13th November , Tuesday

43 0 0

KBS building , Outside , 09.55...
Jin : Noona , what's wrong with you ? *holds laugh* It was just a joke
LE : Ah , But I really feel like I wronged him when he said that
Jin : He'll be here soon , you'll need to go
LE : I know...
Jin checks watch : Gosh , we need to go too
LE : Already ? *gets up*
Jin : Be careful , Noona
LE : Yes , thank you
Jin waves : ...
LE thinking : I hope I don't bump into you
Solji : Get moving already , Hyojin-ah
LE : I get it ! *spots Suga & Jimin* Shit...
Jimin : It was yesterday , Hyung
Suga : Ah , I forgotten
LE thinking : Why does my heart hurt ? Should I avoid him ? But I want to wait for him...
Jimin : Do we put our bags here ?
Suga : Yeah
Jimin : But there's no one
Suga gets into car : ...
LE thinking : I'll just wait here for him
JHope : Noona , the PD wants to see you
LE : Okay
JHope : If Taehyung and the PD are not there , just return to the van first
LE : Alright
Jimin : Are you really unbothered ?
Suga : Uh
LE : Here ? Taehyung isn't here... *looks around*
Suga ties shoelace : It's too early
Jimin : I know !
LE walks off : Was Hoseok trying to play with me ? I'll get him...
JHope : Noona , Sorry ! I was suppose to look for Hani Noona
LE : 야 , you idiot !
JHope laughs : Sorry !
LE : Sigh... *runs arm* It's cold...
Jimin : Ah , seriously...
Suga looks at LE : ...
Jimin : Morning , Noona~
Suga smiles : ...
LE nods : Good morning
Suga : How are you ?
LE : I'm good *looks away*
Suga : Go look for Heechul Hyung
Jimin whisper : So you can be alone with Noona ? Ohh~ Alright
Suga push Jimin : ...
Jimin laughs : Haha
Suga : Baby , is it me or are you doing something to me ?
LE smiles : ...
Suga : What's wrong ?
LE : Nothing , Where did you put your bag ?
Suga : In the van
LE : There's no one there...
Suga chuckles : What's wrong ?
LE : Nothing , I'm just nervous
Suga : What For ? Fool *chuckles* do you want a jacket ? It's cold out
LE : No , I'm okay
Suga : Let's go meet up with the others
LE thinking : My heart is pounding , am I scared or shy ?
Hani : Oh ! Unnie~ you finally arrive
LE : I was here already
Hani : We were suppose to meet there
LE : 야 , who told me to go there ?
RM : Oh , Sorry
Heechul : Okay , class , today we will do some request from the fans
Solji : Task ? Request ?
Heechul : More like community service for the TOGETHER community
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Heechul : We'll start with EXID's because it needs to be done here , we'll be on the street later
B.E : Okay
Jin : I'm curious
Heechul : Idol who's been keeping this away from the camera , EXID
BTS laughs : Haha
Solji : Faster
Heechul : Please perform 'School Life' for us
Jungkook : It sounds like my suggestion
Solji : 야 , you suggested it ?
Jungkook : Yes , I did
LE : What ?
Heechul : This was a fan's request , unless this is Jungkook's username *shows card to Jungkook*
Jungkook : No
Junghwa : So there's a lot of fan who wants to see 'School Life'
Hyerin : On this ground ?
Heechul : Too hard ?
LE : No , we have to lie down in the start
JHope : Ohh
Jin : This is new for EXID
Solji : 야 , 'Hopeful' has something similar
BTS : 'School Life' , 'School Life' , 'School Life'
LE : Alright , we'll do it
Hani : Right , for the fan
Jimin : Mean
V laughs : Don't say that now , or they won't perform
Jimin : Sorry~
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Suga : I'm curious
Heechul : This is the instrumental
Jin : Why is Junghwa and Hyerin at the side ?
JHope : Is it okay for them to dance in tight jeans ?
Heechul : Jeans should be okay
Solji : It's okay , please start the music
Jungkook : Let's go !
V : Solji Noona's pout is cute
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
Hani sits up : 7 in the morning , I hear my alarm ring , the sunlight between the window clink
Jimin : Ohh
Hani : Mom's nagging to get up is the sound of a midsummer night mosquito , my uniform is wrinkled like my pyjamas , inside are 2 plain clothes , I want to sleep but on the way to school , I found a way to sleep
Jin : What ?
