Chapter 10: I am an adventurous person now

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I dreamed that I was very tiny and trapped in a mouth. All the teeth around me were in the shape of fangs and somehow all of them had Paul Herford's face. They danced and laughed and tired to escape the mouth with lots of giggles and screaming. The only thing stopping them was a little Miranda, who was running around putting all the fangs back into their place. When she saw me, she screamed: „Over here, Chloe, quick!", and tried to hold the mouth open for me while hindering the Paul Herford fangs from jumping out off the opening. I tired to run into her direction but somehow I could not move my legs.
I looked down to see what was stopping me.
I was standing on a tongue which, much to my shock, had Max's face. „Nobody loves you, Chloe", he said with a deep, slow voice, that made the whole mouth shake and scared the fangs out of their minds who started screaming and clinging onto each other.
I started to panic and, much to my relief, woke up as a result of it.

I looked around.
I was the first one to be awake.
Right next to me Paul Herford was lying on his floor bed in the fetal position, hugging his blanket which was stuck between his legs and under his head. I thought he looked very peaceful in his light blue pajamas.
Miranda on the other hand was lying on her back, her pillows and blanket neatly around her, like she just gone to bed and didn't dare to move, her hair still in the ponytail.
I didn't have a phone and this room did not have a clock or windows, so I had no clue to what time it was.
I could have been asleep for four minutes or four hours.
Well, even if it had been the four minutes, that seemed to have been enough for me.
I was wide awake.

I didn't want to wake the others and I also didn't want to lay around here and wait until they woke up by themselves, so I decided to escape to the bathroom again.

Regarding the fact that my evil flower t- shirt was the only not so terrible thing Miranda had stuffed into my suitcase, I would wear it again. I had just changed into it before going to sleep so it would work for at least another day.
As quietly as possible I searched for a new underwear and once I found a clean pair of underpants, black leggings and the bra I had worn yesterday, I tiptoed into the bathroom.

This time I thought of bringing a towel and a toothbrush.

A look in the mirror confirmed what I had already assumed: I looked terrible. I had marks from my pillow all over my face, my eyes were super small and swollen from sleep and my hair was greasy and stood up from my head in every direction.
Maybe a shower would fix things. I found complementary soap and shampoo in the shower tray.

The warm water somehow comforted me after my nightmare. I hadn't realized how tensed up I had been until I felt my body relax.
I decided to scrub all the negative experiences off me.
This would be the start of my new life as an adventurous person.

An adventurous person who would go to a place where vampires met or an adventurous person that was going to meet a lot of crazy people?
I still wasn't sure.
But I was kind of excited, too.
This would be the most interesting thing that had happened to me in probably my entire life.
And I would embrace it.
I was adventurous now.
And if it became too much for me, they would most likely have a bathroom for me to hide in, too.
The soap and shampoo were of a muddy brown, like everything else in this hole of a motel. They also didn't smell too great.
I thought that somebody might just have mixed some sand with water and put it in okay looking bottles to safe money, instead of investing in actual soap.
But isn't mud supposed to be good for your skin?
I closed my eyes and put a handful of shampoo on my wet hair.
I was an adventurous person now.

I enjoyed the warmth of the water a little while longer, until my hands were all wrinkly and the water turned cold for seconds at a time.
No idea, how long I had been here but maybe the others would be awake by now.
I turned the shower off, put my cloths back on, wrapped my hair in the towel and brushed my teeth.
I wiped the steam off the mirror to look at my face.
Still not great, but much better.
With a feeling of success I went back.

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