4th July , Wednesday

33 1 0

Bitmaru broadcasting centre , 15.45...
Hyerin : I'm so glad we ended early... *hugs pillow*
Jungkook : Noona , where did you get that ? I want one too
Hyerin : I took it from home
Jimin : What did you say ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Oh ! Unnie , I want the camera *lift hand*
LE : You can't
Hani : Why ?~
LE sits down : Our Heeyeon...
Hani smiles : Hehe
LE place camera on table : What time are we leaving ?
JHope : We have to wait for the van to arrive
Junghwa : We did well...
V : Noona ran out of energy
Junghwa : Please charge me up
Changsik enters room : Excuse me , EXID , you have a gift
Junghwa : Oh ! *sits up* Our lost manager Oppa is back
EXID laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Where's the present ?
EXID : ... !
Hyerin runs to Yeongil : Dad ! *hugs Yeongil*
Junghwa : Hello~
EXID : Hello
BTS : Hello
Yeongil chuckles : Gosh
Hani : Huhu , I miss my dad
B.E : ... !
Junghwa : What is going on ? *gets up* Hello~
LE runs to Gyeonghwa : Mom~ *hugs Gyeonghwa*
Suga smiles : ...
Jimin looks at Suga : This Hyung...
Suga : What ?
Hani : Mom , this is our members
Hani's mom : Ah... this are the members you were telling me about the other day ? *bows* Hello
BTS bows : Hello
V whisper : What did Noona say about us ?
Jimin shrugs : ...
Hyerin : Solji Unnie has been quiet
Solji laughs : I have nothing to say
Hani : What are you guys doing here ?
Hani's mom : I want to see my daughter , don't you miss me ? We should just leave
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji's dad : Are you guys busy after ?
RM : Uh... no
Solji : Why ?
Solji's dad : Because we're bring you out for dinner
Hyerin looks at Solji's dad : Really ? *looks at Yeongil* really ?
Yeongil : Uh...
Junghwa laughs : Now ?
Junghwa's dad : Later , we have made reservations
Hani : Then... What do we do now ?
Solji : Oh ! Walk ?
LE : Walk ?
Hani : Okay
LE : Mom's knees are injured
Gyeonghwa : I can walk
LE : You can ?
Gyeonghwa : I can
Hani : It's okay , if it hurts , just fall on LE Unnie
EXID laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Let's go !
Hyerin laughs : Haha
Hani : Oh ! You guys wait outside *close door* We're going to go out with our parents , please don't cook dinner for us
LE : Yes
Jin : Alright
JHope : Your parents are so sweet
Jungkook : Right...
LE : Hey , your parents will come and surprise you too , who knows when
Hani : Right
LE grabs jacket : Bye
Hani : Bye *exits room*
Jungkook : We're alone again...
V pouts : Their parents are really great
Jimin : Junghwa Noona's dad looks good
Jin throws pillow at Jimin : ...
BTS laughs : Haha
JHope : I wonder what Hani Noona have said about us
RM : Hopefully something good
Jin : 야 , stop smiling like a maniac
Suga : Why not ?
Jimin : I noticed LE Noona gotten quiet
Suga : That's right , she was acting good in front of her parents
RM : Right , normally Noona is so tough
Jin : He's mesmerised by LE Noona
Suga : She was voice was so sweet
JHope : Like a child
RM : Noona really loves her mom
V : Hani Noona's mom was so swag
Jimin : Oh , right !
Jungkook : She disses her too
BTS laughs : Haha
Jin lift camera : Noona left the camera running
JHope : Off it , don't waste the battery

Jungsik Seoul , 18.23...
LE : For real ?
Hani's mom : Go ahead , call them
Hani : We'll message them
LE's mom : Why ? Don't you like your members ? Have you been bullied ?
LE : No , I like them...
Yeongil : Kids *shakes head*
Hyerin : We're not kids anymore , dad... *pouts*
Yeongil : Alright , alright
Solji's dad : So... have you all been resting well ?
Junghwa : Yes , we have
Yeongil : Really ? You all look exhausted
EXID : 'Health is important' *laughs*
Hani's mom : Hani have been teaching something behind our backs
Hani smugs : ...
LE's mom : Luckily , if not they'll be sick
Junghwa's dad : Right
Solji : Dad , what's with the sudden surprise ?
Solji's dad : Ah... we thought it would be great if we showed up like that
Yeongil : We can't afford your concert tickets or anything... this is all we can do
Junghwa : It's okay
Hani : Yeah , it's alright
LE : We love what you did
Junghwa : Right
Hani glares at Hyerin : Don't stay quiet...
