Sorry Isn't Enough

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> Your POV <

The next morning I woke up in a bad mood. Every time I would ask someone who was coming to visit, they would say "It's not my place to say. It's Diggy". If they all were really like family to me then they would tell me. Family shouldn't hide secrets from each other. At least I wouldn't.

After my shower, I had put on a pair of black and white Adidas soccer pants with a white fitted tank top and a pair of white flip flops. I braided my hair into what I call Ray Ray braids. I packed the rest of my clothes into my three suitcases and was ready to go to Columbus.

"You okay?" Taylor asked as we stepped off the elevator. I faked a smile and lied, "Yeah I'm just really tired" We reached the lobby in no time. Everyone was either on their phones or rolling their suitcases to his or her tour bus. I rolled my suitcases to my tour bus and went back inside the hotel. I sat on a single couch checking all my social media not talking to anyone at all.

As I was scrolling down my Instagram timeline, Ray cracked a joke about me. "Rayan shut up" I stated. Everyone looked at me with the surprised look on his or her face since I called him by his real name. "Rayan shut up" Ray mocked pissing me off even more. "Ray I'm not playing with you. Shut the fuck up" I almost screamed. By now everyone knew I was actually mad considering I only cuss when I'm extremely upset. "What's wrong?" Nique asked. I stayed silent. "How can we help if you won't tell us what's wrong?" Bahja asked. "Leave me alone" I said.

I continued scrolling through my timeline double tapping on the pictures I liked. "Family helps each other. So why are you shutting us out?" Prince said. "Family supposed to help each other?" I asked with a chuckle. "Y'all are not family let alone my friends. You guys are just people I'm on tour with" I told them. "What?" Spin asked. "Don't tell me shit about family because y'all are not even close to it" I said. "Why aren't we family?" Jacob asked. "Because family shouldn't hide secrets from each other" I told them. "What secrets have we been hiding?" Diggy asked. "Each and every one of you knew that Jessica was coming to the last show but didn't want to tell me" I said. "How'd you find out?" Chase asked. "Her dumb ass tweeted about it" I replied. "YN we're really sorry. We didn't want to upset or hurt you" Breaunna said. "Coming from the girl who didn't like me because Diggy liked me" I said. "I would have been upset that she was coming but oh well. I'm not upset or hurt, I'm pissed and feel betrayed by people who I thought were my family. But I guess not. I guess the saying is true 'Watch who you call your friends because they'll eventually turn on you" I ranted. "But we didn't turn on you" Prince said. "Prince just shut up! I'm tired of being so damn nice to everyone when all you guys did was use me. After tour is over, delete my number everyone. I don't care who you are, ex-boyfriend or not. Delete it" I told them. "Ex-boyfriend?" Diggy asked. "Yes ex-boyfriend. I don't want to be with someone who puts a ex before me in a relationship" I said. "YN we're sorry" Tyler apologized for everyone. "I don't want to hear a fake ass apology so don't say it to me" I told them. And with that I walked outside to my tour bus almost in tears.

We've been on the tour bus for about an hour now and I was bored. Usually I would have Tyler and Chase to keep me from getting bored or I would be FaceTiming Diggy but I was really pissed at them. I looked around my bunk seeing tissue everywhere; I've cried for the last fifteen minutes.

I knew I could always call my mom to cheer me up. After about the third ring, she answered. "Hey my celebrity" she said in her normal cheerful voice. "Hi" I managed to get out. "YN, baby, what's wrong? And you better not say nothing because I can hear it in your voice" she asked. I told her about the whole situation that just happened this morning. "Awe baby everything will turn out just fine. I'm very disappointed to know that they all kept it from you but you were in the wrong too for saying they weren't like family to you or friends" she said. "I'm not taking sides but just know I love you and if you feel that way then that's how you feel. You have what like maybe three shows left? Just have fun and don't go on stage with negative energy or you'll put on a bad show" I sighed, "I love you mommy" "I love you too. Call me later okay?" she said. "Okay" I replied before hanging up.

I went to the kitchenette to grab a light snack. As I made me a snack, I could feel Chase and Tyler staring at me. "We're all sorry" Chase said. I ignored them and grabbed a water bottle out the fridge and walked back to my bunk.

I could care less about them, Diggy and their sorry apologies. If they were really my family, they wouldn't have kept it from me. It hurt even worse that I had to find out by a tweet.

As I ate my snack, I checked twitter and saw mostly all of them tweeted about it.

@Star_OMG: I'm so sorry 😔

@ JacobLatimore: Please don't be mad

@ Babydoll_OMG: I know we had our differences but I am very sorry

@ Beauty_OMG: Please forgive us

@MindlessBhavior: We love you sissy and we're sorry

@GetLikeChase: What else are we supposed to say other than we're sorry?

@CoolKidTy: You are my cousin so why are you mad at your blood cousin?

@Diggy_Simmons: I'm sorry love 😣

Really? I hate people in my business so why are they saying sorry on twitter. That really just pissed me off even more.

@(your twitter name): BFFS: Best Fake Friends 💯

I swear these fans are really smart. Everyone tweeted an Im sorry tweet except me so they guessed something was wrong with me. I have over 500+ DMs on Twitter and Instagram asking what's wrong. I'm never annoyed by my fans but honestly they were annoying they hell out of me. I know they want to try and comfort me but still can I have some space?

My phone's text tone went off every thirty seconds with a message. Some were in the group chat others individually.

To: Sissy 👫

From: Pig Tails 🐷🐽

I know you not mad at me because you wove me too much. But if you are, which your not, sorry

To: My Baby 😻

From: Loveee ❤️

YN please don't me mad at me. I love you with everything & I'm really sorry that I invited Jessica but she is my best friend and you're going to have to accept that

To: Stinka 💋

From: Niq Niq 💎

Stinka I sorry. You know I love you and wouldn't do anything on purpose to hurt you

To: (first initial of your name and add reezy) 💁

From: Breezy 🍇

I know we had our differences but we are better now. So don't me mad at me I'm really sorry

To: Fave 😻

From: Bee 🐝

Favorite don't stay mad at the bee or I'll sting you. But I'm sorry & I love you

To: Thug 🔫

From: Double R 😐

Are you really mad at your workout buddy? If so sorry

To: Spanish Buddy

From: Mexico 😂

I'm sorry please don't be too mad at me

To: My Hitta 🚬

From: SpinKing 👑

You know you can't stay mad at the King for long. But sorry & I love you

Prod sent his apology in a video of him dancing. He knows how much I love to see him dance. Myles sent his in a rap and Jacob sung on it. There's were really clever but I was still extremely mad at them. So I didn't care.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Awe. This chapter was sad kind of. I don't know why but it's one of my favorite chapters.

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