Ch. 07: Whispers & Whiskers

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Jasper's thumb rubbed over the key after she turned her car off. She knew she should get up and walk into the school building soon for school, but her thoughts lingered on last night's events. Immediately after Elenora Adams read the letter aloud, her lips pursed and murmurs spread like wildfire throughout the community members present. It had been obvious that Efah's bluntness had not been appreciated by the traditional ways of the council.

Not only that, but anything that was not urgent had been pushed to the next summonings--including Jasper's new policy in regards to allowing other powers within the community to attend summonings as audience members. Last night's summonings had ended quickly after Efah's letter and as soon a Jasper got out, she dialed Castiel's phone. After her third call, he finally answered, but he sounded like he had just woken up.

"What day is it," he had asked confusedly. As soon as Jasper heard his voice she yelled into the phone, "What happened to convincing her to announce herself in accordance to council wishes?! How did you mess something like this up, Cas? Where are you? I'm on my way to your house now." After Cas began to sound more alert, he mumbled incoherent nonsense until he agreed to meet Jasper at his house.

Jasper was calmer by the time she arrived at the Adams' estate, but only because she was again acting as a political figure as she had to interact with Elenora Adams before being allowed to see Cas. Jasper took deep breaths as she stepped out of the Zenvo and walked up to the tall and beautiful estate. Once she reached the door, she could hear Elenora screaming from inside about how some "ratchet, untrained, and uneducated" dark angel had "challenged" her on her "territory".

However, as soon as Jasper's finger pressed to the doorbell, the screaming ceased and a butler opened the door. 'Can't even greet her own guests at the door, she thinks so much of herself,' Jasper thought to herself. As Jasper entered the household, the butler announced her arrival. "Jasper of the O'Celevano bloodline has arrived," he called as Jasper and him approached the main living room where Elenora was sitting with her husband and looking as calm and presentable as ever.

"Welcome," Elenora said with a wide smile of pure facade, "what brings you here today, dear Jasper?" Jasper brought on an equally wide and fake smile with her reply. "I'm here to see Castiel Adams, ma'am. He should be expecting me. Is here here currently?" Elenora's smile began to look more genuine as she was surely happy to not have Jasper seeking company with her.

"Oh, yes. He's in his play room in the third house. I'll gladly show you the way," Elenora said as she rose from her seat and began walking to the back of the house. Jasper followed the older woman out the back of the house, to one of the houses behind it, and finally into a room that looked to be a classy man-cave with a less presentable Cas inside. Elenora didn't even bother to say goodbye as she closed the door behind Jasper and left.

Quickly, Jasper moved forward to swing her hand towards Castiel's face, but stopped short as he sputtered excuses. "Jasp, she was more difficult to deal with than I thought. When you called, I had just regained my consciousness in an alleyway. I tried, but I unfortunately underestimated her," he said. Jasper narrowed her eyes, but lowered her hand.

"What exactly happened at her house?" She asked warily. Once Cas had told her the whole story, she smacked him. "Are you actually serious?! You call that seduction? Maybe if you're trying to seduce a guy! Girls aren't into strangers who try grinding them, you idiot," she yelled. Then she turned around and took a few deep breaths while Cas stood there silently.

"Okay, new plan," Jasper said once she was calmer. "This time, you're going to work on slowly seducing her and you're going to do it in a more proper fashion. You might not even try to seduce her, but rather befriend her. Nevermind, you don't know how to be a friend. Anyways, we need her to see our side of things and make amends to the council. Especially your mother."

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