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Raika:*Drinking Hot choco,then see's everyone going down  Everyone*.

Kuroko:Good morning everyone.




Midorima:Good morning .

Akashi:Good morning.

Raika:Your Bedhair is really a mystery Kuroko-kun.

Kise: *pat kuroko's hair*It's so fluffy.

Murasakibara:It look's like cotton candy,can i eat it Kuro-chin.

Kuroko:I prefer If you don eat it Murasakibara-kun.

Aomine:So,what's for breakfast?Im starving.

Raika:Make your own but I made some for Kuroko,Midorima,Murasakibara and Akashi breakfast.

Kise:But why didn't you made us breakfast?Raikaaaaaaaaacccchiiiii.

Aomine:That's not fair!.

Raika:I'll give you a knuckle sandwich for breakfat, If both of you are still screaming*crack knuckles**sadistic grin*.

Aomine and Kise:*shivers and pales*

Raika:Good,and what are you waiting for go make you're breakfast and also I didn't made breakfast for you two because you kept shouting at me yesterday!.

*Aomine and kise made,kise made a pure yellow that is not properly cooked (egg) sunny side up and Aomine made a toasted black or charcoal toast and charcoal hotdog*.

*Everyone ate when Kise and Aomine finished coking and Kise dropped his food on Akashi also squashing Murasakibara while Aomine tripped and his food landed on Kuroko(I pray for both of your souls) While also destroying his milkshake and accidentally broking Midorima's lucky item.

Kise and Aomine:We're sorry pls. forvige us!

Akashi*Sadistic smirk*He~  both of you got some nerve's for dirtying me and my lovely tetsuya~

Kuroko:*Dark Aura* Why did you destroy my Milkshake*Sadist grin*.

Murasakibara:My Candy!!!!.

Midorima:MY LUCKY ITEM!!!!!!.

Aomine and Kise:RUN FOR OUR LIVES!!!!!!!.....*Running*

EVERYONE Except Kise and Aomine: GET BACK HERE!!!!.

*Screaming,Torture,Sadistic People,Scissors,Ghosts,Fortune tellers,Candy monsters*.

Raika:Wow,What a perfectly normal morning



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