Skin, Face, Size, and a Film.

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"Your skin isn't paper,Dont cut it."

You're right. my skin isn't paper. But you made it feel like it was. You made my whole LIFE feel like paper. Like another torn page from your diary. Another part of your life you should blame yourself for, but choose to blame me, although I have done nothing wrong. Another burned piece of paper. One that you want to forget about.

"Your face isn't a mask,Dont cover it"

Are you sure you dont want me too? I mean, You seem to like it whenthese other girls wear 10 pounds of make up. maybe im trying to fit in. You tell me I'm ugly and horrible, and yet you have the audacity to tell me to not cover it? FUCK YOU.

"Your size isn't a book, Dont judge it"

...but everybody else does. how do you expect me to not be self conscious when you always tell me whats wrong with me. and what would that be? EVERYTHING.

"Your life isn't a film, Dont end it."

I wish it was. I wish this was all just a movie. It would be a horror film though. Those never really have happy endings.

           "You're Beautiful"

Haha. It doesn't matter anymore. I'll be gone soon, and you'll regret calling me all of those things. You will. Then you'll realize: You made my skin feel like paper. You made my face feel like it needed to be masked. You made me feel like I was an irregular book. And you made me feel ugly. On the inside. And then you'll realize that my skin wasn't paper. My face never needed to be masked, My size shouldn't have been judged. My life was never meant to be a movie,And My beauty;


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