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Raika:Guy's do you like math?

Aomine:Of Course,We all love confusing numbers and problems that we cant even use in real life*sarcastic*.

Kise and Kagami:*Nods*

Midorima:Or more like you don't know how to solve equations.

Kise:Well,it's really hard Midocchi!*whines*

Raika:I agree because I alway's thought to myself "how can I aply this in real life?".

Kuroko:You just stole that sentence from your notebook cover saying "How can I apply This".

Raika:Shhh*Put's finger over her mouth*

Akashi:Well that's enough of hating math,It is just child's play.


Kagami:Well that's because you two are smart*points*

Murasakibara:So why did ask about us liking about math Raika-chin?*munch*

Raika:I found the perfect meaning for math and it's..

Everyone:And that is?


Aomine:Oh my god!

Kagami:I knew it!

Kise:So that's why my brain hurt's when I learn math!.

Akashi:This is not coincedence

Kuroko:So everytime we learn math, we get abused.

Midorima and Murasakibara:*Nods*

Raika:Now I told you why math is Torture*BLANK FACE WITH WIDE EYES LOOKING AT THE SCREEN*

Everyone:Where the hell are you looking?

*Akward Silence*

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