19. Abomination

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A/N: Disturbing/triggering scenes in this chapter (e.g. abuse, rape etc.) - please read with caution

"You're making a mess," Keir groaned, wrapping the corner of a napkin around his index fingers, wiping the red berry juice off Rose's cheek, his sister sticking her tongue out playfully. The twins sat on the edge of a grand fountain in the main garden of their castle, a basket of fresh berries nestle in Rose's lap. Rose continued to munch blissfully on the tangy orbs as Keir blew off a pile of fine wood shavings off his carving.

"Is that a bear?" Rose asked, peering over at the small wooden shape in her brother's hand, eyes mischievous. Keir gave his sister a pleading look as he raised it to her face, Rose snorting. 

"It's a wolf," Keir adamantly said, pointing to the animal's ambiguous features. 

"It's a bear," Rose replied sweetly, popping another berry into her mouth before grinning.

"Wolf," Keir retorted, crossing his arms over his developing chest as he huffed.


Rose squealed as Keir leaned forward, his hands tickling her sides mercilessly, the young princess laughing raucously as she jumped up from the fountain with her skirts bunched in her hands, berries spilling across the ground as he brother lunged after her, his annoyed face turning jovial as he chased his sister across the grounds. 

At fourteen years, Keir had become taller and stronger than his sister, though not by much. His masculine physique, and his advantageous clothes, still meant that he easily caught his sister in his arms, the pair tumbling into a roaring heap on the grass.

"That is unfair, brother," Rose whined, pointing to her full skirt and slightly heeled shoes. "Try running in these and we'll see how fast you are."

"I wouldn't dare chase you if you weren't wearing them," Keir laughed, the two of them sharing amused glances as a stern figure appeared on the lawn in front of them. Keir and Rose looked up to see their step-mother glaring down at them, her taloned fingers running along her heavy sapphire necklace with annoyance. 

"What are you two doing?" Eleona asked, her eyes piercing. Keir immediately rose to his feet, helping his sister up as they both bowed in the Queen's presence. 

"Good evening, step-mother," Rose said sweetly, offering Eleona a small smile. "We were just playing."

"Playing, were you?" Eleona sneered, her fingers picking at strands of grass that had embedded themselves in Rose's hair. The princess laughed with embarrassment, quickly combing through her dark locks with her fingers. "How horrendous, running around covered in muck like a mere beast. Go clean up and get to bed, child. It's late." 

"Yes, step-mother," Rose replied quickly, shooting Keir a good-night's glance, before picking up her skirts and briskly walking back into the castle. 

"And you," Eleona started, turning to Keir, taking in his dishevelled, red-cheeked form, her scowl morphing into a hungry smile. Keir felt like something less than human as his step-mother ran her hands through his long hair, which he had been forced to grow out as per his step-mother's request. Keir's ebony hair flew free as Eleona sliced through the tie holding it back with a sharp nail, the longest strands reaching the prince's mid back. Keir gritted his teeth as his step-mother stroked his hair, bringing the strands up to her painted lips, inhaling the scent.

"Go back to your chambers, boy," Eleona said slowly, her voice dripping with poison. "It is time for bed."


Keir bit down hard on his lip, drawing blood as his step-mother's body slithered on top of him, her milky flesh coiled with dark shadows that licked at Keir's torso. Keir's hands gripped the blankets around him, his breathing ragged as he squirmed beneath her. Eleona cackled as he writhed, her hand flying to his neck to still him, her nails slicing his skin. Keir's lips clamped shut as he whimpered weakly, Eleona's snake-like tongue sliding wetly along his cheek, the woman moaning as she tasted his sweet tears.

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