Chapter 1- Surprise, Surprise

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Chapter 1- Surprise, Surprise.

* Sky's P.O.V *

     "Thank you for staying with us, we hope to see you again in the near future," I wave away another rich princess wanna be. fake smiles are my best friend at this hotel. Looking at my watch I realise it's 5 minutes until Grace has her break meaning it's time to visit my best friend at work.

I turn to one of the recipients "I'm taking my break now. If you need something form me, Tony knows where I am." I walk towards the doors of the hotel. One of the doormen - Tony - opens the door for me.

     "On your break, Sky? " he asks me with a smile that would melt any girls heart, but not mine.

     " Yeah, I'm off to see Grace. Apparently she has a surprise for me there. If there's an emergency,  you know what to do" I smile back and exit the hotel.

I walk a block down and into the most amazing place to drink something when in a bad mood or half asleep. The sign is not lit up yet, but the white Starbucks stands out from all the others around it.

Walking in I greet the employees. I'm like a celebrity usual but much kinder. They know that I brought, renovated and opened this branch and put a lot of time, money and sweat into making it what it is now. I am the manager of the branch still but I'm only ever there in some of my spare time. All the employees know how I am and trust my judgement.

I walk towards the bar that is currently only open for V.I.P's and take a seat at the counter. I let my mind wonder as I look out at the street. It's not extremely busy outside.

     "For the woman who works too hard" I hear a familiar voice behind me and a hand placing down my favourite drink. I turn around slowly not believing what I'm hearing.

     "ADAM!" I shout out in surprise. I fling my arms around his neck and pull him close to me. "I've missed you!" tears are treating to spill.

     "Hey sunshine, you know I've missed you too," he hugs me tight. "Hey, hey don't cry" I nod into his chest and pull myself together "I have a favour to ask you..." he trails off, unsure.

     "What did you do this time baby cheeks? " I let go of him and take the drink got me, taking a sip and waiting for him to start.

     "Well, Juliette and I... we...uh...I mean I..." he can't seem to find the words so I help him.

     "Either you're getting married and if you are God help me to not do something stupid OR you broke up and I will gladly take you out clubbing and get you drunk safety." He breaths a sigh of relief.

     "The latter" He whispers looking ashamed "So here I am... will you let me stay at yours for a while? I don't need the media attention right now and I haven't spent quality time with you for a long time..." he looked at me with hope in his eyes.

     "When will you ever learn that I would do anything for you big brother?" I reply with grin "Now come on and help me set you up in my office so you can stay there until I finish my shift. Grace can go a day without me. However you better tell me everything that has happened over some takeaway and max of 2 bottles of beer, got it?" Walking out, leading him to my work.

     "Of course sunshine"

Once we got to my work I set him up on the sofa in my office and give him some sleeping pills. He looks like he was ready to pass out anyway but I wanted him to have a dreamless sleep so that he could get a good few hours while I work. Been there done that, don't want to go that low again. I shake my head to get rid of those horrible memories. After tucking him in with the new baby soft blanket that I got yesterday, I leave him a note in case he wakes up early and next to it a spare key to the office if he wants to go out. I pull the blinds down in the whole room leaving a small gap for him to be somewhat aware of the time when he wakes up but not enough to disturb his sleep in any way. I exit my office locking it behind me and continue with work.

♡♥ 6 hours later♥♡

     "Welcome home brother" I say as I open the door to my apartment.

     "Wow, it feels so homely" he muses as he walks in. Ha, he thought I would have an apparent like his with no character.

     "Do you want a tour or do you need to sleep" I asked as the hostess instinct kicks in.

     "Well you promised a takeaway so after we order that and... you can give me a tour of this place while we wait?"

     "Sounds like a plan" I reply and I lead him to the pile of takeaway menus I have in my kitchen for him to choose from.

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