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It was the worst day ever.

It's not like he wanted it too, but some things really don't favor his ways.

Just like now.

He fell to a trap of one of the werewolves they're chasing from New Jersey to California.

It was one hell of a ride. Getting pit stops to different cities, solving problems, etc.

They've been chasing those rogues for a month, and they are unable to catch any one of them, making Dean -- his brother -- pissed more than ever.

When he woke up, he was sitting in a chair and tied up. But what he saw in front of him was unexpected.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy was chained directly to the wall. He has a jet black hair, sea green eyes, tanned and fit body.

Judging by the looks, he won't be able to sit his rump to the floor in that position. Sam winced on that.

But the weirdest part was the boy was grinning at him like he doesn't mind being chained at all.

"Sup?" The boy greeted.

He nodded in greet, wary of the boy.

"So, what's your story?" The boys started.

"Sorry?" Sam asked.

"Oh, where are my manners? My girlfriend will kill me if she found out I was abducted again." He chuckled. "I'm Percy. I'm sorry if I can't shake your hand, looks like we're both chained. Oh, I'm wrong. I'm chained and you're tied down."

Sam was confused by the kid's behavior. Getting abducted tons of times isn't normal.

"Anyway," the kid -- Percy -- continued. "Why are you here? Those folks aren't interested in anyone that wasn't ordered to them."

"Well, we've been chasing this rogue pack for a month. And they're lead to California." Sam said. "My brother and I were trailing them when we got separated and here I am. What about you?"

"Me?" Percy said. "I dunno. I don't understand why they abducted me in the first place. I mean I'm on my way to home, visiting my girlfriend. And here I am. What's your name?"

"Oh, it's Sam." He said. Their talks make him comfortable, but he still can't imagine Percy's position. "Why are you chained like that?"

"Oh, this?" Percy moved his hands for the chains to create noise. "Obviously, they don't want me breaking free from that position. And besides, I have ADHD so I have a tendency to squirm if I'm sitting too long."

"You don't get tired of standing too much?"

"At least, I can still move my body a bit. If I can only reach to my pocket and get my pen ..."

The kid's getting weirder as he speaks more. No sane person will look first for a pen to escape.

Not too long when the door opens, revealing the scarred guy he was looking for.

"Ah, I see. You're already acquainted, eh? That's good. So that when your brother came, I can kill you both in front of him." The guy said, talking to Sam.

"Come on, what does your king want to me? You won't get even if you're trying to get even with Jason." Percy said. "And kill them? Seriously? Why hadn't you killed them both before instead of bringing him here? Does the fur already got into your brains?"

Fur? Sam thought in his head.

The man growled. "Be careful with your words, sea god scum. I might bring you to the king battered and bruised."

Sea god scum? Battered and bruised? What are they talking about? Sam was getting confused by the conversation between the two.

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