EXID chuckles : Hehe
Yeongil pats Hyerin's head : ...
Gyeonghwa : Is it okay to comeback every month ?
LE : It's okay
Hani's mom : I wonder where did all your songs come from
Hani : Ah... our members are really good at writing
Hyerin : Their individual work goes like a story
Junghwa : Really ?
Hani's mom : What group are they ?
Hani : BTS
LE : Right
Solji : They're the next BigBang
Junghwa : Oh , right
Hyerin : Shouldn't we move to another table for the members ?
Hani : Oh , let's do that first *gets up*
Hyerin raise hand : ...
LE : Do it ourselves !
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Notification : [Namjoon : Jungsik Seoul , Right ?]
[Yoongi 😒 : Noona , we're on our way]
[Kookie : Luckily we haven't ate yet]
Hani : There , is it enough ?
Solji : 1 , 2 ... 5 , 6... Yes
Yeongil : Their teamwork is really good
Hani's mom : But on television...
*Everyone laughs*
Junghwa : Maybe we don't work well in public
Hyerin : Right
EXID laughs : Haha
Hani : It's a thing for us
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji : So... dad , how you been well ?
Solji's dad : I have
LE types in phone : ...
Message : [LE Noona : Faster come , it's getting awkward]
[Yoongi 😒 : Alright]
Hani's mom : So... does the members treat you well ?
Solji : Oh , Yes
Junghwa : Seokjin Oppa cooks for us
Junghwa's dad : Everyday ?
Hani : Ah , no , sometimes Hyerin will cook
Hyerin : Depends... sometimes we will order or we all will take turns to cook
Yeongil : I thought only you two
LE : No , we help Hyerin around
Gyeonghwa : Anything to complain ?
LE : Mom , we're grownups...
Gyeonghwa : We still worry about you
Junghwa's dad : Right , your mom is worried about you
Junghwa : Tell mom I'm doing good
Hyerin : I have a complain... Seokjin Oppa is annoying
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji : He's like that , Namjoon said he's very playful
Hani : Right
Solji's dad : Is he ?
Junghwa : Yes , But he'll apologise after
Yeongil : He shouldn't , he's just having fun
Hyerin : We tell him that
Solji : He's stubborn too
Hani : But he's a great cook
Hani's mom : Better than mom ?
Hani : No , mom's cooking is the best
EXID holds laugh : ...
Solji : Who else ?
Junghwa : Are we gossiping ?
Hyerin : Yes
*Everyone laughs*
Gyeonghwa : It's okay , just say it out
Hani : Just make sure when we turn back they don't hear us
LE : Right
Junghwa's dad : Who else have disturbed you all ?
Hani : Oh !
LE looks at Hani : Who ?
Hani : Yoongi
LE : Ah !
Gyeonghwa : Why ? What's wrong ?
LE : Nothing
Gyeonghwa : What's wring ?
LE : No , he's worst than Daehoon
Gyeonghwa : What did you say ?
Hani's mom : What's wrong ?
Yeongil : Dad will beat him up
LE : No , no , he's just annoying
Junghwa : There's no need for that , Uncle
Yeongil : I'm kidding
Hani : But Yoongi is really caring
Solji thinking : For LE
Junghwa : Right , Oppa always stands up for us
Solji's dad : Isn't that great ?
Hyerin : He sleeps too much
EXID laughs : Haha
Hani : Right , he sleeps everywhere we go
LE : Even when we are recording
Junghwa : Right
Hani : But aside from that , they're all great members
Solji : Right
Hyerin : They took us out for a picnic
Junghwa : And when we won that time...
Hani : Yeah , dinner and Lotte World
Hani's mom : Sounds fun
Junghwa's dad : I have nothing to worry about
Junghwa : You don't have to...
Hyerin : I really appreciate the picnic since we're not earning... gosh *covers mouth*
EXID : ... !
Yeongil : What did you say ?
Gyeonghwa : You're not earning ?
LE : No , it's not that
Junghwa : How should we say this ?
Hani : We're not suppose to promote individual EXID work in any B.E activities... so for the last album , we released a song by 5 of us
LE : It's nothing bad
Hani's mom : You're not earning , it's bad
Solji's dad : You need money to live in this world now
Junghwa's dad : Why didn't you tell us ?
Junghwa : I didn't had to , I have my members
LE : Right
Solji's dad : Whose idea was this ? To not give you your pay ?
Solji holds Solji's dad's arm : Dad , it's nothing
Hyerin purse lips : ...
