Play Nice

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Chapter 5 : Play Nice

“Kyungsoo ya~” Baekhyun pouted, whining as soon as they got off the class. They walked down the hallway together, squeezing through bunch of students who seemed contented on going home. What so fun about home anyway? Baekhyun wondered. Since Baekbeom went to study abroad, he was often left alone at home. His father would not reach home before midnight, and his mother was too busy with her own business. The housekeeper was his only friend at home. Pitiful, he knew. Even if Baekhyun terribly hated studying, he did not really hate school. Here, he could meet friends (not that he had much friends, literally just Kyungsoo).

“What now?” Kyungsoo answered in low and unconcerned voice. The problem with Byun Baekhyun usually only related to study or video games. Kyungsoo speculated, once again, Mrs Byun refused to buy him a brand new video game.

“My brother got me a tutor, and Oh My God, out of millions people, why must it be him? Guess who?” Baekhyun glowered just by remembering the incident happened yesterday in his room. He could still recall when he thought Chanyeol was going to kiss him (his very first kiss) when he leaned in, he was freaking out and subconciously responded by closing his eyes tightly. It made him feel embarrassed just by thinking of how mindless he was.

“Good for you. Who?? Tell me!” Kyungsoo asked inquisitively. He was aware about how many past tutors had been knocked out by Baekhyun. The reason why he still be friends with him, because he knew Baekhyun than most people. Baekhyun maybe sometimes a little bratty and unruly but he was a good friend after all.

“Speak of the devil” Baekhyun stopped on his way right by the side of a basketball court. His eyes caught a leggy being dunking on a basketball into a held-high hoop. The sleeveless shirt he wore was drenched in sweat with chest pumping uncontrollably, his bangs was wet and disheveled, almost covering off his eyes. One word, hot. Chanyeol gave a wide smile to his fellow teammate before reaching over for a high-five. He can smile? Baekhyun thought.

“Yah! Who is it?” Kyungsoo asked again, waving a hand in front of the other's face for not receiving any response.

“Him. The guy in black sleeveless shirt” Baekhyun answered lazily.

“Him?? Isn’t he the guy from cafeteria that day?” Kyungsoo surprised, his eyes became rounder (if that even possible). 

“Yea him. That’s the worst ever! What should I do?” Baekhyun, out of the blue, found the basketball match interesting that he couldn’t keep eyes away from it. A while after, Chanyeol turned his face to him (probably noticing somebody was watching), giving him a smirk but looking more like a smile to Baekhyun. Omg did he just smile to me? Who did he think he is? Baekhyun quickly make a move, running away that he was now caught, leaving Kyungsoo behind.

“Wait up, pabo!” Kyungsoo shouted, sped up, catching up on the latter.

“Sorry” Baekhyun gave a foolish grin to the other, slowing down as soon as he passed the court.

“What should you do? Nothing. If I were you, I would have feel as happy as a clam!”

“Happy?” Baekhyun raised an eyebrow to the owl eyed boy.

“Yeah. He’s cute! No. He’s hot but cute at the same time” 

“Hot? Cute? My ass” Baekhyun almost choked on the air to hear such for him a ridiculous compliment. Even though deeply in his heart, he did think the same.

~ ~ ~

Baekhyun blinked the squinted eyes of his, long slim fingers crawling and clutched onto a round pillow within reach, unwilling to wake up. He spotted a human-like form standing right next to the bed, in his blurry vision. That’s weird, since when did hyung grow this tall? Baekhyun thought in his daydream. Soon enough, the eyes wide opened like a shot, now seeing Chanyeol.

"Good morning Baekhyun-ssi. Now it's time to wake up and.. study" Chanyeol uttered, pulling out few books from his backpack and placed it on a study table. He took a glance to a digital watch circled around his wrist. It showed 4.35 p.m. It took him approximately only 15 minutes coming here from home.   

"Ughhh no. Go away! I'm not waking up" Baekhyun pulled the cover up to his head, answered in a muffled voice of his.

"I'm pretty sure you don't want me to use force" Chanyeol replied nonchalantly.

"Are you threatening me? Do whatever you want. I don't care" The smaller momentarily popped out his head out the bed cover, giving a frown to the taller before curling up under it again.

"Okay. You asked for it" Chanyeol stretched his lower limbs towards the sleeping beauty and seized the cover from the said boy's grip without a hitch. The smaller only had a saggy shirt and a boxer on. He dropped his gaze on Baekhyun's ladylike bare thigh, a weird feelings started to crawl into the lawn of his heart.

"Where are you looking at?" Baekhyun grabbed a pillow swiftly, covering off his smooth thighs.

"Now get up. Your family paid me to teach you" Chanyeol cleared throat before turning his face away, fixing the glasses on the bridge of his nose. 

"Whatever" Baekhyun laid back onto head of the bed when ringing sound could be heard coming from his phone. He reached for it and talked to the person from the other side for some time before handing in the phone to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol raised an eyebrow before stretching an arm, taking it.

"Hyung wants to talk to you"

"Beommie, what is it? No, I'm okay. Baekhyun? He's good..." Chanyeol answered to the phone. Nobody was home when he reached there earlier except for the Sleeping Byun. Baekbeom had informed him that he won't be around for the day. He was aware that Baekhyun would act such way to him, thence he prepared himself for it.

BEOMMIE? Tch. Baekhyun mentally cursed on the sudden change in Chanyeol's behaviour like a flash. He could see ear-to-ear smile and laughters could be heard escaped from the taller's plump lips. Chanyeol was cold and not even a smile could be seen on that face when it came to him. After quite some time, Chanyeol handed back the phone to the smaller.

"We're going to work on Maths today since that's your worst subject" 

"I don't want to"

Chanyeol grouched, turning to the other who was lying down again, oblivious enough about his existence there. His normally calm and pleasant demeanor slowly changed, feeling blood rushing up to head. He knew for sure, there was no such thing as play nice with the Byun Baekhyun. With a single swift move, he had both hands under the boy's petite body, lifting him up in bridal style. Baekhyun was taken aback that his body now in the firm grip of the taller.

"LET GO!" Baekhyun yelled, scuffled and kicking on the air causing the other to tighten up the hold onto him in order to sustain their position. 

"Be nice, then I'll do the same" Chanyeol gently placed him down, right in front of the study table. 

"Who do you think you are?? Forcing me like this?" Baekhyun groaned in annoyance and.. shame.

"I've warned you. I might tie you up next time, if I had to" Chanyeol simply replied, grabbing a rather thick Maths book after flopping down beside the boy, opening it wide.

Baekhyun grimaced to the other, while he started to briefly explain few basic Maths formulas. Baekhyun stayed shut, for now, since his teeny-weeny strength was nothing compared to the giant.

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