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Aomine and Kagami

Aomine and Kagami are sitting on a chair while eating hundreds of burgers and when they finished making Maji burger rich,they went to the basketball court and played until midnight.

People:That is just a typical boy's hangout*sweatdrops*

Raika:Meh....They are basketball junkies.

People:*Thinking*Yeah,you're right.

Kise and Kumatsu

Kise asked Kumatsu and Kumatsu blushed red as a tomato while stuttering but still said yes and suddenly mobs of fangirl got kise and they kissed him on the cheeks.Kumatsu was so jealouse that  he grabbed kise's arm and kissed him french styled,Kise was grinning and planning what to do for their date.



Murasakibara and Tatsuya

Mura and Tatsuya were at a candy factory,Mura was eating and Tatsuya was watching his lover eat all kinds of candy.

People:Like a parent watching their kid.


Midorima and Takao

Takao invited Midorima to a date,As a tsundere would say "It's not like I want to go" that was Midorima saying,When the following day Midorima forgot his lucky item and they needed to buy one  but it was on the other side of the city and when they were finally able to buy the lucky item,It was already night so they said goodbyes to each other while thinking'What an Unlucky day'.

People:What the hell,So It was not a date it was just like a freaking super unlucky day.

Raika:Yeah,So thats why Midorima always buy a lucky item.

People:Is his luck that bad?!

Raika:I don't even want to tell you *sigh*.


Akashi and Kuroko

Akashi asked Kuroko to a date and Kuroko blushed a little but said yes.
When Kuroko waited for Akashi to pick him up,a black limousine was at the front of his apartment and Kuroko thought 'Sei'.The door opened and what he saw was Akashi in a formal suit and Akashi looked at Kuroko.Akashi grabbed Kuroko and Ordered to go to his Mansion.When they arrived Kuroko saw light blue flowers everywhere and workers(maids and butlers) lining up and greeted Akashi"Good Day Akashi-sama" and they greeted Kuroko"Good Day Kuroko"(Kuroko forced them to call him Kuroko without sama).Akashi and Kuroko greeted them,Akashi and Kuroko went to the balcony,Kuroko was at awe there was a beautiful sunset and a Delicious meal(6 stars) and Kuroko wanted to repay Akashi,Akashi said that Kuroko will stay at the Mansion and they will have a memorable activity.In the End a the Akashi Manor was quiet but in a certain area there was a lot of moaning.

Yaoi Fangirls:AKAKURO(°v°)*nosebleed*

Raika:*Screaming at the AIR*(•V•)*Splurts blood*

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