Hyerin : A kid being noisy , a kid reading book , a kid adjusting bangs , playing phone games , as soon as the bell rings , the teacher nags at the kids who are sleeping
EXID : Ah teacher
Solji : We've been through a lot at our age , why are you pretending not to know ?
EXID : Ah why ?
Solji : Do you keep saying whatever ?
LE : I'm annoyed at you always complaining
Hani : The sounds of the bell goes ring ring ring
JHope : Oh
Hyerin : Everyday's the same feeling , Oh I'm tired of it
EXID : School Life
Hyerin : Today too , I
Solji : I wanna believe that tomorrow will be a little different
EXID : School Life
Solji : Today too , I
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
Solji : Today too , I
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
Solji : Today too , I
LE : It's math time , boring number and everyday dispute
B.E holds laugh : ...
LE : In That day , those fluttering numbers , hour panting , the relationship gap between 12 and 1 , whether I have a dream or not , whether I become an athlete , sprinting towards the cafeteria , throwing all concerns away yeah
Junghwa : Daily educating at school , studying and studying
Jungkook : Whoo
Junghwa : It makes me feel sick , I don't have a dream , I always feel small in front of grade
Solji : I can't never do what I want , looking at myself in the mirror , please stop
LE : Free souls retreat far away
Junghwa : The sounds of the bell goes ring ring ring
Hyerin : Everyday's the same feeling , Oh I'm tired of it
EXID : School Life
Hyerin : Today too , I
Solji : I wanna believe that tomorrow will be a little different
EXID : School Life
Solji : Today too , I
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
LE : Today too , I
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
LE : Today too , I
EXID dances : ...
JHope : Break Dance ?
Heechul : Ohh
RM : This is new for us
Jin : Oh ! The tempo slows
Hani gets up : Today too , I
Suga : There's that line again
B.E holds laugh : ...
Hyerin : Everyday's the same feeling , Oh I'm tired of it
V : Daebak
Jungkook : EXID is awesome !
Solji smiles : I wanna believe that tomorrow will be a little different
EXID : School life
Hyerin : Today too , I
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
Hyerin : Today too , I
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
Hyerin : Today too , I
RM : Now is the breakdance
Jimin : Rock that moves , yeah
Hyerin : Everyday's the same feeling , Oh I'm tired of it
EXID : School life
Hyerin : Today too , I
Solji : I wanna believe that tomorrow will be a little different
EXID : School life
Solji : Today too , I
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
Junghwa : Today too , I
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
Junghwa : Today too , I
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
EXID : Today too , I
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
EXID : Today too , I *lies down*
BTS claps : ...
Heechul : Feedback
RM : I think in this song , you can hear EXID's rap potential
EXID : Thank you
JHope : I like the dance
Jimin : Noona , teach me !
Hani : No way
Jimin pouts : ...
Jin : When the tempo slows down , Wow
Jungkook : The only time you see EXID takes life slow
EXID : Jeon Jungkook !
BTS laughs : Haha
Hyerin : 야 , What are you talking about ?
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Suga : You'll Get Yourself in Trouble !
RM : Right , are you crazy ?
Jimin : He's happy
Suga : I got shocked when it started with Hani Noona's rap
JHope : Daebak
V : Junghwa Noona's rap style sounds similar to LE Noona
Junghwa : That's right , I'm Unnie's understudy
BTS : Ohh
Suga : Noona really hate maths
Jin : Right , I noticed
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Too obvious , Unnie
JHope : But For real...
BTS claps : ...
LE : BTS' turn
Heechul : Yes , How do you know ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Heechul : Powerful dancing BTS , should we try another random dance play ?
BTS : No !
EXID laughs : Haha
Heechul : Okay then , let's get into the van
Hani : We'll see our task from there ?
Heechul : Yes
Hyerin : Let's go !
V : Whoo~
Jungkook : I'm excited
Jimin : This will be fun
Jin : What if a task we don't like comes out ?
Jimin : Then it's a joykill to us
B.E laughs : Haha
V : Excuse me , the bus or the van ?
PD : The bus
Hani : Teacher !
Heechul : I forgotten about half the members *laughs*
Junghwa : Oh ! The TV is on
Screen : [Welcome B.E]
RM : Sit down first
JHope : Safety first
Solji : Jungkook-ah , sit down
Jungkook : Yes
Junghwa : Madnae and maknae
Hani laughs : Haha
LE : ... ?
