Chapter 2- Brothers Best Friend is my bosses bosses bosses bosses boss?

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Chapter 2- Brothers Best Friend is my bosses bosses bosses bosses boss?

* Sky's P.O.V *

Last night was a long night. We ate 2 large kebabs chicken and lamb, we shared half and half. We only ever eat kebabs when we have something to celebrate but at the comfort of home normally. Like he promised, he told me how he broke up with his gold digging girlfriend because she was cheating and just using him for the publicity. Then how she tried to clean out his bank account but because he is the CEO of the bank and his own multinational company. She failed because he had already informed them (as soon as he started dating her) to not to allow her to take any money out.

Then he explained how he told Grace (because she didn't keep changing her number, unlike me) and Grace told him that he needs a break and he hasn't seen me in years, so he flew out here to be with me with only some of his belongings in the hope that I take him in and help him. Me, being me, I agreed.

He would be staying with me for a while. As soon as I saw him in my Starbucks I knew it was finally time for a holiday and time to resign from my position in the hotel and let the management give my job to someone else.

Looking over to my bedside table I find my IPhone in the dock and the screen showing 5:21 am.

Time to get up and make breakfast.

As I cooked I left the door to the guest bedroom open so the food would wake him up instead of me having to kick him out of bed, without either of us gaining defensive injuries.

I was just plating his breakfast when he walked in.

     "What smells so good?" he asked with his eyes still half closed.

     "Why, thank you drear brother" as soon as I said that his eyes snapped towards me.

     "Woah, Sky why are you wearing hardly any clothing? You better not be walking like that around any boys!" He wanted to play the protective older brother for a few minutes, I don’t have time.

    "First of all, this," I pointed to my upper body "is a tank top and these," I pointed to my lower half “are shorts. Now, brother, do you see any of those boys in my house? While I'm in my pyjamas?" I asked, raising one eyebrow.

     "Well, no, but what about your boyfriend? And he better not see you like that till you two are marr-" I interrupted, he knew well not to bring up any of my boyfriends unless I tell him about them and the word that he was about to say was a no-go word.

     "Really?! Do you think I have time for another asshole who will screw around behind my back again and ruin everything that I've built up so far and not get convicted for all the shit he done to me? DO YOU THINK I WANT TO END UP IN THE HOSPITAL FOR ANOTHER MONTH BECAUSE A GUY!?" I screamed at him with tears starting to fall slowly.

     "Sky! No! That’s not what I meant. I'm sor-" I interrupted him again.

     "Save it,” I say monotone as I wipe my face with the back of my hand “enjoy your food" I started walking towards the bathroom.

     “What about your food?" he called, with a sigh.

     "I've already eaten," I pick up my towel from the wall radiator rail. "Oh and only one guy has seen me like this and he's gay" I added and before he could say anything I closed the bathroom door and started my shower.

Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it. Don’t. Think. No, no, NO. But it’s too late, memories flood my head as soon as I step into the shower. I sink onto the floor of my shower cubicle. My back against the cold glass of the shower wall and I pull up my legs to my chest, weeping silently.

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