Chapter 5

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"Try to slip past his defense."

Harry's POV




"I said no!!"


"The person you are trying to reach is not here, leave a message at the tone -"

"Louis I swea-"


Harry almost throttled Louis as the boy made an obnoxious high pitched beep that actually made Harry's ears hurt. They were currently sat in Louis' room in the hospital, Harry was sat in a comfy chair by the head of Louis' bed as the older boy was propped up with some pillows with a tray sat on his lap and look of outmost disgust on his tired face.

When Harry had been dropped off at the hospital that afternoon around lunch time after promising his mother, who had give him a ride that he would eat lunch in the hospital cafeteria, Stephanie wasn't at the front desk. He had gone up to Louis' room to find her delivering his lunch.

A sandwich with dry meat, strong cheese and slimy lettuce sat beside a bowl of gross, cold looking soup that Harry thought may be tomato or chicken noodle, he couldn't really tell. He hoped the food down stairs was better for guests then it was for the poor patients.

Stephanie has sighed upon seeing him in the doorway and left quickly making sure Harry knew that Louis was being "stubborn and annoying as hell" and to make him "eat his food or else"

He was attempting that now, arguing with Louis for ten minutes while the sandwich sat drying and the soup was getting colder than it already was.

He knew Louis had an eating problem based on the studies they had performed on him. The doctors had told him yesterday when he had left the hospital that Louis was severely underweight for his age and it could potentially be deadly if they didn't help him.

The note that Harry had written was on the bedside still but he could tell Louis had read it because it was unfolded and he wasn't as angry as he had been yesterday, Harry hoped he was coming to the terms that Harry was trying to help him.

It was as if the incidents from yesterday hadn't happened, both boys completely ignored the yelling argument, the panic attack, the desperate scratching of the cuts, or the crying. Harry didn't want to mention it in case of triggering Louis to do something and Louis didn't want to mention it because he was just embarrassed. So both boys pretended like nothing had happened.

Of course Louis hadn't been the happiest to see Harry standing in the doorway to his room earlier that afternoon, but he dealt with it anyway, not treating him with as much anger as he had yesterday.

"Please Louis can you just eat some?" Harry begged and Louis shook his head.

"Look I'll eat some and then you'll see it's not that bad." Harry said and leaned forward taking Louis' spoon and slipping a spoonful of the thick substance into his mouth. In the next second, the soup was on the floor and Harry was coughing and gagging in disgust, stood up with his hands on his knees, leaned over.

"Never mind don't eat that, oh god." Harry said and snatched the tray off of Louis and set it by the door.

"Told you it was poisoned." Louis said as Harry scrubbed at the floor with a damp paper towel as to not leave a sticky mess.

"Sorry, you were right." Harry said rolling his eyes for Louis' benefit. The older boy smirked, not a smile but smirked as he watched Harry clean the floor.

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