Chapter 2: Party?

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As I saw Tessa running towards me with such speed that she could be awarded as the only human being who is faster than a Ferrari, I immediately understood that I was in deep trouble.

“Oh My God!” she squealed as I closed my ears. Trust me if you want to be able to hear, you will run as fast as you can from Tessa or close your ears when she is squealing and sometimes even that can’t protect your ears.

“Oww, Tessa! That hurt!” I yelled rubbing my ears. Poor things, they won't survive until next week if Tessa continues to have her crazy fits.

 “Well that was what I was trying to do! Being locker buddies with Eric Steel,huh? Why didn’t you tell it to me!” demanded Tessa. Oh God, I thought. If Tessa knows about it, it means everyone already knows it and you don’t have to be an Einstein to know who told everyone about this. I am going to kill that blue eyed beast, I thought.

“I was going to tell you, I myself learned it 10 minutes ago then had an angry fit for 7 minutes so I barely had the time to tell it to you” I told her, which was part of the truth because I really had an angry fit for at least 7 minutes.

“ Angry fit? Why? He is one of the hottest guys at the school for God’s sake!” said Tessa.

“Yeah hottest one but you are forgetting just a little tiny detail. He is also the most arrogant, egoistic jerk of the school and may I add he is also one of the five.” I said. I loved Tessa like a sister but sometimes her ideas aren’t the perfect ones.

“Aww, come on Am! The five isn’ t as bad as you think they are and I heard that Eric likes you” she said. He likes me? Please, that guy hasn’t got the heart to be able to love someone.

“Eric is already deeply in love with someone and that someone is himself” I said winning the fight. You should have seen Eric’s locker to understand this, he has a mirror in his locker, which he looks at for 10 minutes almost all the time.

“Okay, Amelia. What ever makes you sleep at night” she said smirking at me.

“Is there any other gossips that I don’t know about?” I said cruisly. I wasn’t the type of person to gossip but after listening to the romance stories about me and Eric, I was curious about the other ones. Can you blame me? I am still a teenager!

“Well, actually there is.” she said smiling at me innocently. Oh no! Not that smile! She is definetly behind something.

“And what is it?” I said sligtly scared.

“TonighttherewillbeapartyandIheardthatEricisgoingtoinviteyouasherpartner” she said so fast that I couldn’t understand anything.

“What? I said.

“Tonight there will be a party and I heard that Eric is going to invite you as her partner”she said slowly as I tried to understand it.

“Why would he want to invite me as a partner,even if he liked me –which isn’t true, he wouldn’t invite anyone as a partner. We aren’t going to a school prom.” I said.

“Well, this isn’t a regular party. Ones who don’t come with a partner can’t go to it. Daniel’s rules.” she said. Daniel’s rules? If that jock is throwing a party then definetly something is up.

“Oh, well than I will find another partner but I am sure that Eric won’t invite me. Maybe I won’t come to the party” I said shrugging my shoulders a little bit.

“Don’t you dare-“ she started but I cut her off by saying: “Sorry, I will be late to my class, see you later!”

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