Chapter 4: Party Part 1

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Chapter 4: Party Part 1

I stood next to my mirror. The person that I was staring at wasn't like me. Amelia Campbell, was a girly girl who wore skirts and dresses to school. She wasn't scared to wore dresses when everybody wore jeans and shorts to school but she never looked like this. Tessa had come to my house and gave me a dress that she had bought for me. Then she did my hair and make up. When she was finished with me I wasn't looking like myself. My normally straight brown hair was curly now, but it wasn't a plain curly like I used to do. I dont know how she did it but I had princess curls. My blue eyes were shinning bright because of the make up that she did to me. My make up was commenting my eyes and it was plain. I was wearing a kind of dress that I had never wore before. It was a short black dress that made me look less girly and more strong. It had laces on the arms and it was beautiful. To be honest, I liked this look. 

As I heard the door bell ring I looked away from the mirror, took a deep breath and opened the door. I saw Eric standing by the door smiling at me.

“Hey!” he said smiling down at me, he was obviously checking me out. “You look gorgeous” he said not breaking eye contact with me.

“You don’t look too bad yourself” I said smiling sweetly. Everybody didn’t call me the sarcastic and confident one for no reason, it took a lot of practice but I wasn’t one of those girls who would blush at the first comment she received.

“Thanks” he said looking slightly confused by my reaction. Amelia:1 Eric:0.

“So, where are we going to go before the party?” I said.

“We will go to the new italian restaurant near the corner, I don’t want to spend a lot of time eating food. I have to help Daniel for his party and meet you with the guys.” he said.

“And why do you think that I would want to meet with the other members of your foolish group?” I said. I knew that I was acting a little bit rude but spending my time with one of the five was fine, spending my time with all of the five was another story. Honestly, I don’t think I can spend one hour with those egoistic boys.

“You are my partner and we will do what I planned to do, unless you want to go to party alone. Don’t worry I am sure you will have a great time” he said.

“Such a gentleman” I thought out loud.

“Yeah, now come on we have to go to the restaurant.” he said walking up to his car and opening the door for me.

“Aww, such a gentleman like you can fool me with those fake gentleman moves” I said while getting in the car and closing the door myself before he could close the door for me.

“Amelia Campbell, you are something different” he said while looking at me amused. Then he turned serious and said:

“Look, I know that you hate me and my friends but we aren’t as bad as you think we are so can you just forget about your hate tonight? I asked you out for this party because I... Well I like you a little and wanted to get to know you better.”

“Okay” I said. Eric Steel likes me? Wow that isn’t something that you would hear everyday and I just met the guy today he is surely a quick liker. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to get the know the guy better.


I continued laughing as we left the restaurant. Turns out Eric wasn’t as bad as I thought he was. He had been a complete gentleman at the restaurant and I had pretty much fun.

“So are we going to Daniel’s house now?” I asked feeling a little bit nervous.

“Yeah” he said. After 5 minutes we had arrived to Daniel’s house. I am living in a quite big house myself but Daniel’s was another story. His house was like a freaking castle.

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