Hani laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Please leave Hani here
B.E laughs : Haha
Screen : [The first task is for Solji... we will stop off at Dongdaemun streets and you'll get on stage to do a performance]
Solji : 야 , What is this ?
Screen : [Here is the full request]
Hani : 'Solji Noona , please perform at dongdaemun~ it's the only time I can see you There'
Solji : Ah... Alright
LE : What are you going to do ?
JHope : Sing ?
RM : Masked Singer must sing
Jimin : Oh ! Right
Jin : Let's go , Noona !
Hyerin : She's on the verge of hitting someone
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Solji : Don't laugh~
V raise hand : Suga Hyung is asleep
EXID : What ?
Jimin laughs : Haha
Solji : 야 , Min Yoongi !
Jin : We just got on the bus
Solji : Ah , Just let him be
RM : Gosh , this Hyung...
Hyerin : So What will you sing ?
Solji : Don't know...
JHope : What did you sing for your masked singer ?
Solji : My first ? 'Maria'
Hani : Right , Right
LE : She'll cry again
EXID laughs : Haha
Hani : Why... ?
Jimin : Noona should do it
Solji : Or Maybe I should sing 'Up&Down' myself
Junghwa : Rap ?
Solji : Yeah
Jungkook : Noona , you just sang a rap song just now
Solji laughs : Haha
Jin : What ? She's scary
LE : Our Unnie has a slight mental illness due to her hiatus
Solji tries to hit LE : ...
Hani screams : Why Hit me ?
Solji : Sorry , I tried to hit LE
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Unnie , we're reaching soon
Solji : Ah , goodness
LE : Unnie , Play it safe , 'In a Dream'
JHope : Right , right
Jin : Noona's solo
Solji : I'll stick with what I know
RM : I'm curious
Screen : We're reaching
Solji : Goodness...
Jimin : Noona , hwaiting !
V : Yeah
Jungkook : Heo Solji , hwaiting
Solji : He's quite daring
Hyerin : Gosu , Gosu
Junghwa : Right ! Gosu !
LE : Ah , Gosu ?
EXID : Gosu !
Hyerin : EXID's main vocal...
EXID : Heo Solji~
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Jimin claps : Whoo !
Jin : This is the first time I see Yoongi smiling after being awaken
Suga : Noona , hwaiting
Solji : Uh
Hani points screen : Can we see from here ?
RM : Oh ! We can
V : I'm curious...
Staff : Just follow along the trail
Solji looks at camera : Ah , the members are watching from here ? *laughs* For real , I have never felt so nervous before , maybe because it's impromptu , ah ! Goodness...
Suga : She talks a lot when she's nervous
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Hwaiting !
PD : Step on the stage please
Solji holds microphone : Thank you *trips*
B.E laughs : Haha
JHope : Goodness !
V : Is she that nervous ?
Solji : Yes , Hello , I'm Heo Solji
Hyerin : Whoo !
BTS chuckles : Hehe
Solji : Today I'm here to complete a task , and you guys are here to support me , right ?
Jin : What ?
Hani : Unnie's style
Solji : I'll start *smiles*
Junghwa : She's nervous , she's lonely , she's really nervous
LE : Wait , did she even say what she was singing ?
B.E : ...
Jungkook : Well , goodbye , Noona
Solji : Uh , 멍하니 책을 보다 눈물이 났어 이게 슬픔인가봐
Hani : 'In a dream'
Solji : 서랍 속 숨겨왔던 일기장 꺼내 이게 아픔인가봐 Uh~
Junghwa : Yeah !
Solji : 한시간전엔 정말 아무렇지 않았죠 Uh~ 꿈이라서 그땐 아무것도 몰랐었죠 Uh~ 함께 있고 싶은 마음일까
EXID : Ay !
Solji : 아무 대답 없는 너~
Jimin : Whoo
Solji : 꿈에 널 그리는 feeling~ 그래
EXID : 그래 !
Solji : 상상 못해도 난 또 , 너를 그리워서 dreaming~ 그냥 그래 잠 못 드는 오늘밤...
Junghwa : Masked Singer !
EXID : EXID ! Heo Solji !
