suga : Yeah
V : What ?
RM : What do you mean ?
Suga : Only Hyelin knows , in this case
Hyerin does peace sign : Hehe
Jin : Tell us
Suga : I can't
Hyerin : It's something to say but can't say it
Jin : I really hate it when you say that
RM : 'There has been injuries on Jin Oppa , why ?'
V : There were ?
RM : Were you injured , why didn't you tell us ?
Jin : Huh ? I'm not
Suga : Even if he was , you have to think of the reason why he didn't tell us
RM : Anyways , we hope you feel better
Jin smiles : I am
V : What happened ?
Jin : I fell on the road
RM : Ah... that hurts !
Hyerin nods : ...
Suga : Did you knew ?
Hyerin : Yes , I knew
V : Noona , you should have told us...
Hyerin : Oppa wants to promote this comeback , that's why
Suga : Were you the one who used up Noona's iodine ?
Hyerin : Yeah
V laughs : Haha
RM : What ?
Hyerin : It was him !
Jin : Don't sell me out
RM : Then you should have bought one in return to Noona
Hyerin : Unnie won't get injured , don't worry
Hani : 야 , Seo Hyelin !
V : She's watching our live
Hani : I bought a new one to find out you use it ?! *exits room* It was you ?!
Hyerin : What can you do now ?
Hani : Everyone , this is a great example of lending without prior notice
RM : Then it's called 'stealing'
Hani : It was expensive... *walks off*
Hyerin : Sorry~ I love you !
Jin : What about me ?
Hyerin : I don't like you
Suga laughs : Hyerin , have you been taking lessons ?
RM : From him ?
Hyerin highfives With Suga : ...
Jin : This is why me and LE Noona are always on the same team !
V : But... you should be in the same team as Hyung , because it looks like the both of you are pretty beat up by Noona
RM : That's right
Jin : Hyung , let's form an alliance
Suga : After you said that ?
Jin : We're brothers , just shake my hand , and stop being cold ! I can diss you like how Hyelin and Noona does if I want to !
V laughs : Haha
Hyerin claps : Great
RM : This not something you should compliment
Suga : Right
Jin : At least she's supportive , Taehyung too
V smiles : ...
Hyerin : Oh ! We should see what Unnie is doing *lift camera* Dugu dugu dugu dugu... Unnie
Solji : Huh ?
Hyerin : Open the door~
Solji : Hold on...
RM : So she just left with our fans ?
BTS laughs : Haha
Solji opens door : Yes ? Gosh *laughs*
Hyerin : What are you hiding ?
Solji : I was cleaning my room , I can't show it now
Hyerin : No , it's okay
Solji smiles : Hello , Everyone *close door* how are you ?
Suga : Noona has joined us
Solji : I was shocked to see a camera in my face
V : Ah , Noona , we can tell them about our school series
Solji : I'm sure they know
Hyerin : Give them a briefing
Solji sits down : Okay
Hyerin place camera down : ...
Solji : Did I take your place ? Gosh , sorry
Hyerin : No , I can sit here
RM : You won't be in the camera
Suga : I'll be irrelevant here , I can go
Solji : No , stay
Suga push camera gently : Here
Hyerin : Now you can only see half my face
Solji laughs : Puhaha
Jin : Sometimes I wonder who am I dating
V : Hyung , you fell for her yourself
Jin : Ah , I remember
Solji : Why ?
Jin : She's pure
Suga : And innocent ?
Jin : She is not innocent
RM : Agree
Jin : She's pure *nods*
LE : This Seokjin is crazy
Hani : I know right *taps phone*
Solji : Okay , everyone heard of our school series , right ?
RM : 'B.E School Show'
Hyerin : Whoo~
Solji : Yes... you guys should anticipate well , especially since it's only 5 episodes...
V : Right...
Suga : But the fans shouldn't worry
Jin : Right
RM : Normally we don't do this *laughs* but... Everyone , we're going to have another concert soon
B.E : Whoo~
Hani : You guys have to come !
LE laughs : Haha
Jin : That was Hani Noona
Solji : Aside from that , we might be going on a talk show
Hyerin : It's similar to 'Weekly Idol' but... if we don't have the time for schedule , we might only focus on 'B.E school show' and our concert
V : I'm sad...
Hani : 야 , we're already busy enough !
Solji : 야 , just come out if you want to talk !
RM : For our TV series , the songs are important
Solji : Yes , it is
Jin : What else ?
Solji : It's not scripted , so we won't really know what's going on
V : I think Hyung said we will have a studying scene
LE : Ah !
Hani laughs : Haha
V : P.E time... lunch , I'm not so sure
Suga : So like a normal school day ?
V : But we will have some interviewing time
Hyerin : I'm curious who's our teacher
RM : Me too
Jin : Will we have music class ?
Solji : Ohh
RM : That would be great
Jin : I'll show you my singing... fake love~
V laughs : Haha
Solji : That's all from me *gets up*
Junghwa : Unnie , we will have a studying scene ?!
LE : 야 , Even Junghwa disagree !
Jin : I thought Junghwa was a good student
Suga : Noona brought her to the wrong path
LE : 야 !
V laughs : Haha
Hyerin : The fans are asking why the others doesn't want to come out
Solji : Everyone , our 3 J's aren't home... LE and Hani are having what they call a 'break' and Junghwa just finished a live with Taehyung , no ?
V : That's true
Jin : We're humans too
RM : Right
Hyerin : Unnie , we can end the live here
Solji : Yes , we're signing off...
Hani : Bye~ can you hear me ?
Suga : Hani Noona says bye
Hani : Thank you , Yoongi
Jin blows kiss : From the most handsomest person in the world
Hyerin makes face : Disgusting
V laughs : Haha
Solji taps phone : ...

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