Chapter 1- Unexpected Encounters

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I walked into my favorite cafe in London. It was a muggle cafe but I didn't mind. It was beautiful. There were flower boxes filled with flowers under the large window in the front and trees with fairy lights in them where on either side of the building. Normally I loved to sit outside under the striped parasols on the white metal tables, but today it was raining and the cloth of the parasols would do no good to keep the rain from me.

I stepped inside the yellow lit cafe. It was warm and busy and all the tables were filled with people. I walked to the counter to order my coffee. A Latino woman in a light pick apron came to take my order. When she was finished she handed me the warm cup and I went to find a seat. All the tables were occupied but I found a booth that only had one occupant, an old man reading the paper.

"Do you mind?" I asked him gesturing to the seat across from him. All he did was look up at me quickly before returning to his paper. I sat down anyway and took a sip of my coffee. As I reached into my bag to take out my book I saw him glance at me again.

He folded up his paper and chugged the rest of his coffee. Grunting, he stood up and shuffled out of the seat. Good. I thought. I liked sitting alone anyway.

I opened my book and buried my head inside it as I took another sip of coffee.

I had become so engrossed in my book I forgot to drink more of my coffee and it soon turned cold. It wasn't until I heard someone talking to me that I remembered where I even was.

"May I sit here?" Someone was asking, a young adult male's voice.

"Of coarse" I said. I pried my eyes from my book to see who was about to sit across from me. My eyes met light gray eyes. I froze. I knew those eyes. I knew that pale face and white hair. I thought back to my years at Hogwarts, three, four years ago? I remembered that same face laughing at me and making fun of me. What was he doing in a muggle cafe? I never thought I would see him of all people here.

Even in that moment when he sat down, I could see in his eyes that he was recognizing me now too. We both were frozen. Afraid to move or speak. My book slipped out of my hand and landed on the table in a bang.

"Granger?" He said in disbelief.

"Malfoy" I blurted. "I... uh... I have to go" I said and started packing my book away. I reached for my coffee glass but before I could grab the handle, his hand grabbed mine.

"No. Stay" He said. I jerked my hand out of his like I'd been stung by a bee. I reached for my glass again. "Granger" He persisted. "Hermione" I looked at him in shock. I've never heard him say my first name before. It sounded odd. I wasn't sure if I liked it. I could tell by the look on his face that he had forced himself to say it. "Stay. Really" He said.

Was this some kind of trap? Was he about to mock me in some way? I grabbed my mug but all I did was raise it to my lips and take a sip of cold coffee. I eyed him suspiciously. He was wearing a white button up and a black tie. His hair was combed back but some strands where falling into his pale and creamy face. Honestly, he looked good. I mentally slapped myself. What was I thinking? Draco Malfoy? Look good? I couldn't think this. This man was the cause of most of my pain at Hogwarts.

He took a drink of coffee and looked at me over the brim of his mug. I didn't like him looking at me. I tried to avoid his eyes but they were so piercing.

"So, how are you?" He asked hesitantly. I didn't want him to make small talk with me

"Fine" I said, not sure how I should answer. Did he really even care? It was quiet. I glanced at him again. He was still staring at me. Was he waiting for me to ask him how he was? Well he was going to wait awhile because no way was I going to ask Malfoy how he was. Absolutely no-

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