Something New

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Chapter 6 : Something New

"WAIT UP!" Baekhyun hopped into the bus filled with students, almost as fast as the wind. He did not realize the bus came earlier that he almost missed it, thanks to his talkative friend (to be true, he talked more), Kyungsoo that manage to distract him from looking over the bus. Yaiks! not even one empty seat left, he could see few students were hanging onto the handles. Baekhyun pouted while stretching an arm, gripping tight onto the nearest handle. He threw his sight out the see-through window, probably counting on trees grown tall right by the busy road. 

"So Chanyeol, how's the tutoring?" A male voice reached his ear.

"Don't ask. No word can describe it" Chanyeol shrugged, releasing a short chuckle. The furious face of the small boy came across his mind. He was indeed the most stubborn kid he'd ever met but he felt safe, as long as Baekbeom was there since Baekhyun was compliant enough to his brother anyhow. He had to admit that the captivating looks of Baekhyun could make him fall in love but.. his out of hand behaviour blocked those kind of feelings from coming to him, maybe. Chanyeol sure there must a cure for such kid, only that he did not know what it was, yet.

Baekhyun turned his face to the side when he heard the familiar low-pitched voice. He wish he heard it wrongly, but too bad, luck was not on his side when he found Chanyeol standing right next to him. He was chatting and giggling gaily with the brown haired guy he saw few days back at the court. Baekhyun felt his heart fluttered to see the taller smiled widely, exposing a perfectly lined pearly white teeth. He could make money advertising toothpaste products with such teeth, Baekhyun thought. He hid face under the cap he wore, hoping that Chanyeol would not notice him until he reached the next two stop. Feeling slight cramp on his left hand, Baekhyun decided to switch hands when the bus came to a sudden halt without giving any warning, causing Baekhyun to lose his balance and stumbled towards the chest of the tall person next to him, Chanyeol. 

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked, spontaneously held onto the arm of the petite boy beside him, lending some support. He tried to peek under the cap to see the hidden face.

Baekhyun felt his heart raced in the speed of light (exaggerating), blood rushing up through his pale face that the blush was now visible. Omgomgomg this is sucks! What should I do? Baekhyun gulped and quickly pulled away that his cap accidentally fell off. He took a step back, distancing himself a little because they were way to close.

"T-thanks" Baekhyun mumbled. He placed the snapback on its original position again, keeping his eyes down, embarrassed. He was cursing in his head on everything including his fluttering heart. God.. what's wrong with me? Just stay still, you stupid heart! 

"Oh.. so it's you" Chanyeol murmured, the smile he wore earlier, faded away.

"Do you know him?" The guy wearing a nametag "Sehun" questioned, gazing on both back and forth.

"Yeah.. He's the boy I'm tutoring with"

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