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Raika:Hey guys!*waving hands frantically in the air*

All(GOM AND KAGAMI):*notices a mad woman waving*

The griloup huddled up together.

Midorima:*lifts glasses*Hey let's go before that woman will do anything suspicious....(whispering)


Before they can move,a hand tapped Aomine.


They looked at the person.

Raika:Hey!,Im am not that scary right?.........

Aomine:Oh my God,Who are you suspicious woman!

Raika:Eh?You didnt recognized me?*point at herself*

Akashi:Well,you felt like Raika but you look nothing like her.

Raika looked at herself,She grew out hair,had bag under her eyes and was taller then before.

Raika:What the?,I did not change much!

All:Eh?,So you're really Raika?

Raika:YESSSSSS!!!!!!*exclaimed dramatically*

Raika:Why did you not recognized me?*crying**fall on her knees and gloomy aura surrounded here*.

All except Kuroko back away.

Kuroko:Well,Its kinda you're fault because you didnt update much as you do and we forgot you're face.

Raika:*Stands Up*Well,If I ever dont want to be forgotten then I better try hard(Determined).

All:*claps*That the Author we knew!

Raika:Well, I am no longer a suspicious peson*peace sign*.

All:*Sweatdrops*And who are you ralking to?!! Again!!!.

Raika:Just the Readers*Grin*


Raika:Oh nothing~.

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