Hani : No , it's not your fault
LE : It's okay , you didn't mean it
Junghwa : Oh !
Suga bows : Hello...
Hani thinking : Goodness... could this be any worst ?
Solji : Where are the others ?
Suga : Jin Hyung is parking the car , the others are on their way up
LE : Sit down first
Suga : Oh , yes... *slowly sits down*
Yeongil : Which member is this ?
Hani : Ah... this is Yoongi
Suga : Yes *bows slightly* I'm Yoongi *chuckles nervously* sorry for not introducing myself
Gyeonghwa : No , it's okay
Junghwa's dad : He looks like an actor
Junghwa : No , he's not
Suga : I'm bad at acting... *chuckles nervously*
Notification : [LE Noona : Relax]
Jungkook bows : Hello
RM : Hello
BTS : Hello
Hani's mom : Yes , please sit
Solji whisper : Introduce yourself
RM : Oh... um...
Solji's dad : Who is who ?
Solji : Dad !
RM : Yes , I'm Namjoon
Junghwa's dad : Ah... your leader ? *looks at Junghwa*
Junghwa : Yes
JHope : Hello , I'm Hoseok *smiles*
V : Hello , I'm V-... Gosh , Taehyung
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Jungkook : I'm Jeongguk
Jimin : Yes , I'm Park Jimin
Jin : Yes , hello , my name is Seokjin
Jungkook : Our Hyung
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Solji's dad : Should we order ?
Hyerin : Yes , please
Junghwa's dad : They must be starving
Hani : No , it's okay
LE hands menu : Here
Suga holds menu : Thank you
Junghwa : Unnie , is it okay if we share ?
Solji : Huh ? Okay
Hani's mom : You guys should eat more
Hyerin : We have to diet
V : Right...
Yeongil : No , food is more important *opens menu* order what you want
Hyerin stares at menu : Dad , I want to share with you
Yeongil : Okay
Hani : Mom , where's dad ?
Hani's mom : He's stuck at work again , Taehwan will pick him up
Hani : Ah... He's always so busy...
Suga : Well... is it okay if we pay for the meals ?
BTS : ... ?
Gyeonghwa : Huh ? There's no need , we can settle it
LE : Right , Yoongi
Suga : Please ?
Solji : Ah , you can bring us to eat tomorrow night
Junghwa : Right
Gyeonghwa looks at LE : ... ?
LE : ...
Hyerin : Oppa , there's no need
Hani's mom : Right , we miss our kids
Solji's dad : This is to show how proud we are of them
Suga : Well...
Hani kicks LE's leg : ...
LE : Don't waste your money , Yoongi-ah , the members have treated us that day
Solji : Right
Suga : Okay...
Everyone looks at LE : ...
Jin raise hand : Excuse me , can we order now ?
Waiter : Yes , how may I help you ?
V whisper : What's up ?
Suga whisper : Nothing
JHope thinking : If Hyung didn't liked Noona , he would have continue persuading
LE looks at BTS : Have you guys ate ?
Jungkook : No
Junghwa gasp : No ?
Hani : I thought Seokjin was going to cook ?
Jin : I was
Jimin : Hyung wanted to order , he was not feeling well ?
Hyerin : Pardon ? Oppa , you're not well ?
Jin : No , it's not that ! *looks at Jimin* 야 , Jimin-ah
B.E laughs : Haha
Jin : I drank enough water
RM chuckles : No , he was feeling tired , he's not sick
Solji : Ah... you scared me
Junghwa's dad : Excuse me *gets up* I'll be right back *answers call*
Yeongil : Gosh , he must be busy
Solji's dad : That's his 5th call
Junghwa : For real ?
Hyerin : Ah , Maybe it's your mom
Solji : Oh ! Do you want to call her ?
Junghwa : Mm... after dinner
Gyeonghwa : How's your dongsaeng doing ?
Junghwa : Ah... he's doing good , he's about to finish his studies
Hani's mom : Really ? That's great *looks at Hani*
Hani : Mom~
LE laughs : Sorry
Hani : Unnie !
Solji's dad : Your members are very quiet
Hyerin : No , they're scared , they're normally very active
Junghwa : Right !
Solji kicks RM : ...
RM : Ah... thank you for inviting us out for dinner
Jimin : Oh , right
Jungkook : Thank you~
Yeongil : You should take care of yourself , you guys work too much
EXID nods : Yes~
Jin : LE Noona , I almost mistaken your mom as your sister
JHope : They look alike don't they ?
Jin : They do !
BTS laughs : Haha
Hani's mom : So , have the girls bullied you ?
