Chapter 16 - What We Lose To Survive

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"Hey brother, there's an endless road to rediscover.

Hey sister, Do you still believe in love? I wonder.

Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you.

There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do."

Hey Brother



Chapter 16 - What We Lose To Survive


Everything around me shakes throwing me back into consciousness. Thunder cracks making my headache even more apparent. I feel the cold surface underneath me. My whole body felt cold. I tried to open my heavy eyelids.

"She got it out!" I could hear someone yell in joy making me wince.

I pick my head off the table and realize I'm in the dropship. My vision is still blurry and I can feel the dried blood in my head. My thoughts seem to put the previous day together like a puzzle. Looking for Octavia. Being hunted. Following the grounder. Fighting the grounder. My brother being stabbed. Holy shit.

"My brother" I mumbled trying to get off the table. I roll and hit the floor. I had misjudged my surrounding severly and was clearly still disoriented.

"Mack! Be careful or you will rip your stitches out!" Raven yells running over to help me off the floor..

At this point I finally feel the pain in my arm near my shoulder. Not to mention how every part of my body ached with a bruises from the day Murphy was banished. They almost felt like a tickle compared to the wound on my shoulder. I hadn't even realized I must have been cut in the cave.

"Finn." I struggle to say again leaning on Raven. I don't even care about my arm, I just want to make sure he's okay. My whole body feels weak.

"We got the knife out." She answers quickly trying to keep me calm.

"Where is he? I want to see him." I state frantically.

"He is still unconscious. But we made contact with the Ark and he should be okay after Clarke sewed up the wound." She says guiding me to another table with Finn laying on it.

"Oh god Finn." I whimper upon seeing his pale, wounded body. I can feel my eyes swell with tears.

"So he's going to be okay?" I ask basically pleading for an answer. I don't know how I would function without him. I couldn't lose another one of my best friends. I don't know if Raven would be able to handle it either. The only reason we were able to recover before was because we had each other. The group could handle going from four to three and then to two.

"Clarke believes so." She says with soft eyes.

A wave of relief flows through my body. I couldn't lose him, I would go insane. I stroked his hair lightly trying to provide comfort. His body started shaking uncontrollably. My knees went weak as I hit the floor.

"Clarke he's seizing!" I screamed. In hopes that she can hear me from upstairs.

Clarke jumps down the ladder missing a few steps. She quickly tries to assess him as he face fills with worry.

"What's wrong with him!?" I scream still on the ground hot tears streaming down my face.

"Quickly help me get him on his side. Hurry there's fluid in his lungs." She yells at Raven and I. We all pull his body over as bubbles fill his mouth. I ultimate feel like I'm going to throw up. Between the anxiety over my own brothers condition and how overall shitty I felt. I stepped away from my brother and threw up everything in my stomach. My headache went from bad to worse.

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