BTS laughs : Haha
Solji : 모두 잠든 밤 혼자서 우두커니 앉아 하늘 보며 , 멈춘 시간 속 나 어릴 적 그때처럼 너의 발 길 따라 Uh~ 어젯밤엔 내가 이럴 줄은 몰랐죠 Uh~ 깨어보니 내겐 아무 일도 없었죠 Uh~ 다시 보고 싶은 마음일까
B.E : Ay !
Solji : 아무 의미 없는 너~ 꿈에 널 그리는 feeling~ 그래
B.E : 그래 !
Solji : 상상 못해도 난 또 , 너를 그리워서 dreaming~ 그냥 그래 잠 못 드는 오늘밤 . 아이처럼 웃으며 너의~ 품 그 안에서~ 내 곁에서 숨쉬며~ 너와 함께 있을게 , 익숙함이란 내게 독이 되어 다가오지만 난 계속 꿈을 꿔~ oh whoa~
Hani : She did her improvisation
Jimin : Go , Noona !
Jungkook : Whoo !
Solji : 상상 못해도 난 또 , 너를 그리워서 dreaming~ 그냥 그래 잠 못 드는 오늘밤... *claps*
Hani : What is she doing ?
JHope : Why ?
Hyerin : There's still more
Suga : She's escaping
Solji : 상상 못해도 난 또 *holds laugh* 너를 그리워서 dreaming~ 그냥 그래 , 잠 못 드는 그런 오늘밤...
B.E claps : ...
Solji : LEGGO , I love you ! Bye~ Bye , Bye~ I love you...
Jin : Noona did well
LE : I can't wait for Seokjin to sing
RM : Why ?
V : Noona is so sudden
LE : I heard Seokjin can pull a triple high note
Jin : Where did you hear it from ? That's true ! I need to praise that person
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Ah , Unnie
Junghwa : Hani Unnie went back in time
Hyerin gets up : ...
Hani screams : 야 !
B.E laughs : Haha
Staff : Do you want to see who requested that ?
Solji : Oh , I can ?
Staff : Yes
Solji : Oh , sure
B.E : ... ?
Guy laughs nervously : Hello *bows*
Solji bows : Hello
Guy : Yes , Hello
Jungkook : Ohh , we get to see our special requestor
LE : 야 , who suggested 'School Life' ?
BTS laughs : Haha
Hani : We'll look for you
Solji : Ah , you work around here ?
Guy : Yes
Solji : Where Do you stay ?
Guy : I take a train everyday from Busan
B.E gaps : ... !
Solji : Ah... I see *pats guy's back* Thank you for requesting that , it was a pleasure to sing for all of you
Crowd : Whoo !
Solji : So you don't have time to go any EXID event ?
Guy : That and... I don't really have the money
Solji : I see... it's okay , I guarantee you , you'll at least make your dreams come true . Work hard , and get what you want... remember , Health is important
Guy : Yes
Solji : Hwaiting~
Guy bows : ...
Solji : Everyone , Thank you for coming *bows* Bye
Hani : Why don't we just leave her here ?
Junghwa : Is this a one song fanmeet ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : Please leave Noona here
RM : No , that's mean
Jin : She can't run after one song
Hyerin : Well , she's doing it
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Unnie , you're next
Junghwa : Please Give Unnie a request to sing too~
Hyerin : Ahn LE , please sing
Hani : What if all of us have to sing here too ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Wah *clap*
Hyerin : EXID's main vocal...
B.E : Heo Solji !
Jin : Noona , you were awesome
JHope : Have Noona thought of being a counsellor ?
Solji : Why ?
RM : You talked to the fan greatly just now
Solji : Ah... Thank you
Jimin : Next Q !
LE : 'Charisma Rapper Ahn LE'... *looks down*
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Hani : 'Please sing a duet with Suga'
LE : What is this ?
Jin : He's wide awake now *laughs*
Suga : Who sent that ?
V : Hyung , It'll be easy , just do 'Dangerous'
Suga : On camera ?
Solji : You guys already performed it live
Hani : Just do it
Hyerin : Where will they sing it ?
Heechul : We'll head to a coin ohraebang
Jungkook : Our teacher must seem bored
Heechul : I'm here to watch over this group of students , I'm not here to teach
Junghwa : Pardon ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Coin ohraebang reminds me of BUTBUTTV
Junghwa : Right , Right
Jungkook whisper : Do you have something soft ?
RM : Why ?
