Chapter 15- It's Okay

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It's Okay

I woke with a start too early in the morning to the sound of a loud bang. It was dark in the room and hard to see. The telly was still on, casting odd shadows on the walls, so I figured that was where the bang had come from. The movie Draco and I had watched last night was playing through again and it was about at the part where the green skinned witch shoots 'magic' out of her finger, which results in loud noises.

We both must have fallen asleep on Draco's bed last night because, obviously that's where I still was. There was a warmth across my stomach and I felt something move. I looked down and saw that Draco's arm was draped over my abdomen. One of us must have pulled the blanket around us some time during the night because the bed was a mess and we were half covered by the light blue comforter.

Draco let out a deep breath that kissed my forehead and rustled through my curls. He wrapped his arm more tightly around me and pulled me even closer. I could feel his body heat radiating off of him and warming me to the core. I looked over at him. Coloured lights danced across his perfect skin and lit up his face just enough for me to make out his features. His long pale lashes, his smooth as cream lips, his light eyebrows, his perfect everything.

I reached up and let my fingers brush his angel hair from his face and then glide down to his cheek and outline his mouth. He was so peaceful, so calm, so different.

Suddenly I was staring into his striking sliver eyes. Embarrassed, I moved my hand quickly from his face, but I didn't look away. He smiled and reached up with his own hand to brush the hair from my face and do just as I had done to him. He looked at me like he was the happiest he'd ever been as he rubbed his finger gently around my lips.

"You're beautiful." He whispered, stroking my cheek with the tips of his fingers.

I retorted in shock. I blinked. I swallowed. My heart raced. My cheeks flushed. My hands shook. Draco Malfoy had just called me beautiful. I felt like I could cry. Ron had called me beautiful, but never like this. Never this sincere. I'd never believed that anyone found me beautiful before now.

I felt a shocked smile curl my lips. Draco looked down at them, smiled himself, and then gave me a peck on the lips, sending little electric shocks to my heart. He wrapped both arms around my waist and pulled me in. He rested his cheek on my head and breathed in my hair. I closed my eyes and felt his wind play through my curls.

Suddenly he bolted up, his eyes wide and scared. "Shit!" He said.

"Draco, what's wrong?" I asked, worried.

He ignored me but kept staring over my head at something in the dark. I timidly followed his gaze to the dark corner to the left of the television. I squinted, trying to see what Draco saw, but I could only see the absence of light.

Then my blood ran cold as an icy voice spoke out of the darkness, "Oh, please continue!" It said almost cheerily. "Don't let us ruin all the fun!"

A dark figure started to emerge from the corner. My face had gone pale by the time I could make out the gruff features of an ex-Deatheater looming over Draco and I.

I looked around. The man had said 'us'. That meant there was more. Sure enough. Three more ex-Deatheaters stalked into view. My hand snapped to my pocket for my wand. With panic heavy in my throat, I realized it wasn't there. Had I left it in my room?


They circled around us and moved in closer. I stood up quickly to make myself bigger, I don't know, hoping to intimidate them.

"Hermione..." Draco warned between grit teeth.

I didn't even know what I was going to do. His hand tugged on mine, urging me to stand down, but I shook him off and glared at each of the shadowy men snarling at us.

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