30. As Snow Melts

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Guin's arms wrapped around Keir tightly, sniffling slightly due to both the cold and her emotions. Keir returned her embrace, patting her back assuringly, before pulling back to give her a sad smile, his eyes burning with suppressed tears.

"What will you do?" Guin asked, glancing over at Lucas, who was already sitting in the carriage, his glum eyes peering at the two of them through the window, face downcast. "Once you leave here, you two can't..."

"I know," Keir said, turning to Lucas, whose lips curled into a knowing smile, his eyes not quite matching the expression. "We know. But this week you have given us, we will treasure it. Always. Thank you." Guin sniffled again, rubbing her eyes as her heart also weeped for her friend. 

"Then, if you ever find the chance to visit again, this mansion is always welcome to the both of you," Guin said, kissing Keir's cheek as a servant meekly informed them of the time, wanting to make a swift departure before nightfall blanketed the roads. "Safe travels, Keir."

"Thank you again, My Lady," Keir said, kissing Guin's hand and giving it a tight squeeze, before turning sharply, his thick coat rippling in the frost. 

The week in the north had ended, Keir and Lucas praying that time would just stop as they lay awake in bed together, skin never leaving each other as they savoured their last feeling of being together. The atmosphere around the two princes was solemn, the servants giving them odd looks as they tried to brush off the heaviness that surrounded them. 

Lucas's body swayed as Keir climbed into the carriage, his body weight making the carriage shake. Looping the carriage's curtain shut, Keir took his seat next to Lucas, whose hand immediately came to rest on his thigh. Keir's hand rested on top of the prince's, their fingers intertwining as the carriage set off into motion, Guin's bright dress disappearing from view as she waved them goodbye. 

"Is this it, then?" Lucas asked, his voice hoarse as he looked at their linked hands, his throat tightening as he swallowed his tears. He felt Keir's hand tremble on top of his, turning his head upwards to look at the prince, whose head hung low, loose hair obscuring his face from view. "Hey." Lucas's voice was soft as his fingers pulled Keir's hair behind his ear, his heart clenching as he saw Keir's grief-stricken face, eyes wet as he bit his lip to stop them from shaking. "Keir."

"Are we supposed to just go back to how we were before?" Keir asked, tilting his head back as he blinked, tears disappearing as he cleared his throat, laughing bleakly. "Are we just going to pretend that this week didn't happen? Because I can't. You're the first thing I think about when I wake up, and your face is the last thing I see when I go to sleep. I see you in everything around me, it drives me insane. And if I have to see you play the marriage game with my sister I don't think I can-" Keir's flurry of words were silenced as Lucas pulled him in for a rough, painful kiss. As their lips pressed tightly against each other's, Lucas could taste salt on his tongue. He didn't know whose tears he was tasting, but they were bitter on his tongue either way. 

"I know, God, I fucking know," Lucas groaned, pulling back, only to press his lips against Keir's again, and again, and again, murmuring his name in between each stolen touch. Keir grabbed the front of his shirt tightly, pulling the man closer, almost sitting on his lap as he pulled and tugged at the man, not seeming to be able to get close enough. 

"You're mine," Keir said firmly against Lucas's lips, the thought of Rose touching these soft buds making him sick. "When she kisses you, you'll only see me. When you bed her, your body will only feel me. When she's walking down the aisle," Keir's voice faltered, his eyes meeting Lucas's with such passion that Lucas burned.

"I will only see you," Lucas said, crushing Keir to his chest. "Only you."

"Please hold me," Keir murmured, burying his face into Lucas's chest as he inhaled his familiar scent, the musky smell making him ache. "Until we reach the palace. Then..."

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