Chapter 34 - Cursed

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"And you deserve to hear them a thousand times

If all it is is eight letters

Why is it so hard to say?

If all it is is eight letters

Why am I in my own way?"

8 Letters

Why Don't We


Chapter 34 - Cursed


Deja vu. Often two words that brought together a silly coincidence. But not today. The worst days of a person's life is the day you lose what you hold most dear. A best friend. Being notified what that Grayson was executed without even a chance of being able to say goodbye. I thought that day would be the worst day I would ever experience. Naive thoughts of a child I guess. Now my brother, In the same position. Was this real a coincidence or a inevitable pattern?


Drained. That is the only word that came to my mind. Emotionally drained and physically drained. Every second that continued on seemed to suck some of my soul out. My brains has given up. Nothing of value would stay in my mind as I spied my twin brother be bonded to a tree post with blurry vision. There was many reasons why ancient Britain used to hold public executions in the center of their cities. This was the grounder version of that. I was going to have to watch my own flesh and blood be given the capital punishment. After all this time I naively believe I had escaped a period of executions. This happened to be worst than floating. Finn was due for a death by a thousand cuts. A thousand slices of blade dealt by the people that despise him the most. There would be no mercy, no remorse, only revenge and death.

My damaged soul had settled on the overall facts laid in front of me. There was no way out of this now. Clarke still had ever hope, which would only make her pain worse in the long run. These people were not just going to pack everything up and leave because we asked nicely. But still, she persisted.

Even from a far distance I could still tell that Clarke was begging the grounder's commander for his life. The woman remained emotionless showing no sign of weakness or change of heart. Every part of me hated her. I didn't care if she was supposed to be respect or feared. She would get neither from me. She was nothing to be but another enemy that only cared for herself.

Clarke turn away from the woman and headed straight for Finn. Officially taking my last piece of hope I hadn't even noticed was still lingering in my body. I close my eyes only trying to force on my breathing. Clarke though her arms around my brother. She hugged him tightly knowing full well this was their last. If only I had known that our last conversation would be in the bottom of the dropship before leaving for the foxhole. I would have never let him leave my side.

All the things I ever said to him flash through my mind mixing with the guilt and sadness. I would do anything to talk to him. To tell him that is I could trade places with him I wouldn't think about it twice. That no one could replace his place in my heart as my brother. That no one would ever be more important to me in my life. He had a piece of me. As I was a piece of him. That even in death we wouldn't be fully separated. Our bond was unlike anything that ever had been seen on Earth. I loved him more than myself, which only made this harder.

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