Jungkook whisper : Noona's asleep
LE whisper : Keep it down , Unnie's asleep
Junghwa : Already ? She just came back
Suga : Noona gets tired easily
Jin : Like you
JHope : He seems scared
Suga : Solji Noona was Right , this is all too sudden
RM : Hyung , you were so confident when it came out
Suga : That was 9 months ago
Jin : Oh ! I remember... never mind , nothing
Junghwa : That sounds suspicious
LE : Try not to wake her up
Jungkook : Uh
Jimin : His Hand is shaking
Junghwa : He's scared of girls... don't worry , Unnie won't bite
Jungkook place jacket under Solji's head : ...
Junghwa : Great job
V : Whoo~
Heechul : We're here !
LE shakes head : No way...
Jin : Let's go !
RM : Do they have a sub-unit name ?
Hani : Unfortunately no
Hyerin : SWAG
Jimin laughs : Haha
JHope : Why didn't we take that for our rapline name ?
RM : Uh...
Junghwa : SWAG , let's go
V : Then what about the vocal line ?
EXID laughs : Haha
Heechul : Be careful
LE : Okay
Suga squirms : Ah , too bright
LE : Where's the place ?
Staff : Over here
LE : Ah... thank you
Suga : The coins...
Staff : We'll insert it for you
Solji wakes up : Where are we now ?
JHope : Coin ohraebang
Hani : LE and Yoongi are going to sing
Solji : Oh , right *close eyes*
RM : She's really tired
Junghwa : We'll wake you up
Staff : Please pick your song
Suga : 'Dangerous' *press remote*
LE : 야 , can't you spell ?
Suga laughs : Haha
JHope : Definition of Suga Hyung
Junghwa : I thought his English is good
Jimin : He's shy
Junghwa : Gosh *shakes head*
LE : It's starting *looks at camera*
Hyerin : Fancam
Solji : Whoo...
JHope laughs : Haha
LE : Baby , is it me or are you doing something to me ?
B.E : ... ?
LE : When you smile , it's shining but for some reason it's lying
Junghwa : The lyrics changed
LE : Dangerously , you're handsome , I'm already looking for you that is not there
Suga : What's scary is when I'm alone , what gives me goosebumps is when you cry , my focus , my control is all you , Uh Oh But the problem is I don't hate it , Oh no , I like it when we get closer , when it gets risky
Hyerin : This song never gets old !
JHope laughs : Haha
Suga : When I'm with you , danger seems like a good thing , whether it's the wrong or right answer , you decide for me girl
LE : My baby I love it when you come around
Jin : Whoo
LE : It's natural that you're scared of a dangerous girl like me , maybe I might fall more deeply into you
Hani : Unnie never suggested we sing a duet
B.E : ...
Suga : Come closer , show me your fantasy
Jimin : Here it comes
Suga : I'm gonna slowly show you love right
V : His voice didn't crack
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Hani : I'm going crazy , Unnie never sang a duet with me before
Suga : I'll give you the role of a picture , I'm freaking honest , my body is reacting , I'm not satisfied yet
Solji : Ah !
Jungkook : Noona should sleep
RM : Right
Junghwa : Unnie , if you're tired then rest
Jin : Suga is moving away from Noona
JHope : He's scared
LE : I love it , love it , love it , love it , love it too
Hani : I hate it
Hyerin holds laugh : ...
LE : We're gonna do it , going so mental , we'll play all night , put away your exhaustion
Suga : I love it , love it , love it , love it too , I showed myself to you so show yourself to me too , I want you to hug me
Hani : I should ask Unnie to sing with me
Solji : She have
Hani : But not our song
Junghwa : Ah , Unnie's jealous
LE : My baby I love it when you come around , it's natural that you're scared of a dangerous girl like me , maybe I might fall more deeply into you
JHope : I thought they would dance
V : Me too
Jimin : Then Hani Noona will be more jealous
Hani hits Jimin : ...
Jimin gaps : ...
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Noona , That actually hurts
RM claps : Their song is done
Hyerin : Right now you'll see a jealous Unnie , Uh
Junghwa : Yeah
Hyerin : Don't be jealous
B.E laughs : Haha
V : Maybe Noona will get to sing with her at her turn
Junghwa : Right , Unnie
JHope : I'm still figuring out Hyerin Noona and Junghwa's freestyle rap
Hyerin : Yeah , we're EXID's rapper
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Staff : LE has to stay
LE : Huh ?
