The Cocky Senior

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Baekhyun could feel many eyes were focusing on him as soon as he entered the class. Despite his stupidity, most girls were head over heels for his attractive appearance and his sweet angelic voice. Baekhyun fixed his snapback, flipping his bangs to the side (in as sexy way as possible) moved over to a girl in round glasses, with ponytail on, sitting right on the front row.

"Hey Sora.." Baekhyun soften his voice, bending down his body a little to reach the girl in reddened cheek, twirling his slim finger onto the surface of the table.

"Y-yes?" She answered, in a shaky voice, almost had her heart popped out of chest. Sora was the most intelligent student in the class (except for the facts that she was keeping feelings for the dumb Baekhyun), everyone was aware about that. 

"Could you lend me your Maths book?" Baekhyun gave a pretty eyesmile, the smile lent his face a boyish charm, trying to lure the girl. 99 out of 100 times it worked. The one time did not work just because she gave it to somebody else.

"O-okay" She replied without having any hesitancy, handing over the book in trembling hands, looking so much like surrendering herself to a cop. Baekhyun's lips pulled upwards a little, smirking.

"Thanks!" Baekhyun grabbed the book right away, giving an endearing wink before moving to his own place. She placed palms on her plump cheeks trying to hide the visible shade of red formed.

Baekhyun dropped down on his seat beside a half opened window, on the second last row, right next to his owl eyed friend, Kyungsoo. They had been friends since long enough that Baekhyun might need to do some Mathematics to figure out how long. The boy in folded arms gave him a deadly glare, piercing right into his lined eyes. Baekhyun gave a wide silly grin to the latter, knowing exactly why he acted such way.

"What? Are you hungry?" Baekhyun playfully asked, shifting his eyes away from the I-want-to-swallow-you-alive stare, started copying the Maths homework given the day before yesterday.

"Are you having fun doing that? You know it's not nice to take advantage over other's feelings" Kyungsoo started to nag, awarding a smack to the back of the other's head that his snapback slipped off.

"Ouch!" Baekhyun groaned, rubbing his aching head before placing back the snapback on its position. A smack from the Do Kyungsoo was no joke. Since when did he ever learn martial arts, Baekhyun could never tell. Baekhyun assumed that was one of the reasons why his brain could not operate very well.

"I told you not to copy from others. You'll never learn"

"Who cares. I can still learn, later" Baekhyun, defending himself. It was not because he was too lazy to solve it on his own, just that the questions given were way too difficult. It was beyond the ability of his brain.

"No. You won't. I don't refused to lend you my book so you could copy from others" Kyungsoo sighed, worrying on his absentminded best friend.

"Okay. I got it granny" Baekhyun replied, without looking at his concerned friend, still was copying.

Kyungsoo shooked his head.

~ ~ ~

The sound of bells ringing assigning the recess time, was like a sign of freedom for Baekhyun. He had been suffering in the jail-like class for too long (spending most of the time with sleeping anyway). Baekhyun dashed out the class, dragging Kyungsoo along, heading to the cafeteria. They queued up in lines of starved-for-foods students. Baekhyun delightedly moved to a table located at the corner of the crowded cafeteria with a tray of meals in his hands. He placed the tray on the table of four exactly at the same time with the other person now standing next to him. He gave a quick turned to the tall guy, tilting his head up in order to meet the eyes.

"YOU again?" Baekhyun furrowed eyebrows to the taller he met earlier.

"I reached here first" Chanyeol said in low voice, casually took the seat and started digging in without bothering the glare given by the smaller. 

"How rude. I'm pretty sure it was me. I'm not going anywhere" Baekhyun blurted out, occupying the seat right in front of him.

"Whatever" Chanyeol replied without lifting up his face to the latter.

"Yah! Baekhyun. Why do you sit here? Let's move elsewhere" Kyungsoo came from nowhere, reaching out for Baekhyun.

"Nope. This is my place. I came here first" Baekhyun answered, folding arms over his chest with crossed legs.

"Pabo. You don't want to get yourself in trouble with senior, right? Let's just go!" Kyungsoo whispered closely to Baekhyun's ear, pulling him by arm forcing him to stand up.

"Aish. JUST LET GO!" Baekhyun half yelled to Kyungsoo, yanking his hand away. Some eyes were now pointing at them.

Chanyeol groaned quietly, feeling irritated that he could barely swallow the food down his throat but managed to finish it anyway. He stood up with empty tray in his hand, finally turning his face to the two (more to Baekhyun).

"You can have it. Tch. Childish" Chanyeol now was locking his gaze at Baekhyun only as he muttered the last word. This was the first time a junior ever dare to stand against him, as far as he could recall. It was not because they are scared of him, but more to being respectful towards him. 

"What?! Did you just call me childish??" Baekhyun huffed, clenching his teeth with threatening face on (not that theatening for Chanyeol).

Chanyeol completely ignored the shorter and walked passed the two, sliding a hand into the pocket.

"COCKY" Baekhyun shouted just to make sure the taller heard him. Kyungsoo again, smacked Baekhyun but this time on his chest. 

"It hurts idiot!"

"You deserved that" Kyungsoo finally was able to breathe peacefully to see Chanyeol walking off without giving a hoot on what Baekhyun just said. He concluded that Chanyeol was not the type of person who waste his time on ignorant people. 

Baekhyun gave a glare full of hatred to the cocky senior, until he vanished from his sight.

Chanyeol walked out the cafeteria, running a hand through his neatly combed hair in annoyance.

"Ugh. I swear I will do anything not to bump into him again"

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