Chapter 11 - Hope and Embarrassment

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"Sometimes you gotta bleed to know

That you're alive and have a soul,

But it takes someone to come around

To show you how."

Tear In My Heart

Twenty Øne Piløts


Chapter 11 - Hope and Embarrassment


On the walk back to camp I am finally able to even my breaths. My whole body feels weak like it was about to break. Bellamy and some boys get a stretcher to carry Adam's body.

When we walk to camp I see Octavia's face. She's happy to see her brother and I. Her bright smile is quickly washed away when she sees the stretcher. I quickly go to grab her before she sees his body. This blistering and bruised body only needed to hunt one of us.

"O wait." I say only to be ignored as she pushes past me. She walks to Adam's body and pulls back the cloth covering his face. I could see the first tear fall from her face as Bellamy walked over to her.

"There was nothing I could-" Bellamy starts.

"Don't" She says, storming off to the dropship. I couldn't help but feel bad for the both of them. This is one of the times that the Ark didn't seem like it was the worst. At least it was safe.

Bellamy regains his strength. He turns to Murphy and asks, "Did we lose any here, How's Jasper?"

"No, I tried to take Jasper out but your psycho little sister and Tinkerbitch-"

"Who?!" Bellamy screams grabbing Murphy by the collar finally losing control. Everyone in camp is shocked looking at Bellamy's outburst.

"Your little sister and Mack" Murphy restates blankly. I couldn't tell if Murphy was just putting up a strong from to not seem weak in front of the whole camp or if he was really physic enough to not be afraid of Bellamy right now.

"Yeah that's right. Got anything else you wanna say?" Bellamy interrogates, still red with anger.

"Nothing. Sorry." He deadpans. I can't help but feel that Murphy and everyone else in his camp will never make that mistake again. To cross Octavia was to cross Bellamy. I was happily find on her good side.


I find Octavia with Jasper. We needed him to survive. We needed hope that the Earth didn't just take life from us and that things can get better. After the crap day everyone was passing around a bottle of whiskey that Finn found. Octavia hands the bottle to me after making some comment about how gross it tasted. The first time I had moonshine on the Ark I remember hating it too. I'm about to take a swig when I hear a scratchy voice call out, "Can I get a hit of that."

"Jasper!" We all yell and hurry to his bedside with smiles plastered to out faces.

Finn reaches for the water to his left and brings it over, "Let's start with the soft stuff, buddy" Finn chuckles raising water to his lips.

"Was that a dream or did I get speared?" He asks softly making us chuckle a bit.

"You have a very impressive scar to prove it." Clarke says pointing at his chest where the bandages were wrapped tightly.

"My savior!" He whisper yells upon seeing her.

"Thanks for not dying. I don't think we could have taken it today." I smile grabbing his hand.

"I'll try not to die tomorrow too if that's cool." He jokes to the whole group. We let out a thankful laugh. There was our hope. The hope that we might just be able to survive on his damned planet and coming down to Earth wasn't a long death sentence.

I leave Jasper with the others to go tell Bellamy that he's alive and responsive. I walk to his tent and open the flap immediately regretting the decision.

"Hey Bella, Jasp- OH SHIT." I gasp throwing my hand over my mouth and turning around to leave as quickly as I came in. I can hear multiple screams from the tent.

"Fuck, Mack!" Bellamy yells through the tent covering.

"J-Jasper's awake." I yell back unknowing what to say because I was still shocked at what I had just seen. Bellamy shirtless with two naked girls in his tent. I somehow I feet pissed and embarrassed throughout my whole body. I quickly try to get that scene out of my head and run back to the dropship for the night. I climb back up the ladder to meet the group. I grab the whiskey from my brothers hands and take a large swig praying I will forget what I had just seen. The group notices my antics and I can feel their eyes on me with questioning looks.

"Your brother's a man whore, O" I finally state after the whiskey hand passed through my throat. Everyone instantly erupts into laughter. Octavia laughing even harder than the rest.

She breaks laughing to ask, "Did you just walk in on him with a girl?!"

"Oh god it would be way less embarrassing if it was only one," I say taking another large hard swig from the bottle in my hand. Everything I did just made them laugh harder. Octavia was practically rolling on the floor at my embarrassment.


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