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Everything has been going smoothly and everybody has been enjoying their times.

I didn't see that creep again.

Maybe I was just being paranoid.

But then again he looked creepy and held a knife!

So that's definitely something.

Anyways today is our last day in Hawaii and tomorrow morning we will be leaving.

Hope today goes perfectly and nothing goes wrong to spend our last day in this heaven happily and enjoy it to remember those beautiful memories forever.

I was laying on my bed while Ella was sleeping and snoring now.

I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about what's up with David, I feel like he is up to something.

I mean he is acting weird!

Maybe he wants to control me as before?

Hold me as his prisoner in his mansion with his slut torturing me.

But little did he know that I am not fragile anymore.

And I won't let him control nor abuse me, not anymore.

My phone vibrated beside me as a text popped on the screen.

meet me @ the beach Now?

Obviously, I don't like spending alone time with him but I can't let him alone after I saw that creep.


Even if he disappeared I still have a bad feeling.

So, I walked out of the room making my way towards the beach where Jason was waiting for me.

But what did he want?

I don't know.

Is it strange that he wants to see me that late?

I guess no because, after all, I come to sit here every night since we came here and he always comes after me.

So, maybe he wanted to keep it that way on our last day as well?

Yeah, that's probably it!

" what do you want?" I asked sitting beside him on the sand adjusting myself to watch the beautiful sea.

"Just wanted to see your beautiful face before going to sleep." He replied smoothly.

"And I am outta of here!" Maybe it was a bad idea to come here.

"No no stay I am sorry!" He chuckled grabbing my hand making me sit back again.

"I just wanted to spend our last day here with you." He admitted.

I didn't know how to answer what he said so I kept quiet watching the sea and he kissed me on the cheek.

"I told you don't kiss me again!" I hissed punching his arm while he just chuckled.

You liar! You want him to kiss you somewhere else.

No, I don't and shut up!

"You just look so cute when you don't find anything to stay and shift your attention anywhere else." He chuckled taking a strand of my hair, playing with it.

"Whatever!" I rolled my eyes.

We stayed quiet for a while watching the beautiful sea until he started talking again.

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