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"You ready for that fight?" Jane asked me while we were standing in the corridor. I nodded putting on my mask.

"This guy is new and no one knows him so please be careful" Jason spoke worry laced in his voice. I nodded again and head out as they started calling our names.

As soon as I got out the guy in front of me looked me with his dark eyes that are filled with disgust and hatred as he was determined on something and will do it.

He is large and has muscles.
His black curly hair is held up in a bun. He was wearing black clothes. Black shorts with a long sleeved black shirt.

To be honest I had a bad feeling about that man. Something about him makes me think that he knows me and wants something from me.

Maybe it's just me being paranoid after all.

"And start!"

The man yelled and we were standing in our fight positions.

My opponent looked at me with anger then threw a punch in my face but I dodged it.

Then he threw another one and I dodged again.

He tried to kick me in the stomach but I dodged it with my leg making him almost losing his balance.

He now looked furious with me. And he was determined to get rid of me by the look in his eyes.

He kept throwing punches and kicks while I dodge them or they backfire on him.

I feel like he is not doing much effort in fighting me.

Weird if you ask me!

And he is so much larger than me so he can take me down easily if he is determined and if I didn't put on a fight.

"Guess what he told me about you being a fighter is true, warrior!" My opponent spat smirking pausing on my fight name.

Who is he?

And does he know something I don't?

"What do you mean by that?" I asked furiously trying to make my voice different from its normal.

The large man shrugged smirking slyly then he jumped on me out of nowhere while I was distracted thinking about what he just said. He pushed me on the ground making all of my muscles hurt and he on top of me throwing punches at my face rapidly while I was trying to dodge them but couldn't dodge all of them.

"I have orders to end you!" He whispered in my ear after throwing a punch to my face again.

That made my blood boil!

Who the hell thinks that he can get rid of me that easily?

Let alone sending an asshole to kill me while fighting.

And with that, I lifted my leg kicking the man on his head with my knee just to distract him then bumping him with my head in his. I punched him in the face to give him a headache and make him take a few minutes to gather his strength while I got up from the ground wiping the blood on my face.

I kicked him in the face while he was trying to balance himself making him fall on the ground.

After that, I kicked him again on his back making him lie flat on his stomach then I jumped on him pulling his hair while whispering demanding answers.

"Who ordered you?"

He kept silent then I punched him in the face.

"Answer me!"

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