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Raika:Hey guys can you guy's play an instrument?

Aomine:NO(he said instantly)

Kagami:pfttt..*holding laughter*

Aomine:What is it Bakagami?!I know you are an idiot so you can't play anything except Basketball

Raika:How did instruments turn to basketball?(stated monotone)


Aomine:*blushu*S-hut Up Bakagami!(stutering)

Raika:I don't care about those idiots anymore*sighing*so what are the instruments that you could play?

Kuroko:I could play the Violin and Piano

Raika:Wow..but perfect for a elegant person like Tet-chan.

Kuroko:Thank you*smiles*

Raika:*wearing sunglasses*So bright and You're welcome Tet-chan.

Midoriya:I could play the guitar

Raika:alrighty!thank you mido-chan so how about you mura-kun?

Murasakibara:I could play the flute and the base.

Raika:A flute...That's awesome Mura-kun!

Murasakibara:*munch*thank you

Raika:So last of all you aka-kun

Akashi:Of course,All of them

Raika:I expected it(monotone)

Akashi:So why did you ask?

Raika:Well,if you insist*Happy grin*,Drum roll please!

Aomine:Just get on with it!

Raika:Alright,I will get an organ!

Aomine:Yuck!,and I thought you had one already!


Raika:What the heck bruh!,I meant as an Organ that is an Instrument!,it's like a mini version of a piano.

Kagami and Aomine:Oh!

Tetsuya:So when are you gonna get it?if you want I could teach you

Raika:Next month Tet-chan and You will really teach me?*points at herself*

Tetsuya:Of course,It's no problem*smiles*

Raika:Awww..Tet-chan Thank you*smiles*

Everyone else:(They're blooming flowers and sparkles)

Raika:So yeah,I got to learn more of everyone else today


Raika:Well it's the en-Wait how about you two idiots can you play anything?

Aomine:Alright,I can play an electric guitar and a ukelele

Kagami:I can play the Drums and the maracas

Raika:I'm suprised that you can play but Don't judge a book by it's cover as the saying goes,*mutters*but you're still both idiots*


Kagami:Idiotic Author!

Raika:What did you both say*sadistic grin**sharpened eyes*(making her look like a hunter)

Everyone else:You Idiot's awakened her hunter side and her dark side,Oh God have mercy on those buffuns

*In the next minute*

Aomine and Kagami:*In the hospital,inside the most critical emergency room and covered with bruises*

Raika:*sitting on a couch while sipping a cup of tea *

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