Talk with the Count Orlok

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Then I heard Vanitas laying on the ground by my left before he laughed with his eyes closed. "Looks like things are about to get entertaining... ...Noé, Iona !" He exclaimed.

Noé stared at him as he was rubbing my back. "You... Seriously. What are you...?" He wondered.

Vanitas suddenly opened in eye in confusion and saw me clutching my neck, he abruptly sat up before kneeling beside me. "Iona, can you breath ?!" He asked.

I nodded and he sighed in relief then he noticed my tears. "Why are you crying ? Does it hurt somewhere ?"

I shook my head. "I don't know... I have a strange feeling but... I can't explain it..." I answered, still crying.

He put his fingers on my chin, making me look up at his face as he proceed to wipe away my tears with an unreadable expression.

My vision got blurry and I suddenly collapsed in Vanitas' arms.

I woke up in our hotel room, Noé was still sleeping and I got distracted by a knock on the window, I turned to see Vanitas hanging upside down.

"Hey Iona !" He greeted me. "Come out, I want to talk."

I did as told and a few minutes later, we were both sitting on the roof, I put my head on my knees looking at the scenery in front of me while Vanitas was looking at the sky.

"What happened yesterday ?" I heard him beside me.

"I already told you that I don't know... I can't explain it."

"Everything has an explanation." He stated, still not looking away from the sky.

I sighed. "I had a strange feeling... Like I was feeling bad and it hurted me..." I tried to explain.

"When did you feel like that ?" He wondered, now looking at me.

I opened my mouth before closing it, hesitating to speak so I bit my bottom lip in frustration.

"When did you feel like that ?" He repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"After... After I saw you kiss Jeanne..." I whispered, feeling ashamed and embarassed for an unknown reason.

"Oh... So you saw..." He mumbled and I nodded my head.

There was a silence between us until I felt him coming closer to me.

"You know Iona, you shouldn't stay open like that... So I can get a close look on your notebook !" I heard him exclaiming before he extended his arm to grasp my book but I hit his head before he could even touched it.

"How many times am I going to tell you ? Don't touch it and call me Cyndelle."

He chuckled. "A ton I guess."

I let a small smile rose to my face before we heard a shattering sound coming from the room. Vanias hung upside down once again and I imitated him to see inside Noé sitting in his bed.

"Finally awake, hm ?" Vanitas said making Noé look at us, I waved at him while Vanitas pointed his finger to the sky, smiling at Noé.,"Come on out. It's time for breakfast."

Noé joined us and we began to eat as Vanitas was reading the newspaper.

"...It's pretty here." Noé commented, looking at the city.

"Is it ?" Vanitas wondered.

"Yes. A book I once read said that Paris was much sootier and the air was bad. So I just assumed..."

"Well, I hear it really was like that a little while ago." I nodded at Vanitas' words, agreeing with him. "The steam engines in Paris run mostly on astermite now." My ears perked up at that. "The city's tightened the restrictions on coal use, you see. Something about protecting the townscape..." Vanitas explained. "Unlike coal, it doesn't pollute the air, but that isn't all."

Vanitas x OC : The Moon's curseWhere stories live. Discover now