14. Bound

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In the blink of an eye, the seasons had shifted and the annual Season Ending festival was upon them. The castle was in a flurry, as it usually was with a wedding being planned, but instead of merchants coming in with rolls of white lace and extravagant jewels, carts filled with colourful lanterns and long streams of ribbon flooded the courtyard. On this day, the castle gates were opened to the public, and the trees and outdoor patios had to be decorated to showcase the vitality of the flourishing nation. 

The kingdom's major city was abustle with excitement, many eager to lay eyes on their crown prince's future wife, the future queen of their nation. Rumours flew from the mouths of overencumbered butcher's wives and bored noble ladies who gossiped as they sipped their tea. Many said that the prince's fiancé was a ridiculously wealthy noble who dazzled the prince with her dowry, whilst others said her astounding beauty wooed him with a glance. Others were bitter and maintained that she could scrape an average grade for looks, but weaselled her way into the palace with the tool under her skirt. 

In the glass bubble of the palace walls, Rose was unaware of all this intrigue surrounding her sudden engagement, and merrily strolled around the main patio with Lucas by her side, her lover laughing as she squealed over sparkling decorations and beautifully coloured sculptures.

"Oh, I love festivals!" Rose gushed, Lucas smiling as his fiancé admired the nearly-finished preparations, servants finalising the placement of the temporary seating areas and elaborate refreshment areas. "They're always so lively, with so much colour and wonderful music. I so wish father could be here. When I was younger, I used to stand on his toes at the annual Spring Festival, and we would dance around the bonfire in the great yard." Rose looked off into the distance as she recalled the warm memory, Lucas wrapping his arms around her from behind. Rose sighed happily as she leaned into his touch, savouring his warmth. 

Rose had noticed Lucas being more affectionate in recent weeks, and she often stayed up at night blushing like a madwoman. Rose was relieved at his increased touches and forehead kisses, her heart warming every time he smiled at her.

'Wedded bliss,' Rose smiled to herself, growing more and more excited about spending the rest of her life with this man by her side. Rose was truly happy, with both her lover and her dearest brother by her side. When they were both by her side, Rose felt that the world was right.

"Well, though you seem to have some very high standards with regards to dance partners," Lucas said, winking playfully, "I am hoping to steal a dance with you tonight, my lady." Rose giggled as she took Lucas's extended hand, her prince spinning him around the garden, her soft pink skirt billowing in the wind. Onlookers watched on happily as the picturesque couple laughed and held each other close.

"They were made for one another," a petite, dark-haired servant sighed, looking on in jealousy. Keir, who was watching the couple from afar with a sad gleam in his eyes, distractedly clipped roses from the garden. He had offered his services to distract himself from his other troubles, despite objections from all of the servants who were afraid of being beheaded for making a prince work. They had given in when Keir continued to insist on doing something, and ended up clipping roses that would be used for the traditional rose-giving game at the end of the night.

As the cold season ended and the season of blossoms began, it had become an event that as midnight waned, one would give a rose to the person they fancied. Most couples planned to give roses to each other, the act of reaffirming their love more important than the actual gift, while others saw it as a chance to confess their feelings. Whether the person accepted their flower or not gave the hopeful suitor the answer they craved, though these days roses were often also exchanged between close friends and siblings as platonic declarations of affection. In the end, receiving a rose from someone didn't hold any lingering obligations unless the two decided to court seriously. It was just a physical form of courage for some, and a fun game for others.

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