Screen : 'EXID's Ahn Sister LE & Hani , please sing 'Weeknd' for us'
Hyerin : Unnie , Your turn !
Hani : Whoo hoo ! *gets up* Ah yeah
Jungkook : She's so happy
Jin : Taehyungie guessed correct
JHope : Right , Right
V : See ? I can read the Q's mind
Junghwa : This will be the first 'Weeknd' on live
Solji : Oh , right
Hyerin : Unnie , Do you Want to sleep or watch ?
Solji : Both
B.E claps : ...
Jungkook : Hyung , were you scared ?
Suga : Uh
Jimin : But for our first concert , he was dancing nicely with Noona
V : Stage presence versus shooting presence
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Ah , for real... my first duet with Unnie , thank you~
Hyerin : 'Weeknd' is interesting
Junghwa : Right
Solji : I would trade my solo for 'Weeknd'
JHope : I'm curious
Junghwa : No , Unnie you wrote 'Velvet' in exchange for 'In A Dream'
Solji : '3%'
Junghwa : Whatever
Jungkook : Then what did Noona write ?
Junghwa : Hani Unnie's 'Milk'
BTS : Ah...
Jin : Hyelin ?
Hyerin : Me ? Me... 'Weeknd'
Suga : Hyerin , next time we'll release something like 'Weeknd' and 'Sun & Moon'
Hyerin : Deal
Jin : What about me... ?
Hyerin : Boyfriend and best friend are different
Solji : Ohh , Yoongi got onto Hyerin's best friend list
RM : You have 'For You' either ways
Jin : Oh , right
V laughs : Haha
Suga : Then what did Hani Noona and LE Noona wrote ?
Junghwa : Ah , go read the LEGGO magazine yourself
Suga : What ?
BTS laughs : Haha
RM : What's taking so long ?
JHope : Don't know
Hani : Ah
LE & Hani laughs : Haha
Hani : Is the mic working now ?
LE : It is , start
Hani : Let's go *press remote*
Jin : They're really like twins
Hyerin : Unnie is made for Unnie
V : I'm curious
JHope : Tune is nice
LE : Everyone , 'Weeknd'
Jimin : Whoo !
Jungkook claps : ...
Hani : Yes I know 니가 원하는 게 뭔지 알아도 어쩔 수 없다고
Jungkook : Ohh
Hani : 나도 싫어 널 보채도 아직도 멀었어 Cause today is , 지루한 평일 우리 And you say 보고파 보고파 , 그래 우리 참고 주말에 봐 담에 봐
Jin : This isn't a breakup song ?
Hani : 예전엔 그저 화만 내기도 바빴지만 I don't wanna be like that , No I don't wanna be like that girl
LE : Um Monday 월화수목 어떻게 기다려 Till Sunday ? 너 뭔데 시간 지날수록 어째서 더 더 좋아지는건데 ?
RM : It's a love song ?
LE : 넌 일요일 아침 같아 내 몸 감싸는 게 꼭 해 같아
V : Woah , Noona
LE : 너랑 있는 시간만 왜 이리 빠른지 몰라 ? 난 이제 어째 나도 이런 날 보고 놀라
Hani : 몇 밤을 자고 일어나도 아직 수요일인데
Jungkook : Aw
Hani : 오늘 자고 내일이 오고 또 내일이 지나도 오지 않을 것만 같던
Junghwa : Let's Go !
LE : 월화 수목 지나고 나 기다려왔던 , 주말 모든 게 행복해지는
Hani : Weeknd you're like weeknd , Oh weeknd 넌 꼭 주말 같아
LE dances : ...
Hani laughs : Haha *dances*
V : I thought it's a breakup song
Junghwa : You thought wrong
Jimin : This is awesome , it's complimenting the boyfriend
Suga : Ah , Hyerin , how can I write this ?
Hyerin : Think of her *chuckles*
B.E : Ohh
Jungkook : Let's go
JHope : Whoo
Hani : Oh I'm crazy about you 난 내일이 가길 기도해 매일 널 그리워해 , 널 만나고 또 Monday to Friday 이런 평일엔 니가 필요해
Jin : Desperate
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : 그래 넌 Like weeknd , I feel it coming, free ticket 날 천국에 데려가네
Hani : Yeah
LE : 이 참에 나 일도 다 때려칠래
Suga : Ah , what ?
