23. Body Over Mind

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Rose, popping a pitted cherry into her mouth, chewed happily as the sweet juices spilled over her tongue. The beautiful woman sat on the edge of the training ground on a plush velvet seat that had been carried down for her when the princes decided they would spar to get their minds off the violent death that had rocked the castle, though unbeknownst to her, they also wanted to beat their unfulfilled desire and frustrations out of them in the arena, and not the bedroom. 

"Lucas, my love, please don't hurt my dear brother too hard. His mind is sharper than his blade," Rose laughed, kissing Lucas's knuckles as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, fastening them with metal clips as to not interfere with his swordplay. 

"Rosenwyn, the faith you have in me is awe inspiring. I'm moved to tears," Keir mumbled, tying his hair up tightly, frowning as his sister giggled.

"Brother, Lucas is a well-renowned swordsman in this kingdom. Even the Captain of the Guard struggles to best him in a one-on-one duel," Rose informed, beaming proudly up at her fiancé, who blushed at the praise, though not exaggerated in the least. From a young age, Lucas's father had him trained by only the most experienced warriors their land had to offer, his skills only growing over the years. As the land was in peace, war a distant memory of the past, Lucas's only real-life battle experience was when he temporarily served in the army the year after his coming of age ceremony, fighting groups of bandits that pillaged villages or pirates that ravaged the citizens of defenceless port cities. The prince had far more experience in one-on-one duels, though many of his sparring partners were too afraid to harm the prince as they valued their head, despite Lucas craving a challenge. Only the Captain of the Guard, who has known Lucas since he was a pint-sized babe, matched him blow for blow, often dominating him in swordplay. 

"Shouldn't he only use one arm then?" Keir joked, running his fingers along the rack of sparring blades in front of him, their edges dulled slightly to reduce accidental slices, though getting hit with a precise blow with the heavy metal still bruised deeply.

"Lose your confidence?" Lucas taunted, wiggling a brow as Keir scoffed, wrapping his hand around handle of a thin, light sword, its hilt exquisitely carved with intricate vines which converged at the tip in a stoic lion's head. The elegant sword was very much suited to Keir, whose beauty did not fit heavy, barbaric swords. Lucas, on the other hand, though nothing close to a barbarian, chose a heavier sword with a simple hilt, swinging it a few times to warm his thick muscles up. 

"Oh, I have plenty of confidence to spare, believe me," Keir grinned, giving his sword a few precise swings, nodding in appreciation of the blade's craftsmanship.

Stepping into the open stone space which overlooked the garden, the two princes bowed as they readied their swords. 

"I'll let the guest of the palace attack first," Lucas said, eyes twinkling as Keir rolled his eyes.

"Ever the gentleman," Keir said, lunging forward with speed that made Lucas blink, before his body darted to the side, Keir's blade falling in an arc by his side. Keir clicked his tongue in annoyance, Lucas grinning, as he parried the younger prince's quick blade, impressed by his speed though his strength wasn't as brutal as the Captain's. Lucas swung his sword, Keir sucking in a breath as he stepped nimbly backwards, the tip of the sword missing his chest by a small distance. Keir recovered quickly, darting forward again and swinging upwards in a low strike, Lucas's sword meeting it as metallic clangs echoed against the stone. The two princes grinned as their duel progressed, Lucas high as he started to sweat, enjoying the challenge as Keir only seemed to get faster as they continued. 

'He treats me as an equal,' Lucas thought to himself, as he narrowly blocked another swift blow, his eyes locking with Keir's as their swords pressed together in a standstill.

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