38. Her Husband's Lover

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"Has Rose not come by yet?" Keir asked, patting the bed next to him until he found Lucas's arm. Shaking his head, stopping himself half way through the motion, Lucas quietly said that she hadn't. Keir bit his lip at the prince's answer, concerned.

"She did faint when she saw you before," Lucas said, Keir leaning against his shoulder as he stared into nothingness. "She is probably still trying to build up her spirits to see you. She is delicate in that way."

"I suppose so," Keir sighed, before turning to Lucas. "Should you not go see her?" Lucas froze, Keir feeling it. "Lucas, as much as I wish for you to stay, you have been here looking after me all day. Rose is probably wondering where you are."

"But you need me to help you with your meal," Lucas started, Keir shutting down his excuse with a kiss, his lips hitting the corner of Lucas's mouth, slightly off the mark he was aiming for, though the desired effect was still completed.

"I don't have eyes, Lucas, but last time I checked I still have my hands," Keir said, grinning as he wiggled his fingers in the air. Lucas couldn't bring himself to laugh as he stared at Keir's covered eyes, worried. Not feeling Lucas moving, Keir sighed, giving Lucas's cheek a squeeze. "Lucas, I'm fine. Go to Rose."

"I don't want to," Lucas admitted, Keir squeezing his cheek. 

"She's your wife." The words were bitter on his tongue, but Keir remained firm. "Go to her, Lucas." Pushing Lucas's shoulder lightly, Keir smiled when he felt Lucas's weight lift off the bed. 

"I'll be back later tonight," Lucas said, Keir nodding. 

"I'll be right here."


The clock struck six in the evening when Lucas left Keir's room, a pair of servants bowing past him carrying Keir's evening meal right on time. Lucas itched to be the one to feed it to him, as he had done for both his lover's breakfast and lunch, but he could see Keir throwing the bowl of hot soup on him if he returned without finding out what is keeping Rose away from her brother.

Stomach growling, Lucas stepped into the dining hall, his father raising a surprised brow as he entered. 

"Lucas! We did not expect you to join us, we thought you would still be resting in your room," his father said, quickly calling for a servant to set another place at the table beside Rose and to inform the chef to prepare another serving. Rose did not look at him as she swirled a glass of sweet wine in her hand, Lucas frowning. 

"Yes, well, sitting in my room was boring me to pieces, so I decided to come down for dinner." Rose scoffed under her breath, only Lucas being close enough to hear the noise, his frown deepening. 

Rose had never acted like this before, so... cold. Her distance from him made him grow cold, though he knew that he deserved this sort of treatment a long time ago when he began to neglect her, in both body and soul.

"How is Keir faring? He has been awake for two days, but I'm sure with his... condition, it has taken some time to adjust," Lucas's mother asked Rose as they chewed on their first course. Lucas glanced at his wife, who cleared her throat as she gently dabbed at the edge of her mouth with the serviette that rested on her lap.

"I would not know, I have yet to visit him," Rose said, turning to Lucas with a sharp look in her eye. "Lucas has been spending a lot of time with him, however. It is probably better to ask him." Lucas felt himself grow cold. Lucas's parents glanced at him, confused, as they had thought he had spent most of his time in his room recovering. 

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