LE : 그래 미쳤나봐 내가 너한테 나 전부 All in 해도 될까 ? 네 뒷모습만 봐도 호흡이 가뻐 , 이러다 정말 나 I need a doctor
RM : What was going on at the instrumental ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : 오늘 가고 내일이 오고 또 내일이 지나도 오지 않을 것만 같던
LE & Hani : 월화
Hani : Woah~
LE : 수목 지나고 나 기다려왔던 주말 모든 게 행복해지는
Hani : Weeknd you're like weeknd , Oh weeknd 넌 꼭 주말 같아 . Yes I know 니가 원하는 게 뭔지 알아도 어쩔 수 없다고 , 나도 싫어 널 보채도 아직도 멀었어 Cause today is
LE & Hani : 월화 수목 지나고 나 기다려왔던 주말 모든 게 행복해지는 Weeknd you're like weeknd , Oh weeknd 넌 꼭 주말 같아 *dances*
Jin : Hani Noona's improvisation with LE Noona's singing is amazing
JHope : Their voices compliment each other
Solji : Right ?
Junghwa : Unnie , why do you want 'Weeknd' as your song ?
Hyerin : Honestly , I'm a Ahn Sister fan
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : I'm a LE fan
Hyerin : That's why we have to work on a song
Junghwa : Oppa , you ?
Jin : Me ? Hyelin fan... but she breaks my heart
B.E laughs : Haha
Jin : I'll be a Solji fan
Solji : Oh~ Thank you
Jimin laughs : Haha
RM : The two Noonas are like a couple
Solji : Twins
B.E claps : ...
LE : I'll be like Unnie , Sleep now
Solji laughs : Haha
V : Noona , did you change the lyrics ?
Junghwa : Unnie , What happened to 'boy , are you doing something to me ?'
LE : Ah... That was the original lyrics that I prefer
Hani : Why change ?
LE : It sounds weird
Junghwa : No !
Jungkook : Maybe Noona doesn't want to seduce the fan
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : 야 , our Kookie... is growing fast , huh ?
V : Noona , What do you mean ?
JHope : We know what she means
BTS laughs : Haha
Screen : [Worldwide Handsome Kim Seokjin , you are always scared of everything . What about elders ?]
Heechul : Ah... for this , it's a special request . Seokjin is scared and shy , so this requestor have asked you to do some community work
Jungkook : That's great
Junghwa : This can raise your reputation among people
Jin : How do we do that without getting mobbed ?
Heechul : We'll drop you off at work spaces , so there's only schools and businesspeople
Jin : Alright
Suga : He's shaking
Hani : 덜덜덜
EXID laughs : Haha
RM : Hyung , you have always done this
Hyerin : Oppa is shy ?
Suga : He gets shy around adults
EXID : Ohh
Solji : Now we know
Jin : Why did you say that ?!
V : They can use it against him
Suga : Oh... shit
LE : Don't swear on TV !
B.E laughs : Haha
Heechul : Hey , Do you Want some demerits ?
Suga : No , sorry !
Hyerin : Uh-oh , Yoongi Oppa got into trouble
Junghwa : I was about to sing 'Trouble'
Solji : Don't , or you'll get demerits too
RM : Why ?
JHope : There's swear word ?
Hani : The lyrics goes like this... do you love me ? Do you love me ? Damn
Jin : Ah...
Hani : Does that get censored ?
Heechul : For songs , normally no
Suga : What ? That's unfair
Jungkook : Hyung , Sing a song that has swear word
Solji : 야 ! *hits Jungkook* People watches this !
We're doing community service today , show some respect !
B.E holds laugh : ...
Jimin : Our Jeongguk has grown
V : Sooner or later , he'll fall in love
JHope laughs : Right , Right
LE : I think Jungkook is pretty mature now , it's just that he wants to be playful
Jungkook laughs : Haha
RM : It must be something he said previously to give Noona this impression
B.E laughs : Haha
Jin : Ah , When will we reach ?
Hyerin : We're turning in to Insadong
Jin : It's a busy place ? It's more like a country
Heechul : Ah , But the elders there are always looking for help
Screen : [Task count , 5]
Heechul : We're reaching
Junghwa : Oppa , why don't you help those school kids to cross the roads ? And then buy some coffee for him
Jin : Pardon ?
JHope : That counts ?
Solji : That counts !
LE : As long as you do community services
Hani : That's right
Jin : What else can I do ?
