Chapter 15: The Date & The New Boy

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Eric's POV

I was watching TV while waiting for Amelia's call. She would call me when she gets ready so that I wouldn't have to wait long. Just before I changed the channel, I saw his face on the channel. Andrew Steel, the news was about me being a mistake of my mother. It also said that I was living with the Vega's because my father had kicked me out of the house. The news had spread to the media, this wasn't a good sign. Just when the news finished someone called me, I looked at the ID, it was him.

"What do you want?" I said.

"Let's make a deal, son. You will go to England with my company. I will rent you an apartment in there, I will pay for all the things you want in there and when you grow up you will lead my company in London but you will never return here again. This rumors are bad for my reputition and you going away is the only solution" he said.

"No." I said simply. He wasn't my father anymore and I won't move to London just for his reputition.

"Okay, then but don't forget. You will regret rejecting me." he said then ended the call.


Amelia's POV

"Hey, I am ready." I said to Eric through phone.

"Okay Love, I am on my way." he said. I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked fine, I guess. I was wearing the new lime green dress that I bought with black heels. I opened the door and found myself face to face with Eric, Dejavu.

"You look beautiful, like always." he said smiling.

"You too, I mean not beautiful but handsome" I said blushing. I couldn't help it, he was looking more formal than his usual self and it looked very hot on him.

"Shall we?" he said taking my hand.

"We shall." I said smiling.


We had arrived to a restaurant, when I went inside I couldn't believe my eyes. The restaurant had a night blue wallpaper with stars on it. The ceiling of the restaurant was so realistic that you could believe that they were real stars. The walls had runes on them, the symbols from my favourite book Mortal Instruments. Most of the runes were love and strenght runes while some of them were iratzes and basic combat runes. It looked beautiful. There were sculptures everywhere. The sculptures were from the Greek Mythology. The restaurant was designed for me, I realized. Eric had decorated it with the things I loved. There was some music playing in the background, it was one of my favourite songs.

"Did you do this?" I asked with tears clouding my eyes. I didn't know what I did to deserve something like this.

"Yes, I just wanted to tell you that I love you Amelia. You are my first and probably last love. I want us to last, if you want to put up with me ofcourse." He said looking at me with his lovely blue eyes. That was it, this was the part where I should tell him that I love him so that we would be happy forever ever. The problem was that, I couldn't bring myself to. I was scared, I guess and I couldn't form the words.

"Amelia? If you didn't like it just tell me." He said nervously looking down at his hands then back up at me.

"It's not that. This is beautiful, I just-

"You just what? Tell me" he said softly.

"I can't say those words, I am not ready." I blurted out. I sighed in relief, finally I had the courage to say it but my relief didn't last long when I saw Eric's expression. He looked hurt, like I had justs slapped him.

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