Ch. 12: Time To Work Together

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Efah groaned as she opened her eyes. She looked around and saw she was in a unfamiliar place. She sat up and felt pain in her chest. She layed back down and gasped for air. She winced and lifted her shirt up to reveal bruises. "Damn," she muttered under her breath.

The door opened and Efah turned to see Castiel walking in. He looked and at her and took a breath of relief. "You're awake." he said.

"W-where am I?"

"My cabin."

"What happened?"

"You and I ran into each other. We fell and I ended getting retraction back. You didn't and landed on your wing, causing it to break."

Efah nodded and looked out the window. She then remembered her parents beating her. Without knowing, she broke down. All of the pain she had held in for 7 years finally poured out of her. Cas ran up to her and pulled her into a hug. She hugged back and cried harder.

"W-what's wrong with me? Why doesn't anyone love me?"

Cas didn't say anything and just held the broken girl in his arms. He rested his chin on top of her head. After a few minutes, Efah fell asleep. He placed her on the pillow and tried to walk out, but she grabbed his wrist.

"Stay please." she whispered. He nodded and laid next to her. She snuggled in his side and fell asleep. Castiel ran his fingers through her long purple hair and kissed her forehead. He then fell asleep next to her.

On Thursday, Efah was fully healed and was able to return to school. Castiel knocked on the bathroom door, asking if she was ready to go. She opened the door and Cas froze. She had on foundation to cover her markings, some black winged eyeliner, grey eyeshadow, and black lipstick. She was wearing a black turtleneck crop top that was sleeveless, some black skinny jeans, and black platforms.

"Um, Castiel, you're staring," she said, getting a little uncomfortable. Cas snapped out of it and apologized. She just nodded and they went to his truck. Once they got to school, a lot of people were staring at her and Castiel.

She just ignored them and went to her locker where she received a hug from Jisoo. "Uh?" Efah responded.

"I know what Jasper was doing and I'm sorry she was doing that to you."

Efah looked confused until Cas and Jisoo told her what happened. "So she still wants me to attend," Efah sighed leaning against her locker.

"We don't know. We haven't talked to her after the fight." Castiel said.

Efah nodded and heard the bell saying it was time to get to class. They all said their farewells and Efah walked to class. Around lunch time her and Allison sat in their spot, chatting it up, until they caught sight of Jasper walking towards them. "Let's get out of here, Allison. I don't feel like dealing with her bullshit." Efah said.

Both girls got up and began to walk away until Jasper asked her to wait. Efah turned and glared at Jasper. "I have some things I want to say. You don't have to say anything or make any decisions. Just...please, hear me out," Jasper pleaded.

Efah sighed and nodded towards Allison, saying to go on without her. Allison nodded and walked away. Efah then turned her attention to the witch. She saw Jasper sigh and she began, "First, I'm sorry. I'm aware of how demanding and pushing I've been. I'm sorry for never making enough effort to actually talk to you about these matters and instead planning and scheming ways to force you into doing what I deem important for you to do. You're a person, not an agenda, and I'm sorry for that." Efah crossed her arms and waited for her to finish

"I'm not here to pressure you or even ask you to come with me to the council; I'm just here to explain. Previously, I did find you to be a burden for me. I felt I held the responsibility of your safety and therefore translated that into pushing you into making what I thought were the best decisions for your wellbeing. I even continued that behavior recently and neglected your wellbeing or concern for such. However, there are some things you should know.

I'm not sure if you know or not, but there is a mass murderer going around killing powers within our community. This murderer's victims are considerably strong, meaning that they are incredibly powerful. More so, I'm one of the investigators on this case and I found a body this weekend. From that scene, the only information I was able to gather is that our killer's energy is forceful. I'm afraid the council--once made aware of such findings--will target you as their suspect, because you are powerful and refuse to attend a summonings."

Efah scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. 'They think I killed those people!' she thought.

"I just want you to be prepared, no matter your decisions. I've never meant you harm; I just thought I could keep you from harm by making decisions for you. But you're not some doll and I'm sorry," Jasper finished and began to walk away.

"Wait." Efah finally spoke. Jasper turned to look at her. "I don't forgive you for the stupid shit you tried to pull on me, and I didn't murder those people. But I know what did." Jasper stared at her in shock.

After school Jisoo, Efah, and Castiel were at his cabin talking until there was a knock on the door. Jisoo opened it reveal Jasper. Jisoo and Castiel glared at her, but were surprised when Efah invited her inside.

Castiel stood next to Efah showing his power towards Jasper. When an angel does this, they're showing that they will attack on point if they're tested. "What do you want?" Jisoo asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"I came to help Efah," Jasper said holding her head up high, but Efah saw past her disguise. Castiel laughed and said, "Nice one. Now what do you really want."

"She's telling the truth." Efah said. They all looked at her. Efah sighed and grabbed her laptop. She opened it to show the two dead people pictures. "Who are they?" Jisoo asked.

"These people are the reason the council wants my head on a silver platter." Efah said.

"But your not the murder." Castiel said.

"No but the council thinks I am."

"Okay so who's the real killer?"

"That's what we have to find out." Jasper said,"Before the next council meeting."

"Isn't the next council meeting the Red Moon Ball?" Castiel asked.

"Oh shit your right."

Efah and Jisoo looked at them in confusion. "The Red Moon Ball happens every time the red moon appears every two years. The red moon is-"

"We know what the red moon is." Efah said, "It's a moon that makes every creature human all night."

"Correct." Jasper said, "Nice job." Efah nodded and turned her focus back on the dead bodies on her screen.

"I know what killed them. Well I have seen the thing, but I don't know what to call it."

"Well what is it?" Castiel asked.

Efah pulled out her sketchbook and showed them the woman with pure black eyes. "She is the murder but what is she?" Efah asked.

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen anything like this." Jasper said.

"Can't you show the council that picture and tell them that's the killer." Jisoo asked.

"No. The council wants the person responsible not a picture of some person." Castiel said.

Efah groaned and ran a hand through her hair. She was getting frustrated. Cas put his hand on her shoulder letting her know he is on her side. Efah smiled at him. "So what's the plan?" Castiel asked.

"We try to catch the killer and prove Efah is innocent." Jasper said, "So that means we need to put aside our differences and work together."

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