Hani : After you walk the school kids and get him a coffee , help an elder cross the road ?
RM : Oh , that's right
Heechul : Kim Seokjin , please proceed
Jin gets up : Goodness...
Hyerin : Oppa , hwaiting ! I'm a Kim Seokjin fan
B.E : Ooh~
Jimin : He's smiling
Jungkook : He is satisfied
Jin : Ah , For real... *chuckles* Let's go
Hani : This is the first time I see him so unconfident
Hyerin : Oppa , straighten your back~
Heechul : You guys can talk to him
B.E : Oh , really ?
Heechul hands walkie talkie : ...
Jungkook : Oh , Daebak
Hyerin : Oppa , straighten your back~
Jin : Who's that ? Hyelini ?
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : No
Jin : 야 , What ? PD , this walkie talkie has problem
B.E laughs : Haha
V : It's us
Junghwa : We're help and support , reporting for duty
LE hits Junghwa : This girl never changes !
B.E laughs : Haha
Jin : Ah , What should I do ?
PD : We'll settle the school kids first
Jin : Alright
JHope : Let's hope he doesn't scold the kids like how he scolds Jungkook
BTS laughs : Haha
Solji : He scolds ?
Suga nods : ...
Hani : Maybe Because Unnie is the oldest , so he can be childish again
Solji hits Hani : ...
EXID laughs : Haha
Jin : Hello
Kids : Hello !
Jin : My name is Seokjin , today I've been assigned to...
B.E : ... ?
RM : Why did he stop talking ?
Jin clears throat : Sorry , to walk you to school , may I ?
Kids : Yes !
Girl : He's from BTS
Girl 2 : Right !
Boy : BTS' Jin ?
Jin : Calm down , I'm here as a friend today
Boy 2 : Cool , to have a idol to walk us to school
Jin : Stay close
Junghwa : Is he happy because he didn't freak out or is it because they know him ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Girl : Can you sing a song for us ?
Jin : Uh... now ?
LE : Do it
Jin : What song ?
Boy : Anything
JHope : Ah , I feel like having his task
Jin : I'm so sorry but it's fake love
BTS : Fake love
Jin : Fake Love
BTS : Fake Love
Jin : Fake Love
Girl 3 : Cool
B.E laughs : Haha
Boy 2 : Where are the others ?
Jin : Ah... I'm here , why don't we talk about me ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : I really hate it when people ask like that
Jimin : Right !
V : Us too , Noona
Jin : Oh , we're reaching your school
Girl 2 : Aw
Boy : I will tell my mom that I met BTS' Jin today
Jin laughs : You have to !
Solji : Oh~ That Kim Seokjin is really...
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Jin : Alright ! We have arrived , have fun *waves*
Boy highfives with Jin : ...
Jin : ... !
JHope : Daebak
Hyerin : Me too , me too~
Girl highfives with Jin : ...
Jin laughs : Highfive ! *highfives with Girl 2*
RM : Hyung is actually good at this
PD : Jin , we have to run
Jin : Why ?
PD : There is a stampede of student headed in this way
Jin : Alright *waves* I'll go off now !
Children : Yes !
Jin runs off : ...
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Take your cameraman !
Jin : Oh ! Good morning *bows*
Hani : That's right , Seokjin !
Jin : Do you need some help ?
Patrol : Um , it's okay
Jin : Pardon , I'm here on a task to do community services
Patrol : Well... Alright
Staff : We have prepared a safety vest for you
Jin : Ooh
V : This will be weird
Suga : It's like a floating vest
RM : But thinner
JHope : Obviously
Junghwa : Oppa , you look weird
Jin looks at camera : Be quiet
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Oppa , you're so mean !
LE : Did you say that into the walkie talkie ?
Junghwa : No , what a good dongsaeng am I !
EXID coughs : ...
BTS laughs : Haha
Patrol : Just stand in front of the cars when someone has to cross
Jin : Pardon ?
Patrol : Yes , until the person has finish crossing , then you can let the car pass
Jin : Won't I get hit ?
Hyerin : Idiot , don't walk out when the cars are speeding !
B.E laughs : Haha
Patrol : Is that your partner ?
Jin : Yes , a brat
Hyerin : 야
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : 야 , Jeonghwa , are you okay ?
Junghwa shakes head : No
JHope : So honest
BTS laughs : Haha
Patrol : You can try now

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