Chapter 23- Beautiful

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Honestly, I don't know how I did it. I don't know how I convinced my parents that it was okay that my friends and I were staying at a hotel instead of their home. And I don't know how on earth I told Draco I was okay with getting a room with him. I didn't really want anyone else to know Draco and I would be sharing a room, especially Ron, but I was sure Analiza and Ginny knew by the way they turned to look at me when they left the lobby. So, more than likely, Harry and Ron would be told by the end of the night.

Draco swung his arm around my waist as we walked down the hall to our room. We lazily bumped into and stumbled over each other's feet like to drunkards. And in a way we were. Drunk off each other.

"You sure your okay with this?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and smiling down at me.

"No." I answered honestly and laughed nervously. "But I wanted to talk to you alone."

We reached our door and he let go of my waist to battle the key card into the slot. The little light turned green and he pushed it open.

He turned to me before entering and grabbed my waist again, pulling me closer. "That's okay." He said smirking and leaning in so that our noses touched and his breath cascaded down my face. "I wanted to get you alone." He closed the space between our mouths and kissed me softly.

My stomach jumped. I hoped he didn't mean what I thought he meant. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Maybe I wasn't ready for this. Draco was very persuasive and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to tell him no when he goes too far. I was afraid I wouldn't want to tell him no.

He pulled away, held open the door for me, and ushered me inside.

"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing the look of concern on my face. "You said you wanted to talk." He said like he just now realizing it. "Merlin! Did I do something wrong?! Your father! Is he mad at me? What did he say? Are you mad at me? What ever it is, I'm sorry! I should-"

I cut off his nervous rant by grabbing his shirt crashing my lips on his, just long enough for him to realize that I wasn't upset. When I let go he looked shocked and didn't say anything. I laughed at his confused expression as I got out the trunk from my pocket and set it on the bed to enlarge it.

"I'm not mad at you." I opened my suitcase and took out my PJs. How was I going to say this? "I just want to know what's going to happen now."

"What do you mean?" He asked while walking to the other side of the bed and taking out his suitcase as well.

"Well, we found my parents, and I-" I didn't exactly know what I wanted to say. "I just feel like something more should happen between us now." I said quickly, before I could think myself out of it.

He raised an eyebrow. "Like what?" He asked.

Like what? Like what? Like what? Merlin, I had no idea. What was I expecting? I think I was hoping he would know. Draco always has a way of knowing things like this.

I must have been spacing out, because Draco's voice made me jump. "Hermione, tell me what you were thinking. I want to know."

What was I even thinking? That I want to be with you forever! I wanted to shout. That I want to wake up each morning to you! That I- "I love you!" I shouted.

The words seemed to shock Draco just as much as they shocked me. I slapped my hands over my mouth and timidly watched his eyes grow and his jaw fall slack. It seemed as though neither of us could come up with words to say. I wished I could kick myself. Stupid! So stupid! Why did I say that?! I wanted to cry. I wanted to shrivel up and die right there. I wanted to speak up and take back what I said, but I couldn't because it was all true. I loved Draco Malfoy.

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