Hani : Mom !
Jungkook : No , Noona treats us good
Jimin : Right
Jin : No , the members eat too much
BTS laughs : Haha
Hani : We have to eat to be healthy
Junghwa : Right
RM : You guys were talking about diet just now
Hyerin : Food is more important
*Everyone laughs*
Yeongil pats Hyerin's head : Our Hyerin...
Junghwa's dad sit down : Sorry , What did I missed ?
Junghwa looks at Junghwa's dad : Who's that ?
Junghwa's dad : Work
Junghwa : Ah... okay
Junghwa's dad : Why ?
Junghwa : You looked busy...
Hani's mom : Didn't you say Yoongi sleeps too much ?
LE coughs : Pardon ?
V : Right , Hyung sleeps too much
Solji's dad : He's not sleeping now
Suga : Noona , don't simply spread stuff
LE : No
Hani : It's true !
Suga chuckles : Yes , it's true
Yeongil : Sleep is important too
Hyerin : Dad , stop saying all this !
Yeongil laughs : Alright
Solji : 야 , don't scream at your dad
Yeongil : No , we're just playing
Hyerin : Right
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Hani's mom : Like father , like daughter
Yeongil : Seo family
Hyerin : Yeah
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji : Oh~ Cute
Gyeonghwa : Where are you guys from ?
LE : Mom , Do you want to sit here ?
Gyeonghwa : No
Hani laughs : Why are you teasing her ?
LE : I'm not
RM : Uh... I'm from Ilsan
Yeongil : Oh...
Gyeonghwa : Seokjin ? Right , Seokjin ?
Jin : Yes , Gwacheon
Junghwa : Oh ! Both are in Gyeonggi
Jin : Yes
RM : Hyung
Suga : Huh ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani's mom : Were you asleep ?
Suga : No , no
Gyeonghwa : Where are you from ?
Suga : Oh , I'm from Daegu
V : Me too *lift hand*
Suga high fives with V : Yeah
JHope : Who let the Daegu brothers sit together ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji's dad : What about you ?
Hyerin : Gwangju
BTS : Ohh...
Yeongil : You know him ?
Hyerin : You don't ?
Yeongil : No
Hyerin : He's from the same academy
Yeongil : Really ?
LE : Dad has been working too much
Hyerin : Yeah
BTS chuckles : Hehe
Gyeonghwa : You ?
Hani whisper : Your Mom is looking for a boyfriend for you
LE & Hani laughs : Haha
Jimin : Busan~ *eye smiles*
Junghwa : Really ?
Hani : We've been in this group for 7 months and we didn't know
B.E laughs : Haha
V : It's okay , we don't know where they're from too
Hyerin : Right
Hani's mom : What kind of group is this ?
LE : A group that doesn't know each other
*Everyone laughs*
Hani : Daebak , Unnie , you're awesome *high fives with LE*
Jimin : Noona , where are you from ?
Solji : Who ? Me ?
Jungkook : Yes
Solji's dad : Go ahead
Solji : Chuncheon
BTS : Ohh...
V : I always thought Noona was from Seoul
JHope : Me too
Hani laughs : Haha
LE : We thought so too
Hyerin : Right , last time
RM : Junghwa ?
Junghwa : Ah , well... Anyang ? *looks at Junghwa's dad*
Junghwa's dad : Why are you so unsure where you come from ? *chuckles*
Junghwa : No , I'm from Anyang
Jin : We all know Hyerin is from Gwangju
RM : Yeah
BTS laughs : Haha
Suga : Noona ?
LE : Cheonan
EXID holds laugh : ...
LE : What is so funny ?
Junghwa : No , it's cute
LE : What's cute about a hometown ?
EXID laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Yay~ food !
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Junghwa , go get a plate
Junghwa : Oh , Yes *gets up*
Junghwa's dad : Oh , Be careful
Jimin : The restaurant cooks very fast
V : Right
Junghwa sits down : Alright , let's eat !
EXID : I will eat well~
BTS : I will eat well~
Gyeonghwa : I will eat well *looks at LE* Is it too much ?
LE : No , thank you
Hani's mom : Eat properly , Heeyeon-ah
Hani covers mouth & laughs : Why ? What did I do ?
LE chuckles : You eat like a cow
EXID laughs : Haha
Hyerin : No , she eats like a goat
Hani : Uh~
LE chuckles : Eat , eat
Hyerin : Meh~
Hani laughs : Haha
Solji's dad : You too , Solji
Solji chokes : I don't !
Solji's dad laughs : Haha

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