Chapter 3- Analiza

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Without reading the letter I quickly folded it back up and put it in my bag. I slammed my mug on the counter and hurried out of the cafe. I felt nauseated. He knew I was there the whole time! I ran across the street and into the the dark ally. I wasted no time checking for surrounding muggles before I aparated.

I appeared outside my apartment building. I ran up the stairs to floor three, eager to get to my room for some privacy. Just as I opened the wood door to the familiar smell of vanilla I loved to have burning, Analiza grabbed me.

"Great!" She said, a dimpled smile spreading across her face. "You're home! Get ready!" She pushed me through the small living area and toward my bedroom.

"For what?" I said confused and in no mood for games.

"We're going out!"

That's when I noticed that she was wearing a short pink dress and had on giant heals. Her long black hair was down to her rear in glitter and black eyeliner fancily outlined her green apple eyes.

"No," I said shaking my head and pulling my arm from her grip. "I can't."

"'Moine!" She whined. "I haven't gone out for ages!"

"So go by yourself." I opened the door to my bedroom. It wasn't that I didn't like going out with Analiza, it was just the places she like to go to. By the way she was dressed I could tell she wasn't planning on heading to the library.

"I can't go to the club by myself!" She exclaimed, following me to my room. "You're my wing-man!"

I rolled my eyes. I hardly thought she needed a wing-man. When she goes to clubs she drinks, a lot. And when she drinks she gets really talkative and 'friendly'.

"I just don't feel like going tonight." I got out a towel and my silky purple robe to take a shower. Truth be told, I never felt like going to the club, but tonight I was stressed out by the letter in my bag and I didn't want to have to worry about something else, like Analiza stealing alcohol from the bar right in front of me. Yes it's happened.

Analiza was a nice enough person and a great friend, but she was a little crazy. She did everything. She'd been to every bar, drank every alcoholic beverage, snogged every guy who approached her, you name it. But for all the things she would do, there are three things she would never do: Refuse a dare, take no for an answer, and leave her friends. Maybe that's why I put up with her so much, because I knew she wouldn't betray me.

"Pleeeeaaase!" She begged, following me to the bathroom.

I sighed. Like I said, she never takes no for an answer.

"Ana, I can't! Besides, I don't even have anything to wear." The closest thing I had to party clothes were black pencil skirts for work and I doubted she'd let me go out in that.

Analiza smiled. "Well then, it's a good thing you have me right?" She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward her room. She opened the door to an absolute pigsty.

"Ew!" I said looking at all the dirty laundry on her floor. Her bed was buried in clothes and trash along with dirty dishes I'd been looking for. "Where do you sleep?" I asked dumbfounded.

She huffed at me and took out her wand. Waving it, the dirty clothes floated to her hamper, the dishes went out of the room and toward the kitchen and the bed fixed it's self with deep purple blankets.

"Is that better?" She asked sarcastically.

"A little." I said.

She threw open her closet doors to a colourful wad of clothing. She had so many clothes, it seemed it was all she spent her money on. Analiza currently waited tables at The Leakey Cauldron, which didn't bring in much. After I arm-wrestled her share of the rent from her, I hadn't the foggiest where the rest was going.

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